'Saddam's Palace May Be New U.S. Embassy'

by sf 90 Replies latest social current

  • frenchbabyface

    Thanks Will ... this book have probably been translated gonna see

    I'm sorry, for my english really ... it's a bit frustrating to not be able to express myself well enough to talk about those sensitive subjects (and I can understand the embarassement of those who are trying to read me : the spelling, gramar and everything) again I'm just sorry ...

  • imallgrowedup

    French Babyface,

    I would be happy to do so, but the Terms of Use specifically prohibit us from posting in any language other than English, so it wouldn't be helpful in anyway.

    Ok. I'll try this a different way. I'll write down how I interpreted your post, and you can tell me if I am correct or not, okay?

    I have to disagree here NOT THE US ... ASIA (regarding prosperity) ... and nothing to see about properity about AMERICA

    You believe that Asia is too prosperous, but the US is not?

    WE THINK THAT THE US IS TOO CONTROL FREAK ! it doesn't mean the same at all ... You know, a bit too much like SADAM ! (in his own occidental way ... for now ...) I mean our countries are living one Millions of death ! ... you know like we are a pharao servant in the pharao's palace and they are pharao's slaves dying to build your own civilization that we've got all the honnor for

    You believe the American military is dying because of America's desire to rule the world?

    Some people are sending their kids working to make tennis shoose for us that a big company and an Athlete are sharing togeter ... you pay ... the children, parents and the country pay .. guess with who you shared !) and a few people get little sells jobs in your country. what when those who will be abble to buy the choose will be in china ... and our children will make to chose when while we are checking the trashcan's.

    Are you saying that we are sending our children to factories to make shoes, and that the only people that will be able to afford them will be in China?

    the bill you are talking about is the one way to give those kind of countries their du monney back ... (of course you are paying ... not those who took the benefice of the system not at the same level at all and not with the same risks) Now my question is why are you mad at those who have been stole and not those who really cheated on you ?

    Are you saying that I am talking about proposed legislation which is supposed to block the US from repaying countries to whom we owe money?

    Are you asking me why I'm mad (which I'm not) at someone who has been robbed, and not at the ones who did the robbing? If so, can you please tell me who the robber is, and who the robber's victim(s) is/are?

    And realised that you know that they went their to SHARE SOMETHING ! (I MEAN YOU KNOW) there is something to take their ! --- (where is something to take there is the US ... and OTHERS FRANCE and ALIKE !)

    Are you saying that others countries want us to share with them and we are being selfish for not doing so?

    but ... It was all made to go where we stand ... (9/11 ... they knew ... PERIOD) -

    3 PLANES (before any reaction) for a country Armed like the US !!! ... PLEASE ... it is just INBELIEVABLE ... that is the major FORCE of the US ARMY : the AIR and only the AIR which is big already but US is not the only one)

    They knew before the day ... they knew the day ... they had an idea of where and how ... Pulleasssssssssssse ! how comes 3 weapon find a way to just do it ... Eather one : they wanted that war ... or they made it themselves ... (for the same reasons)

    Are you trying to say that our government was aware the 9-11 attacks were coming, how they were to be carried out, on which day and at which time, and that we ALLOWED the attacks for a reason to go to war with ... someone?

    (WHO CHEATED ON US and on the U.S.) his president ? his miserable rich controle freak ! CERTAINLY ...

    Are you saying our President cheated France?

    I would like to talk about this with you - I just want to make sure I understand what you are trying to say.



  • frenchbabyface

    Oh la la ... well as I can see ... I'm not ready to be well understood ... I'm sorry ... I understand

    Ok I'm gonna try (with short sentences, maybe better)

    You believe that Asia is too prosperous, but the US is not?

    Not in that way ... US is properous because it is a control-freak (the monney comes from manipulation - France do that also ... they are all the same)

    You believe the American military is dying because of America's desire to rule the world?

    Yes I do

    Are you saying that we are sending our children to factories to make shoes, and that the only people that will be able to afford them will be in China?

    I'm trying to say that we a running to a reverse situation ... (but well I've tried to explain already ... and failed don't feel like to try again)

    Are you saying that I am talking about proposed legislation which is supposed to block the US from repaying countries to whom we owe money?

    Here it is me who doesn't understand the question exactly - but if that want to say that I think WE (not only the U.S) owe those countries way more money ... YES

    Are you asking me why I'm mad (which I'm not) at someone who has been robbed, and not at the ones who did the robbing? If so, can you please tell me who the robber is, and who the robber's victim(s) is/are?

    the problem with english is between the "you" as individual or "you" all of you ... in French we do not have that probleme we use 2 different words for "you" : "tu" or plural "vous" so I may care about precising ALL OF YOU - EVEN ALL OF US ...

    the robber are those who are taking advantage of the sitution (WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE - THE POOR UNDER OUR FEET - JUST LIKE WE ARE UNDER THOSE 10% PEOPLE FEET) those 10 % owe us money (I don't care where they are from) and we owe those poor people money too ... (in fact the money that rich people stole us) ... means sharing 40 % togeter (for 90 %) instead 90 % for 90 % ... (we have no reason to walk on those people heads because we do benefite of the systeme till now ... we are just begining to pay and to really feel the bill because we are bab in economy - and are not competitive for real - to the point using protecting buissiness rules, laws, rates, and taxes on importation) ... that makes the product more expensive for us by the way (for control and compensation that doesn't bring that much jobs and not the right ones to boost the economy) ... as you can see (no way for us to win that way in this game)

    Maybe we don't care those people are dying, but those who are influencing the world to lead don't care either, because they can dye ... we'll still be there to do the job cheaper !

    Are you saying that others countries want us to share with them and we are being selfish for not doing so?

    My question here is :

    SHARING WHAT ??? ... IT IS THEIR'S ... Not OURS !
    ... what is that ??? .. (just think about it for real)

    Now if one of us save his neigboor's life for example, should he expect him to give him his property ... (EXCUSE ME ! it's a bit WEIRD and HORRID ATTITUDE) can't you just wait for a gift !!! can't you just do if for a THANK YOU VERY MUCH BY HEART !!! ... WE NEED MONEY FOR THAT ? why did they go their ? Do you understand my point of view

    Are you trying to say that our government was aware the 9-11 attacks were coming, how they were to be carried out, on which day and at which time, and that we ALLOWED the attacks for a reason to go to war with ... someone?

    Did you check ? cause I can't do it for you ... I mean you are not suppose to believe me on word ... or maybe you already made your mind on this matter, I don't know ... Mine is quiet made on this ... THEY KNEW ... (AND THEY JUST COULD NOT TAKE IT AS FLUFF AT LEAST AFTER THE FIRST ATTACK the second or at least the 3rd WOULD NEVER HAPPEN) I've told you why I'm thinking that ... (They won't tell the truth anyway ... but they acted as if they were guilty ... so ... I stand here so far)

    Are you saying our President cheated France?

    No ... Again ... who cares about France ! I'm talking about the world and American citizens

    Again I'm sorry for the missunderstanding
    hope I've been able to make myself clear
    Also ... Thank you


  • imallgrowedup

    Corinne -

    I am so glad you came back to answer my questions! You are a very brave woman to come onto a board which uses a language other than your own. The effort you put out to be understood really shows that you are willing to take on challenges that I know I would not want to take on! Thank you!

    Ok. I will try to answer these for you.

    You believe that Asia is too prosperous, but the US is not?

    Not in that way ... US is properous because it is a control-freak (the monney comes from manipulation - France do that also ... they are all the same)

    Ok, so I think what you are saying is that the US only has money because we manipulate it away from others?

    How do we do that?

    You believe the American military is dying because of America's desire to rule the world?

    Yes I do

    I believe that our military knows the combat risks when they enlist in the armed forces. Additionally, our current military is strictly voluntary - in that we have not had an active draft since the early 1970's. Anyone who was forced to enlist back then has had plenty of opportunities to get out. Those who have stayed, have stayed because they want to stay. It's not as if we forced any of the troops in Iraq to serve, nor did we tell them that they would never die in the line of duty. It is horribly sad that anyone has died in this war and not just Americans and the troops of our allies. But these people did know the risks associated with being in the military and willingly took them on.

    For what it is worth, I think a whole lot less blood would have been shed if the Iraqi's were not receiving arms in spite of UN Resolutions which prohibited this activity. Some argue that the US has provided arms to Iraq as well. This is true. We have done that. But when we did it, there were no UN Resolutions prohibiting us from doing so. And for what it is worth, some of the parties who illegally sold weapons to Iraq had signed the resolution prohibiting it. What is even sadder is that many of those were our alleged "allies." I dare say that had this happened in reverse, world opinion would be completely different than it is now. For example, if the US illegally provided arms to Iraq, and our "allies" went to war without us - and it was their troops who died at the hands of illegal American weaponry - the whole world would be blaming the US for the deaths of those soldiers. But the saddest thing of all is that I believe the war could have been avoided all together if the UN had enforced any of their 30-some odd resolutions over more than a 10-year span, instead of rendering them just as useless as the resolution prohibiting weapons sales to Iraq.

    I do not think the US was being a bully in Iraq. The US saw the ineffectiveness of the UN, and realized that the UN would never walk the walk. The UN is good at talking, and, apparently, writing resolutions, but they sure didn't enforce any of the ones involving Iraq. However, again, I believe that if there were at least 30 Resolutions involving the US, no one would have waited at least 10 years to make sure any of them were enforced.

    In regards to America trying to rule the world, if this were our true intention, why didn't we turn Afghanistan into one of the American states? Why didn't we do the same for Japan or Germany?

    Are you saying that we are sending our children to factories to make shoes, and that the only people that will be able to afford them will be in China?

    I'm trying to say that we a running to a reverse situation ... (but well I've tried to explain already ... and failed don't feel like to try again)

    Ok. I think what you are trying to say is specific brands of shoes are made in China, and those companies are exploiting the labor of children. After barely paying the kids, they sell the shoes at embarassing profits, and the only people who can afford to buy them are the wealthy people of the US. And by purchasing these shoes, we are continuing child exploitation in China. Correct?

    On one hand, I do not condone exploitation period - no matter which form it takes. On the other hand, I find myself asking whether the chineese children need to work in order to help support their families, and if so, where would they be working if they didn't have the shoe factory? If there were somewhere else the children could work doing essentially the same work, would they be paid any worse or better than what the shoe company is paying them? It could be that these children are happy to work for the wages they are being offered because their other choice is to not work at all and not make any money. Additionally, even though I don't like unions, this is exactly why unions exist in the US today, and if they are being so horribly exploited, why are they not trying to unionize for better pay, OR why is their government not making laws to protect these children? Again, I do not condone exploitation in any form, and I do NOT condone these companies making huge profits off those whom they exploit, but there are always two sides to the story.

    The thing to keep in mind here are the people making the money in this particular situation is a private company - not the US government, so I feel that no matter what kind of profits the companies are making, or how they are making these profits, it is their choice whether they want to share any of their profits or not. Can you tell me which company you are referring to, because I intend to boycott their products?

    Are you asking me why I'm mad (which I'm not) at someone who has been robbed, and not at the ones who did the robbing? If so, can you please tell me who the robber is, and who the robber's victim(s) is/are?

    the robber are those who are taking advantage of the sitution (WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE - THE POOR UNDER OUR FEET - JUST LIKE WE ARE UNDER THOSE 10% PEOPLE FEET) those 10 % owe us money (I don't care where they are from) and we owe those poor people money too ... (in fact the money that rich people stole us) ... means sharing 40 % togeter (for 90 %) instead 90 % for 90 % ... (we have no reason to walk on those people heads because we do benefite of the systeme till now ... we are just begining to pay and to really feel the bill because we are bab in economy - and are not competitive for real - to the point using protecting buissiness rules, laws, rates, and taxes on importation) ... that makes the product more expensive for us by the way (for control and compensation that doesn't bring that much jobs and not the right ones to boost the economy) ... as you can see (no way for us to win that way in this game)

    Maybe we don't care those people are dying, but those who are influencing the world to lead don't care either, because they can dye ... we'll still be there to do the job cheaper !

    I think this is where our fundamental differences lie, if I am reading what you wrote correctly. I think you are trying to say that because "rich people" take advantage of those who are not as wealthy as they are, then they owe those of us who were taken advantage of money?

    Are you saying that others countries want us to share with them and we are being selfish for not doing so?

    My question here is :

    SHARING WHAT ??? ... IT IS THEIR'S ... Not OURS !
    ... what is that ??? .. (just think about it for real)

    Now if one of us save his neigboor's life for example, should he expect him to give him his property ... (EXCUSE ME ! it's a bit WEIRD and HORRID ATTITUDE) can't you just wait for a gift !!! can't you just do if for a THANK YOU VERY MUCH BY HEART !!! ... WE NEED MONEY FOR THAT ? why did they go their ? Do you understand my point of view

    If I were to save someone's life, it would never occur to me to expect a gift in return. I am quite satisfied with a thank you for anything I've ever done for anyone - especially when there was never any expectation of payment to begin with. Now - as far as my employer goes, I expect to be paid a certain amount because we have an agreement for them to pay me in return for a job well done. A simple "thank you" from my employer would not be adequate for me. Hmmm.. I guess I'm not sure what your point is. Are you trying to say that America wants a "gift" for saving somebody's life?

    Are you trying to say that our government was aware the 9-11 attacks were coming, how they were to be carried out, on which day and at which time, and that we ALLOWED the attacks for a reason to go to war with ... someone?

    Did you check ? cause I can't do it for you ... I mean you are not suppose to believe me on word ... or maybe you already made your mind on this matter, I don't know ... Mine is quiet made on this ... THEY KNEW ... (AND THEY JUST COULD NOT TAKE IT AS FLUFF AT LEAST AFTER THE FIRST ATTACK the second or at least the 3rd WOULD NEVER HAPPEN) I've told you why I'm thinking that ... (They won't tell the truth anyway ... but they acted as if they were guilty ... so ... I stand here so far)

    It makes no sense whatsoever that our President would have allowed these attacks to occur if he had known about them in advance. First of all, our nation was just beginning an economic recovery. The 9-11 attacks hurt that recovery. Second of all, why in the world would we want someone to blow up our military headquarters? If the plane that struck the Pentagon had landed just a little further, the entire building and all our important military personnel would have been completely annihilated! If we allowed 9-11 to happen in order to get involved in a war, why would we allow our military headquarters to be a target? Additionally, the plane that went down in the field in Pennsylvania intended to fly into the White House, where they expected our President to be. Why in the world would we allow our President to be killed in order to get in a war? Aren't other nations accusing Bush of being the one wanting to start wars? How does it make logical sense that he was going to allow himself, his wife, and his closest cabinet members to be targets of this attack?! It doesn't make sense. The fact of the matter is that although we knew for years that the possibility of something like 9-11 could happen any day, no one bothered to take preventative measures - including Presidents who were in office prior to Mr. Bush. As far as not doing anything between the first and second attack, I can assure you that no matter how well prepared an army is, they are going to have trouble defending themselves when they are under a surprise attack. The second plane came only 10 minutes after the first one. There simply wasn't enough time to prevent the next attack. As far as the third attack goes, there were a lot of airplanes in the air. If you were trying to find a potential attacker, could you tell which one of those planes was the one that was going to attack the Pentagon in enough time to prevent it? I know I couldn't, and I think it is unreasonable to assume that someone else could either. I don't think there is any reason to believe that the US government allowed 9-11 to happen.

    Are you saying our President cheated France?

    No ... Again ... who cares about France ! I'm talking about the world and American citizens

    Ok. So you are saying that American citizens have cheated the world?

    Again I'm sorry for the missunderstanding
    hope I've been able to make myself clear
    Also ... Thank you

    There is no need to apologize! Again, I think you are very brave to come to this board to share your point of view! You're doing a great job, and I'm glad I've gotten the chance to talk with you!



  • Yerusalyim

    Ya know...the more I read this thread the more I keep waiting to hear about the ILLUMINATI and black helicopters flying on Whipser mode.

    The US is prosperous because the people of the US, for the most part, have a strong work ethic. US soldiers are dying to protect our interests around the globe. It's no vast conspiracy.

  • frenchbabyface

    Hi Growedup,

    I'm lucky that i'm not busy today (it smells like hollidays all around) ...
    nice for answering (So here I go, I'm gonna trying to answer point by point) ...

    Ok, so I think what you are saying is that the US only has money because we manipulate it away from others? How do we do that?

    (A) That is a long story (and it is running since a long, long, long time too) ... Maybe in reading some books like the one Will talked about, you'll get some information that help you get the point on some aspects of the suject to join every "WHY ?" in the matter and SEE THE REAL FACE OF AMERICA (nothing to see with the citizen)

    What surprise me more is that you are asking the question ... (?)

    ANYWAY the thing is that it is a question of personal interest NOTHING TO SEE WITH THE COUNTRY OR THE CITIZEN) ... see futher later on this post

    I believe that our military knows the combat risks when they enlist in the armed forces. Additionally, our current military is strictly voluntary in that we have not had an active draft since the early 1970's. Anyone who was forced to enlist back then has had plenty of opportunities to get out. Those who have stayed, have stayed because they want to stay. It's not as if we forced any of the troops in Iraq to serve, nor did we tell them that they would never die in the line of duty. It is horribly sad that anyone has died in this war and not just Americans and the troops of our allies. But these people did know the risks associated with being in the military and willingly took them on.

    (B) ENTIRELY PAID ARMY !!! ... don't you see a problem in just that ? BUT MY QUESTIONNINGS and REACTIONS are ABOUT THE PURPOSE OF WARS AND BEHIND THAT WHY THEY HAPPEN (historically to now) and why we stay in a logic of WAR instead of a logic of economy, which would be more interesting for the majority : WE the 90 % people on this earth

    For what it is worth, I think a whole lot less blood would have been shed if the Iraqi's were not receiving arms in spite of UN Resolutions which prohibited this activity. Some argue that the US has provided arms to Iraq as well. This is true. We have done that. But when we did it, there were no UN Resolutions prohibiting us from doing so. And for what it is worth, some of the parties who illegally sold weapons to Iraq had signed the resolution prohibiting it. What is even sadder is that many of those were our alleged "allies." I dare say that had this happened in reverse, world opinion would be completely different than it is now. For example, if the US illegally provided arms to Iraq, and our "allies" went to war without us - and it was their troops who died at the hands of illegal American weaponry - the whole world would be blaming the US for the deaths of those soldiers. But the saddest thing of all is that I believe the war could have been avoided all together if the UN had enforced any of their 30-some odd resolutions over more than a 10-year span, instead of rendering them just as useless as the resolution prohibiting weapons sales to Iraq.

    (C) WHAT IS THE UN ? ... (Frankly ?) I don't think their action is about helping but to calm ... not the same at all.

    Politics have an other the way to calm citizens (theirs once)... they allow funny shows laughing on them heads and telling some TRUE things ... You laugh, you think everybody knows they will be arrested one day, nor stop their shit, nor at least they know we know, so they will not go too far ... (And we think those guys - and those guys are think have bolws saying and talking what and how they do) BULSHIT ! they want you to laugh about it - they pay those guys - MEDIA) and we laugh ... even when it is horrible or not acceptable ... and you know what ? ... time is running ... we are laughing in fact sleeping ... and people are dying ... and we will be the n ... (but why do I bother telling ....)

    I do not think the US was being a bully in Iraq. The US saw the ineffectiveness of the UN, and realized that the UN would never walk the walk. The UN is good at talking, and, apparently, writing resolutions, but they sure didn't enforce any of the ones involving Iraq. However, again, I believe that if there were at least 30 Resolutions involving the US, no one would have waited at least 10 years to make sure any of them were enforced.

    In regards to America trying to rule the world, if this were our true intention, why didn't we turn Afghanistan into one of the American states? Why didn't we do the same for Japan or Germany?
    Back to (A) those are details that put you asleep (A) is what you have to know about - I you want to be fair.

    On one hand, I do not condone exploitation period
    WOW ... are you serious ?

    - no matter which form it takes.

    WoW ... no matter ?

    AND YOU ARE CRYING FOR THE BILL !!! THEY DON'T OWE YOU !!! THEY ARE DYING and you forgive nor forget about those who are really exploiting YOU and THEM ? I don't know what to say here really ...

    But if you don't care about THEM, maybe you'll care about yourself (as you do for the bill) in its time when you'll be in the bad position : Lets put it this way (just change the nationality in your own sentence) mean you are ok to say : I find myself asking whether the AMERICAN need to work in order to help support their families etc ... (IT CAN AND MIGHT HAPPEN TO YOU - IT DOES ALREADY - BUT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO FACE WHAT THEY HAVE TO FACE - and not because OF THEM)

    AGAIN : they and we are exploited and working already much more just because of "a few" not only because of bills of wars (which are made on purpose) and not because we or they need to support their familly (which change the nature and the reasons of the troubles)

    Additionally, even though I don't like unions, this is exactly why unions exist in the US today, and if they are being so horribly exploited, why are they not trying to unionize for better pay, OR why is their government not making laws to protect these children? Again, I do not condone exploitation in any form,

    AGAIN : Manipulation ... (you know, from behind with money for the leaders etc ...)

    I do NOT condone these companies making huge profits off those whom they exploit, but there are always two sides to the story.
    Well they do take profit on your heads and poors people heads also !
    NO ... not 2 sides only TOO MUCH MUCH MONEY ON ONE SIDE (no BALANCE)

    The thing to keep in mind here are the people making the money in this particular situation is a private company - not the US government, so I feel that no matter what kind of profits the companies are making, or how they are making these profits, it is their choice whether they want to share any of their profits or not. Can you tell me which company you are referring to, because I intend to boycott their products?

    That is what I've said the monney have no nationality ... (take care for yourself the swich will happen without you notice it in its time) ... but should I care for us (I'm a bit sad about what you've said ... I have to really assimilate that we are not ready to get out of trouble, if people don't care about exploitation ... how comes ? Maybe you don't care being exploited as you are exploited for now ... but again other people are dying ! it is SAD, SAD, SAD) and quiet weird when you think that actually occidentals will just deserve what will happen to us !

    I said that those who are leading the world are almost 10 % I'm not talking about companies here at ALL !!! ... I'm talking about Individuals ... A CLUB ... and one particular that contain "just around 2000 members" as you can see not that much to shake hands and agreeing with to share the world products and manipulation benefits - but I'm not gonna get into this, I'm speaking loud enough.

    No boycott possible to react in some matter ... why ? ... because they don't care about bankrupties here or anywhere (the citizens will have to pay bills) - while they play with the monney they stole to get something else ...

    the only boycott they cool really be scared of is the MEDIA BOYCOTT ! (TRUE INFORMATION instead of PROPAGANDA)

    I think this is where our fundamental differences lie, if I am reading what you wrote correctly. I think you are trying to say that because "rich people" take advantage of those who are not as wealthy as they are, then they owe those of us who were taken advantage of money?

    Back to (A) (only details = the wood that can't let you see the clear water)

    Now - as far as my employer goes, I expect to be paid a certain amount because we have an agreement for them to pay me in return for a job well done. A simple "thank you" from my employer would not be adequate for me. Hmmm.. I guess I'm not sure what your point is. Are you trying to say that America wants a "gift" for saving somebody's life?

    Back to (A) again ... little add ... for instance I need MONEY or WANT MORE money so I'm gonna blow a builing (without anyone to notice I did) and then propose to rebuild it in knowing that "ME" being one of the 2000 anyway, will get the market, excuse me if "ME" do that but "ME" need money and I use this simple strategy "divide and rule" good one, BUT IS IT FAIR ? you seems to say it is OK for you ?

    it is all about me, me, me, (and they make you feel like you've got the right to say, me, me, me I don't care about exploitation - just like them) but they do not taking any risk here ... you do ... I mean only us

    So you think you take profit of "whatever" is ok ... WELL ... What can I say without getting too passionnate ? So I won't get too much passionate - cause for some reason I think you are sincere on your reasonning, which is important to me in the way my feelings deal with it

    And about sharing / taking or whatever (that is not yours)
    What I'm saying CLEARLY is that : you don't manipulate to get nor to lead to war and then even ask for a THANK YOU ! ... I'm sorry
    It makes no sense whatsoever that our President would have allowed these attacks to occur if he had known about them in advance

    Back to (A) and think about the club "2000" ... we are not included ! If you don't enquiere yourself, they will not gonna tell ... why ? they just need your vote (influence) for the one they rater deal with or your asbtention to get what they need from the gov (means access to gov's market ... very easy to make money with war and of course everything else - war is the easiest way - YOU SELL WEAPON ANYWAY and YOU TAKE EVERYTHING YOU CAN FROM THE COUNTRIES)

    Ok. So you are saying that American citizens have cheated the world?

    NO ... Back to (A) not the american citizens !!! the 2000 extented to 10 % (again WE are not included) this is not about countries but about INDIVIDUALS ONLY ... AGAINST : THE WORLD

    that is why I'm saying let's share with the world (without the 2000 extended to 10 % because they are rich enough and economy is not related to any stocks to remuse what I've tried to say already)

    Sorry it is a bit long againread it twice (surely left a lot misspelling and everything) but I would never send it if ... well ... anyway

    INFORMATION is essential (we are information = our experience is an information) if you ain't got the right map (information) - you can't reach the place you want (the right place, the right answer) That is what they do with PROPAGANDA : influence/manipulation with every tool in every opportunity they are making themself /or who are the result of their own actions) IT WORKS ...

    AGAIN ... I don't buy their stuffs ... ENOUGH EXPLOITATION ... IN FAVOR OF WHO ? they got ENOUGH !

    Thanks Growedup, for sharing this conversation with me anyway.
    The problem is that it is one of my most sensitive subject
    I get passionate very quick when I get into it ... I mean I can really bother !
    I know it ... but I just can't keep my mouth shut or fingers quiet ...

  • frenchbabyface

    Yeru : The US is prosperous because the people of the US, for the most part, have a strong work ethic. US soldiers are dying to protect our interests around the globe. It's no vast conspiracy. American as most of the people in this world are hard workers (more than they should) ... I know you are engaged and sincere Yeru ... (soldiers are : of course) do any of those 2000 or extented 10 % get their butt on the battle field ? If an organisation like the WTBS can deal with a few millions of JWs around the world (with propaganda) don't you think A COUNTRY CLUB (LOL ... was just funny to me) can't deal with THE WORLD ? ... I need to know and questionning things ... I don't want to be a part of it (as much as I can cause I'm IN) ... ONLY PROPAGANDA can WORK against PROPAGANDA (both sides with get we wrong information - on purpose) WE NEED TRUE INFORMATION ... this world is already F'up enough !

  • Yerusalyim


    You want true information? Here it is...Saddam is a really bad person...the world is a lot better off with him being out of power.

    The situation we find ourselves in now is not due to some imaginary or even real exploitation, it's due to clashing world views that won't be changed by the resurfaced rhetoric of communism that seems to be coming from your corner.

    Osama Bin Laden doesn't hate the US because we exploit Arabs (which is untrue anyhow), he hates us because we are rich, and prosperous and not Muslim...plain and simple. The fact that Muslims in the US live better than anywhere else in the world means nothing to him.

    This whole conspiracy theory thing you got going on is kinda cute...but quite untrue.

  • frenchbabyface

    Osama Bin Laden doesn't hate the US because we exploit Arabs (which is untrue anyhow), he hates us because we are rich, and prosperous and not Muslim...plain and simple.

    Yeru : as known on my side (OSAMA and BUSH an CHIRAC and ...) are FRIENDS (they don't care about US and they don't care about ARABS) ... All protected enough (for many reasons) OSAMA is rich (why should he be jealeous) his own people didn't think either to ask him to GIVE BACK (no they fight against everyone else against those who are not responsible)

    The fact that Muslims in the US live better than anywhere else in the world means nothing to him.

    Of course that means nothing to OSAMA he can live very well everywhere ... he doesn't care about his people, and BUSH either ... and CHIRAC, lets talk about CHIRAC : this guy should be in jail - he avoid it in becoming president ... just think about how this can happen ...) I mean PEOPLE VOTE FOR HIM ... (he retarted, lied, and then in charge again said in resume "whatever, screw you all !") VERY LOL and most of french already forget because their mind are busy with lots of other troubles ...

  • Yerusalyim


    You're beautiful...that's for sure...and we agree on one thing...Chirac should be in jail...especially if the charges that Saddam was giving him money is true.

    As to Bush not caring...I beg to differ.

    and Bush, Osama, and Chirac all being friends? No, not at all.

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