Issue Facing Apostates

by Mishnah 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    Whom does this dear poster think we are "apostates" from? Are we apostates from our former religions before we became JWs? Are we now apostates because we saw the LIE and are no longer JWs? Are we apostates to ALL religions because they ALL pretty much have holes you could drive a Mack truck through? Who are YOU APOSTATES??

    The only people I know who LABEL with such gusto ARE JWS who are...the biggest apostates on the planet. What a coinkydink.

    Every time a JW points that sticky smelly little finger at somebody else, four point right back at their sorry kissers.

  • Amazing

    Dear Mishnah: You said, "Most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against God. Even if many of you are right in saying that the JWs are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right."

    Please provide a few "specific" examples of what you believe anyone here has posted that is blasphemous against God!

    You continued, "So unless you are convinced that there is no biblical God you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the Lord comes during your lifetime."

    How is that? Please provide "specifics".

    You continued, "If you’re convinced there is no biblical God then I guess you’re okay if you end up being right."

    Yep! But, please define "biblical" God? Is there any other kind? Which God are you referring?

    You continued, "The problem you apostates face either way is this: You are taking one heck of a risk and the consequences for failure could not be greater."

    The issue is: Apostates against what? If one leaves the Roman Catholic Church, as I did, to become a JW, then the Church can and did call me an 'apostate' for joining the Watch Tower religion. Because I leave the Watch Tower religion, now they call me an apostate.

    Describe "apostasy" and to which kind of apostasy are you referring? Leaving a man-made religion like the Jehovah's Witnesses, aka Watch Tower Society, or leaving Jesus Christ? - Amazing

  • Francois


    When you say that God is being blasphemed on this site, you obviously have Jehovah in mind.

    Jehovah is not God. Jehovah is a five thousand year old concept of God held by a tribe of illiterate, savage, desert dwellers. And at the time, it was the best concept going. But it's just a concept. It's no more reprentative of the real God of the universe of universes than I represent the embodiment of the virgin Mary.

    Isn't it time you grew up and developed an up-to-date concept of God, say the one that Jesus presented? God as loving father?

    Try it. You'll like it.


  • God_knows

    You have to learn how to love, and forgive, all of you, no matter what sins have been committed against you. It is hard, even I can see that, tho I have never had any association with the JWs.
    But biting back is not what God wanted of us. Calling a person names just because they started it is hardly showing love.

    I LOVE all of you, no matter what.

  • Thirdson

    I just wanted to add to Java's posting of the Watchtower's view of a hateful God with this image from their publications.

    Did anyone else notice the destruction of a fine ex-CO's Buick LeSabre? The question is: does "Circuit Leasing" know about this?


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • God_knows


    Remember that Jehovah, YHWH, JAH, or whatever you choose to call Him is GOD, who is the same, past, present and future.
    You speak of a more up-to-date concept of God....but what would your ideas be? A Father who tolerates sin and blasphemy?

    Even EARTHLY dads that are worth their salt have no tolerance for hatred and wickedness in their sons and daughters though they love them very much.

    God's word does NOT change to suit our pathetic ideals.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Mishnah and God Knows:

    I have been coming here for about 3 months now and I don't understand where you see all this hate you are talking about. Yes there are some of us who are angry and rightfully so.

    If you were to believed someone who claimed to be chosen to guide you in your worship of God and you trusted, listened to, followed their directions on sacrificing your time and energy, and you believed the 'carrot they dangled in front of you' of a paradise earth sooooooon to come because they had special insight on prophecies.... and then found out, without a doubt, that they were wrong, deliberately misleading you, deliberately twisting quotations to their own purpose to the point of making their statements an outright lie, to manipulate the masses to gain more 'recruits', deliberatly mistranslating God's word to suit their beliefs.....HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? Betrayed? duped? disillusioned? hurt? crushed?

    And what if, because of what you found out, you wanted to let others know to help them see the truth, or you tried to show your findings to elders to get them to do something about it? What would happen? Would they say, "Hey thank you so much for caring enough to share that with us....we'll inform the GB so they can correct it."

    No..not a chance. Many of us here have experienced just that and have been dealt with in the most horrendous, unjust, inhumane way possible....being cut off from family members, from their love and association or have had their spouses told they would be better of divorced....and be told that it's their own fault.

    The people here have every right to express their hurt, anger, frustration, shock, or even their lack of faith in God's "like they've been hit in the gut, and can't catch their breath."

    If they express that anger here, they/we find true understanding, encouragement, love, empathy, help and support. If one of us steps out of line, others quickly straighten us out.

    But do you know who are the ones who express the most sarcasim, hatred, rejoicing in the supposed slaughter of these people here and their innocent babies? It's the JWs who spout off their superior, holier-than-thou, supreme ignorance.

    So please, spend some more time reading the informative, intelligent, information that is posted here....and look at the humor too, it's just called "fun". We're not wallowing in muck and mire and deviance here.....we're healing from the spirit-crushing experience we all been through and are still going through and helping others to heal too.

    Had Enough

  • larc

    Had Enough,

    That was a great post - very impressive.

    Like you, I don't see this hatred towards God that was asserted. I see hatred toward an organization, not God. I see hatred towards a concept of a vengeful God, but not a hatred towards the concept of a loving God. I see people, like myself, who are neutral towards the concept of God, certainly not hateful.

    Those who imply hatred also imply retribution by a vengeful God, because we blasphem God. I think that whole set of beliefs is a crock. I also, think that people who believe this are driven by fear. Fear of God and fear of their own impulses. Life is very scary for them.

  • Mishnah

    Jan, you wrote, "If I say JWs are wrong about something, and they are wrong, then it follows logically that I am correct about that. Duh!"

    You would be correct about their being wrong (obviously) but that does not make you right about the issue itself. Do you understand this?

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello larc:

    Yes, larc, I have lived my whole live in fear of a vengeful God, constantly praying that I could somehow be "good enough" for his love...not because I was such a terrible person, but because that's what I learned....that we sinful humans were barely worthy of God's love and forgiveness...yes...driven by fear.

    I now am begining to understand that life was not meant for us to live in daily fear of doing something wrong, or experiencing something bad because we were bad. What a joyous relief to be unburdened like this. I ache for my mom who still lives her life in daily fear and cries each night in her prayers to be forgiven...for what???? She's a normal human being who has weaknesses but is she that disgusting a sight in God's eyes? I think not!!!!! And yet her own fear drives her to be judgemental of others to an extreme. So typically JW trained.

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