Issue Facing Apostates

by Mishnah 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • logical


    The trinity is NOT Biblical.



    Need I remind you, that the sky is blue and the grass is green. Also remember that no cows ever really jump over the moon.

    Not when you look through coloured transparent paper like sweet wrappers its not, which is pretty much what G-d_Knows is doing with his "trinity" coloured paper.

  • ianao


    Ok, so you meant the holy spirit within Jesus. Fine.

    Let's assume you are correct.

    Please explain HOW to blaspheme Jesus without blaspheming the holy ghost and therefore be forgiven the blasphemy.

    Also, "His ways are higher than my ways" won't cut it. You are strong in your belief, so justify it through scripture.

    And PLEASE use scripture, and NOT your imagination. Thank you. (Perhaps this is unreasonable to request.)

    You may also want to take a refresher course on the trinity doctrine before you tackle this. Thank you.

    "Keep telling yourself you're a penguin. You may just believe it one day."

  • Mishnah

    Farkel, I did make an argument. You missed it.

    My argument was actually very simple: Apostates, like yourself, act in a way that does not honor God or Jesus Christ. Even if your points on certain issues are correct, the attitude or manner in which you present them is unChristian.

    So you are taking a great risk when you could make the same points by acting in a Christian manner. You and others choose not to do so. If there is in fact a biblical God, who is the same in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, then right or wrong you are facing a perilous end. There is no point in your quibbling about whether it is the same God, for either the Hebrew Bible God or the Christian Bible God would not support the methods you and others use to make your point. Neither God would support any claimed Christian befriending blasphemers in the process of helping JWs.

    My argument, simple as it was, points out that you are taking a great risk either way you look at it. It is a simple question or what will happen to you "if."

    I understand why you would want to hide from this scenario. If I would in your shoes, argued the way you do, made friends with those who proudly declare their disdain for the very idea of "God," then I would do everything possible to rid my thoughts of such an outlook. But that doesn't change much in the way of what may await you, at death or at the end of the world.

  • Mishnah

    joelbear, that is commendable. Not all apostates or former JWs act in a blasphemous capacity. But it seems that on many JWs bashing boards the majority are no better than the JWs and may in fact be worse. They are certainly putting themselves in a worse position. Unless God does not exist that is.

    But you obviously believe in Jesus Christ. Do you believe he would approve of his follower's association and support of known blasphemers? Should a Christian try to help others by associating with those who hate or who otherwise belittle and mock Christ/God?

  • Mishnah


    For such a simple point you apparently skipped right over it.

    The point is this: There is a risk involved because you don't know if God, the biblical God, exists or not. Many people believe it is obvious from various manifestations of his intelligence, but others say he does not exist because of theories that they believe explain away alleged proofs of his existence. Either way, there is a measure of risk. You could be wrong.

    A wise person would evaluate the risk and act in a manner that creates as little risk as possible for him or his family, not thrust his hand in the fire just to see if it will get burnt or not. Maybe you'll pull it back in time, maybe it's too hot even for brief exposure. The point is, with any chance that you could be wrong, why act like a blasphemer and subject yourself and your family to risk when you can make the same points against the JWs without acting like a blasphemer?

  • Mishnah


    Can you please stop misrepresenting Vienna? She/he agreed with me. Since you do not agree with me, you certainly cannot agree with her/him. Do you understand this?

    You quoted me and claimed it was mean. Where? Can you be more specific? Just because I do not agree with you and point out that many of you are hateful, negative and blasphemous, is not mean. It is true! Do you deny that there is a great deal of hate on this board? Negativity? Blasphemy?

    The point of my post was not to give you "crap." But to outline the risk haters and blasphemers on this board are taking. That risk is real. The haters and blasphemers may have nothing to worry about, so long as God does not exist. But therein lies the risk. A wise person would take a course that does not so blatantly expose him to such a risk and still make the same poitns. So why not minimize your risk? Do you understand this now?

  • Mishnah

    Jan, I raised the issue so I am clearly not afraid of it. But you resort to name-calling, which is a clear sign of being intimidated.

    I said that just because the JWs are wrong on certain issues does not make you right. What else could I possibly have meant than that the person is not necessarily right about the thing the JWs got wrong?

    I understand it may be hard for you to admit you are wrong, even on such a simple point like this. But that is the way with many anti-religionists: They cower behind name-calling and misunderstood arguments.

    My point was simple: No one knows for absolute certainly if the biblical God exists or not. But there is no wisdom in blaspheming a potentially-existing God when you don't have to! You can make the same points against the JWs using less hate and blasphemy, but you don't. Since there is no advantage in acting this way, but a very possible disadvantage, you show a lack of wisdom. The same is true if you were speaking blasphemously about any other potentially-existing God. You can make your arguments without out-and-out blasphemy and hate. It would also be a course of wisdom in not pitting yourself against the possibility of error.



    You use the word 'risk' a great deal and talk of avoiding it. Has it ever occured to you that life is a risk.

    Some of us would rather live our short lives in freedom and take the risk of being wrong, rather than hide in the shadows of the Watchtower Company in fear of our lives. That of course takes courage. Yes, courage - have you ever come accross that word before?

  • Farkel

    : Farkel, I did make an argument. You missed it.

    : My argument was actually very simple: Apostates, like yourself, act in a way that does not honor God or Jesus Christ. Even if your points on certain issues are correct, the attitude or manner in which you present them is unChristian.

    Oh, so THAT'S your argument! Mea Culpa. Your argument boils down to: "even if the message is correct, shoot the messenger because of his 'attitude.'"

    Well, glory be! Tell the truth and you'll get shot anyway! Praise JEEEZUZ! Glory to God in the heavens!

    Where do I sign up to join your cult? I would be thrilled to be part of a cult that believes that people who tell the truth should be killed because the delivery of such truth was unacceptable.


  • ianao


    Nice arguments, but as always, they could all be turned on you and played by your own biases toward your own opinions derived from your own limited mind. As is always the case with ad honeim debate. (SP!)

    Why would someone worry about blaspheming the hebrew God of the bible when his word reads that that particular sin will be forgiven?

    This is just another case of defending your beliefs for consciencious justification. Nothing wrong with that, but please quit trying to play the wise one, it makes you look like a pious judgemental zealot. Your self-riteous indignation (despite the rouse) is what causes holy wars.

    Also, please don't mistake Jan's hatred for intimidation, he just doesn't tolerate ignorance as well as others do. Nobody's perfect.

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