'Saddam's Palace May Be New U.S. Embassy'

by sf 90 Replies latest social current

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Since when has the GW Bush administration thought things through? Well what difference does it make anyway as it doesn't change the peoples attitude toward the occupying American administration, they will be still hated one way or the other.


  • frenchbabyface
    When people will realised that sharing is the only way to get better economically everywhere
    Stacy : We won't be sharing with France of course but if you saw the average americans tax bill you know we share plenty. More than we should in my book.

    Who cares about FRANCE ? Who care about sharing with AMERICA ... We'll have more interest sharing with ASIA and ARABS and AFRICANS ... don't you understand ? ...(US a bit too expansive, sneaky and control freak - open your eyes - and your books) AMERICA is not GOLD and you know what, they are not sharing a DAMN thing ... (only giving back a piece of what they've stole to poor country as wellfares (LOL ! a bit sneaky ... don't you think) I can do it eather steeling my neigboor to death and then come and give him a little sandwich to make sure I'll be able to stole his human ressources again instead of let him dying ! WAKE UP ! LETS SHARE WITH THE WORLD

    Well you've got a book (US !!! LOL we all know about it) and the WORLD got a BOOK Do you know about it ? (I guess NOT to be able to answer this !) ... Are you alone in this world Stacy ? Nothing personnal here ... but you are a bit too Pro-GOV even I think pro Bush ! Huh ! (to be objective) they know how to deal to get YOU in their basket ! AMERICA is not a PARADISE ... FRANCE is not a PARADISE But check SWEDEN for example ! Something different. Nothing to see with AMERICA or FRANCE or CHINA (don't get me wrong : but Stacy bad is bad, good is good and BUSH REALLY SCREWED UP the US Statut in PEOPLES HEART for GOOD ... Love him if you want ... But don't be surprised IF WE DON'T ... and if OTHER COUNTRIES feel that they need to protect themself from such dangerous control-freak !

    Ooops sorry got a visit ... forgot to send it

  • foreword

    She's boiling and about to blow.

    WW3....U ready?

  • Yerusalyim
    Excuse me, but disagreeing with our policies does not constitute 'giving us the middle finger.'

    Disagreeing no, actively oppossing us...yes. They didn't want anything to do with the war effort, so someone explain to me why it is they should have anything to do with the Peace effort...especially since they still refuse to forgive the loans they made to Saddam.

    The French Government actively support Saddam with loans and weapons...so we should allow them to bid on contracts paid by American taxpayer dollars?

    No, this is NOT bad PR nor is in imprudent...it's good common sense...it rewards those goverments that stick with us.

    If France and Germany and Russia actively oppossing us is not giving us the middle finger then neither is the US refusing to allow them to bid on contracts to rebuild Iraq using US taxpayer dollars. Again...sometimes the other guy has to reach out...when the US did we got our hands smacked...if they want the contracts...they have to play ball. I'd much rather see Spain...who supported the US...get a contract...as oppossed to France...who gave Saddam weapons with which to fight the US. How simple can it be people????

  • Euphemism

    Yeru... you missed the point of my post, which I explicitly stated.

    I'm not arguing about whether or not we should give the French and Germans contracts. That's besides the point. I'm saying that even if the Bush administration decides not to give contracts to French and German companies, they should do so subtly, rather than making a diplomatic spectacle of it.

  • frenchbabyface

    Forward : WW3....U ready?

    one or the other

    WW3 or sneaky games one after the other (again and again)

    Innocent people are still those who are paying the bill, what does it change ? ... What do you prefer a choc ? or slaps everyday ? Make your choice

    (I d'rather have them count me out !)

  • Yerusalyim
    I'm saying that even if the Bush administration decides not to give contracts to French and German companies, they should do so subtly, rather than making a diplomatic spectacle of it.

    Why? Neither the French nor German Governments were subtle nor diplomatic about oppossing us.

    Frenchbabyface...you have more PM's sweet thing.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Now everyone repeat after me, This war was not about oil.


  • Euphemism
    Why? Neither the French nor German Governments were subtle nor diplomatic about oppossing us.

    Really? They didn't vote for our resolutions in the UN... that's simply a factor of their disagreement with us. Can you point to something else that they did to make their disagreement undiplomatic?

    I should add that even if they were undiplomatic, so were we. Isn't it time to stop this tit-for-tat business and let bygones be bygones? This whole "I'm not going to apologize until they do" attitude is childish.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    So far the French and German arguments for not going to war have proven to be correct where as the Bush's justification for war have proven to be false.

    I should add that even if they were undiplomatic, so were we. Isn't it time to stop this tit-for-tat business and let bygones be bygones? This whole "I'm not going to apologize until they do" attitude is childish.

    That is asking for the impossible. This BS has been going on for thousands of years. You would think in this 21 century civilization would have evolved to the point where we can mediate our differences with diplomacy. Unfortunately I don't hold out to much hope for humanity to come to terms with our differences before we all blow each other to Kingdom come. I guess that's what the religious fanatics want.


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