What Did You Find To Be The Most Confusing Belief Of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • micheal

    Letting your child die instead of giving it blood to survive.

  • cyberguy

    For me the strangest teaching is "the faithful slave!" Somehow all the individual anointed-only members feed themselves as a class. But because this process isn?t feasible in practice, the "slave" recognizes the "governing body" as its proxy. Finally, since most of the writing department make no claim to be "anointed," the "food" they serve isn?t really from the "slave," but because the "governing body" has appointed them, the writing department can be said to represent the "slave."

  • Sentinel

    The most confusing to me was the teaching that God's organization on earth was the WTBTS, and that all spiritual light was channeled through the faithful and discrete class, who then dispensed this information to the other sheep.

    The problem with this teaching is that since the WTBTS first appeared, they have been changing their doctrinal teachings, and thus their rules and regulations among their followers. Not only do they change, but they go back and forth. This is the worst kind of mind game that I can think of, being tossed about like waves of grain in the field. Blowing first one way and then the other.

    ...and while expecting the flock to follow, they constantly warm against reading any other material other than their own---their own books and bibles, and associating only with those of "like belief".

    To be so closed minded as to teach that they alone have the "truth" and will be the only ones that god would even "consider" saving at the great war of armageddon. Every other single individual not a JW will perish. This is cultish and unloving and very judgmental.

    Once I was old enough to realize that they actually "changed" their teachings and reverted backward many times, I knew something wasn't right. As a human being, I felt great empathy and love for my fellow man, no matter who they were. If I, a mere human could feel this way, then why couldn't the god Jehovah fee that way too. According to the JW's he was anything but.


  • Leolaia

    The hardest piece of baloney to swallow was all the crap about 1918 and 1919. I could almost buy that 1914 was foretold in scripture, but 1918 and 1919??? The bit about the trumpet blasts in Revelation being an obscure series of talks in the 1920s also ranks pretty high in ridiculousness.

  • Blueblades

    It was the "No Blood Transfusion" doctrine.Now that I am inactive and studied the history of JW'S,the list is quite extensive as to what beliefs are confusing.


  • Ghosthunter

    The teaching that you would have no memory of those loved ones that didn't make it into the "New System". So, you just forget that you gave birth or had a sister? If that were true, then you wouldn't really be the person you were before. Right? Don't all the people you know throughout your life help make up each person's individual personality?

    Makes you want to scratch your head and say "Huh?".

    I never wanted to live forever, anyway.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    The memorial seemed like a big waste of time and hype to me.

    I NEVER invited anyone to this.

    How could one explain it to a Bible Study?

    Ok, now we all come here to give thx for jesus' death and we pass around wine and bread, but we don't drink or eat any of it.

    But afterwards the guy who brought the wine can take it home if he wants and can drink it because it is no longer sacred.

    Why I never thought we were a cult based on this alone escapes me today.

  • minimus

    Ghost Hunter-----Where did you hear that we would have no memory of a loved one's death?......This is news to me!......WOW!!! Great Responses!!!!

  • Stephanus

    I was always confused by their refusal to reinstate a JW who'd been disfellowshipped over something that had since been replaced by "new light".

  • Soledad

    some great answers were already given

    mainly for me it's about the memorial, 1918, 1919, how the collecting of the 144,000 was completed by 1935 yet there were always new young people partaking, how "do this until I return" doesnt jive with 1914, the baptism questions in light of Matthew 28:19-20, what about John 1:1, James 2:15-17 as opposed to selling magazines..........I could go on and on and on really.

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