by Xandria 79 Replies latest social current

  • bisous

    hear hear High Castle

    Karzai was interviewed on NPR yesterday, it is terrible news that the terrorism and AlQaeda/Taliban are on the rise in Afghanistan...the struggle towards democracy continues there with little support by UN and other....don't see much about that on major news stations....guess there isn't the the same potential upside politically for the current US administration there, eh?

    Great that Hussein is captured, most likely not the greatest news for upcoming US elections, imo

  • stillajwexelder

    There is a God after all -- Justice is done --all we need to do now ar eget those two little grubby terrorists Al Zwihiri and Osama Bin Laden -- I will be having a drink tonight to celebrate -- wonderful news.

  • Euphemism

    WOO WOO!

    Sorry, I suppose that doesn't quite befit the seriousness of the occasion... but then again, the Iraqis in Kirkuk said "We are celebrating like a wedding."

  • Mulan

    I got up at 6AM, turned on the internet, and had the announcement, but it didn't register. I came to this site, and thought "hey, what did that say?" and went back. I was stunned and thrilled, so ran to turn on CNN. Great news.

  • morty

    Holy Crap!!!

    Its about time.....

    I wonder who will get the 25 million caputure award????

    I do belive I was out on the hunt for the low life last night......


  • Pleasuredome

    hip hip hooray. .....and they all lived happily ever after. keep drinking beer and watching tv, and dont forget to vote for bush.

  • SpunkyChick

    Waaaaaahooooooooo! That bastard got caught! I think a public execution is in order! Just think of the TV ratings!

  • Yerusalyim

    First I am happy for the Iraqi people.

    Second, since much of the posting on this site deals with inconvenient facts, facts that contradict received dogma I feel the need to mention one of many inconvenient facts: Non of the 19 men who crashed the planes into the WTC buildings and the Pentagon was an Iraqi. All but possibly one were Saudi - a nominal ally.

    I still don't recall anyone in a position of authority blaming Iraq for 9-11. Oppossers to Bush keep chanting this mantra like the Bush administration went to war with Saddam because he was responsible for 9-11 and then take great pride in pointing out that Iraq wasn't involved. Having said this the Czechs STILL claim that Atta met with Iraqi intelligence...and there is no deny the Iraqi involvement in the first WTC bombing.

  • logansrun

    Great! Now we just need to round up Bush...


  • Amazing

    Good news. Now we just need to round up the weasel-spine democrats! Jim

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