Issue Facing Apostates

by Mishnah 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mishnah

    Most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against God. Even if many of you are right in saying that the JWs are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right. So unless you are convinced that there is no biblical God you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the Lord comes during your lifetime. If you’re convinced there is no biblical God then I guess you’re okay if you end up being right.

    The problem you apostates face either way is this: You are taking one heck of a risk and the consequences for failure could not be greater.

  • ianao

    Your wrongs are another's rights. So, what was your point?

    Oh, one other thing. There is an important issue that you yourself must face either one way or another: You are wasting your time.

    "Keep telling yourself you're a penguin. You may just believe it one day."

  • Farkel

    You've made no argument, but merely expressed your personal opinions:

    : Most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful,

    Define "negative." Showing the WTS in a bad light by quoting from their own publications? Saying anything that disagrees with the WTS?

    : and blasphemous against God.

    Which "God?" "Jehovah" of the OT, or "God" of the NT? They are entirely different Gods, you know. Be specific. And BTW, show evidence that the "God" you are talking about is the one that shouldn't be blasphemed.

    : Even if many of you are right in saying that the JWs arewrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.

    What the heck does that mean? If the JWs are wrong, they are wrong. If people who point out their wrongs are wrong on other things, the JWs are still wrong. Look up the "Poisoning the Well" fallacy in any essay on logic.

    : So unless you are convinced that there is no biblical God you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the Lord comes during your lifetime.

    And what if some are NOT convinced there is not a biblical God. Does that let those off the hook. According to your statement, it does! Besides that, you are resorting to the old "my God is gonna kill you if you don't do what we tell you to do." That old mantra has been playing for thousands of years with hundreds of religions.

    : If you’re convinced there is no biblical God then I guess you’re okay if you end up being right.

    Glad to know that.

    : The problem you apostates face either way is this: You are taking one heck of a risk and the consequences for failure could not be greater.

    No bigger a risk than those of you that believe in an imaginery friend who has produced zero evidence of his existence and also happens to be the biggest genocidal maniac in the entire history of this planet.

    By the way, who the heck are you to call people who disagree with your insane religion "apostates?" Unless you can show solid Biblical evidence that disagreeing with the Watchtower Printing Corporation is apostasy, you are a judgemental twit. But then again, most dubs are.


  • Englishman

    Another pro dub poster who hasn't got the balls to leave his email address.

    They're startin' to appear by the bucketload!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • JanH


    Most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against God.

    Most of the hateful stuff here is posted by the JWs present.

    What exactly do you mean by "blasphemous against God"? You mean that some superstitions should not be criticized? Isn't worship of one particular deity blasphemous to another?

    Even if many of you are right in saying that the JWs are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.

    Of course it does. If I say JWs are wrong about something, and they are wrong, then it follows logically that I am correct about that. Duh!

    So unless you are convinced that there is no biblical God you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the Lord comes during your lifetime. If you’re convinced there is no biblical God then I guess you’re okay if you end up being right.

    Well, it was considered a valid test of divine power with Ba'al against Yahweh back then, so why not now? If any god wants to have his say about issues, he can. Send fire from heaven or whatever. Seems as people grow less superstitious, they see less evidence of the divine. Wonder why.

    All you cowardly believers have left then are your thinly veiled death threats like what you wrote above. Pretty pathetic beings, you are.

    In fact, it's not exactly as simple as you indicate. If you believe in the Christian God, you can be in big trouble if the Muslems are right, or perhaps old Ba'al was the right god anyway and comes to kill you for worshipping his old enemy. Even if the Christian God existed, there are thousands of ideas about how he should be worshipped, all contradictory. If the Catholics are right, you may be toasted because you are a Baptist and vice versa.

    The problem you apostates face either way is this: You are taking one heck of a risk and the consequences for failure could not be greater.

    As I pointed out above, the risk is for all intents and purposes the same for all people, because for every god or belief system you follow, there are millions you reject.

    So why don't I worry? Because I take into consideration what you don't, namely the actual risks involved. The chance of any such vengeful old deity existing is as closely approximated to zero as you can possibly imagine. So the only one taking any chances is you, if you waste your life chasing a pipedream. It is, after all, a definite fact that there is a life before death, unless you're a fundie or a JW, that is.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • philo

    What? So I gotta get me a campervan, grow me a Djeezus beard and flip-flop about in sandals to have a valuable morality?


  • logical


    Refreshing words! Unfortunately, truth hurts and most of the "apostates" will attack the truth when it upsets their ideals. Like the homosexuals.

  • RedhorseWoman

    The way I see it is that God does not belong to any religion. Religions are the entities that declare divine retribution upon every other religion--not God.

    God, on the other hand, would realize what all of His children have had to endure at the hands of religionists and would deal with them on an individual basis.

  • Englishman


    You mean you're not doin' that already?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Englishman


    Why you havin a pop at the gays lil breeches?

    I thought that you said that you wanted to have a sex change and then become a Lesbian?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

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