'Saddam's Palace May Be New U.S. Embassy'

by sf 90 Replies latest social current

  • sf


    Try to take a look at these, (no need to comment), just get a look:

    ASUG member list
    ... Haarmann & Reimer Halliburton Company Harman Consumer Group ... WK Kellogg Foundation
    WR Grace and Company WW ... Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ...
    www.geocities.com/sairam_gsn/asug.html - 28k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

    Then search 'Kellogg'.

    Happy trails!


  • frenchbabyface
    Stacy : FBC I'm not sure what you mean, do I live alone in this world? No I certainly don't actually. Does my disagreeing with you about France getting a slice of the pie mean I'm stupid? Is that your point? France stood in the way of Iraqi freedom, they deserve nothing at all. Is France paying the bills there? Ummm, why no they aren't.

    Obtient la France ce qu'elle mérite, rien.

    Stacy I don't care about FRANCE ... I care about the WORLD ... (I guess it is again about a language barriere but I do not defend France) ... but if you want my opinion about that : they are quiet good in the game ! (cause there's a lot of things behind all that) The US choosed the ARMED FORCE - as usual - (you know like the stupid husband who thinks that to be right he only have to strike - and also that it is normal because he his the boss) ... FRANCE choosed DIPLOMATIE, why ? Because FRANCE's Gov KNOW ARABS CULTURE more that US does ... Do I like Americans : OF COURSE - like anyone Do I like American's Gov NOPE - just as the French Gov (I don't buy their stuff) Do I cry for American's Soldiers : OF COURSE - like any victime of this shit And my question about Bush : If Bush was born in IRAQ and in charge. Would he have been better than SADAM ? (as you and we already know he is a bit dumb and probably not really leading - his Team and father are problably the real ones) in knowing how corruption leads Africans leaders and any people in charge of anything because of the part of the "money culture" the Occidentals brought into their lives - that just fucked up the all continent ! "divid and rule" France did this - US did that ect ... they all did. They need to sell their shit of war : 1) to put them in trouble financially (WE RE GONNA HELP - BUY OUR STUFF) 2) while they are manipulating to get those same countries in war (WE ARE HERE TO HELP - NOW PAY THE BILL OF THE WAR - give us advantages ) a bit easy don't you think ... But hey ! it's work 3) to keep this continent en poverty while they're taking the richness of the continent in buying the leaders while they can have the poor man labor for more than cheap ... IT IS THAT SIMPLE and it works ! ... Now if those BASTARDs was not taking away the 60 % of the world product benefites to share at less than 10 % - those poor people could have been paid just like you and me (not starving) without the product being more expansive for us or our product for them ... BUT THE BASTARDS WANT THE MONEY !

    So the situation is that : in keeping it this way our countries are becoming way to much expansive and the jobs goes elsewere

    When I said France wants to get more countries in the European comunity, it is not because they want to help those poor countries to get better, (but they could not explain THAT on TV !) because the reason why they want them to be in the CEE is because they are poor and because they will bring a balance of cheap manpower in the European community while the world is changing . And there you go : To balance you have to share so what is it all about : They are protected because they know what they are doing and are saving monney ... while simple citizens have to deal with the changes and their mess ... Means (well YOU will HAVE TO SHARE) but as you can see NOT YOUR CHOICE ABOUT HOW AND IN FAVOR OF WHO ? ... And because we are spoiled as occidentals and want big monney, we will be the one left without JOB ! Or will have ANYWAY to WORK FOR LESS (it works like that already - IT IS JUST THE BEGINING OF THE END !) And you know what : what ever happen, that doesn't change a damn thing for them it can even be better. When you'll be to the point to know you ain't go the choice because we can't stand economically in Front of ASIA and CHINA Particularly (they will tell you later ... they are not in hurry ... cause you are still able to react at this point but against them ...) THEY ARE and will still be RICH and YOU will WORK for LESS for THEM cause you won't have the choice ... Maybe till you starving ... but don't worry they will send you a sandwich once in a while to avoid revolution and stuff they are used to it ... and they will buy sneaky guys to hold you in their hand : DOES THAT TALK TO YOU ??? If you think that BUSH will share with you ... GOOD LUCK !

  • foreword

    edited.......Sorry, I've deleted my post. Hope that's ok

  • Yerusalyim
    Yeru... the American government used to supply Saddam with arms too. And there's no distinction between an abstention and a negative vote on the Security Council.

    Yep, we provided Saddam with Weapons as he was fighting the Iranians...because a win by Iran in that war would have been devastating in the middle east.

    A veto is WAY different then an abstention...a no vote is different too.


    FRANCE choosed DIPLOMATIE, why ? Because FRANCE's Gov KNOW ARABS CULTURE more that US does ...
    France choose diplomacy because Saddam owes the French government billions of dollars that they want back...not because of some superiour knowledge of Arabs...I will admit that the French SIDE with the Arabs more...but that's out of fear of the large Muslim and Arab population in France...which is behind the marked rise in antisemetic activity in France.
  • frenchbabyface
    YERU : France choose diplomacy because Saddam owes the French government billions of dollars that they want back...not because of some superiour knowledge of Arabs...I will admit that the French SIDE with the Arabs more...but that's out of fear of the large Muslim and Arab population in France...which is behind the marked rise in antisemetic activity in France.

    Nothing superior here, (knowing doesn't mean having the control) but it explain why we know them more ... (and as you know we did a lot of shit already to arabs - they and we do remember ...)

    When A gov is fighting with every hi tech materiel and war (with money from behind), they are acting in little groupes with knives and stones (even years later !) and from behind

    And about the billion dollars we (FRENCH - AMERICANS) own that to AFRICA anyway ...
    - For what we've took to them for cheap
    - And the mess we brought into their lives (war system manipulation, to keep them down)
    More than the bill you are talking about ...

  • Yerusalyim

    French Fry (I call you that because you are hot and tasty)

    With the capture of Saddam perhaps we'll find out the support of France for Iraq was due to money switching hands between Saddam and Chiraq. We KNOW that France was giving Iraq Weapons...perhaps these and some "illegal" business deals are at the center of Chiraq support of Iraq. Would any of that change your mind?

  • foreword

    Illegal business deals....yeah right....like you guys aren't guilty of that too...

    Your economy was slacking, so you went to war to replenish your funds, and to top it off, you put a humanitarian twist to it. But humanitarian it was not. Why don't you state to us how many civilian lives it took to fix your economy, how many children were maimed by your bombs to secure your new business offices in Baghdad so you're closer to the oil fields? We don't hear those numbers, do we?

    Besides if you proclaim freedom to the Iraqis, why don't you pay them the same salary you're getting? Or at least pay them minimum wage rather than keep them in poverty. Isn't their prosperity the reason why you claim you had to free them. You have seized millions of dollars in raids, money you say was stolen from them. Did you return it by evenly distributing it, or did you keep it for yourself? Ok, I know your answer to that....it was used to fix their infrastucture....you mean like oil rigs....

    When will the "facts" change your mind?

    It is the men in suits that are dangerous and exploitative regardless of their country of origin. It is the men in suits that should be executed for the havoc they create on this planet. Get rid of them, and Osama has no reason to exist.

    Saddam should be put to death immediately. He doesn't deserve a trial, the proofs are staggering against him. But remember, he loved parading in a suit. Draw your own conclusions.

  • frenchbabyface

    Dear Yeru, I'm not sure ... so I wonder ... are you reading me for real ? does anyone do ? ... oh well ... I've wrote anyway ... my pleasure, well not really a pleasure in fact, I just feel that I need to say it ... as far as I can)

    The reason why I didn't answer directly to the topic is because the question of bills came out ... and I can't let you tell anybody in Africa own us a cent because it is simply NOT true !!! (IN THE WORLD HISTORY KNOWN BOOK already ... so just image about the UNKWOWN BOOK ...) lest we forget

    The purpose of what I'm saying :
    we should : stick on / and fight - the true base of the troubles ... Aren't tired to fight against the symptomes instead of fighting against the sickness !
    Aren't we tired to fighting and working for bastards ? (who really don't care about us)

    But let me tell you all, something very important about those 10 % people who are in fact leading the world !
    They do not have NATIONALITY ... 6 % Today they are american ... what about tomorrow (remember it's a choice when you've got money !) and because of the stock market their monney will have another nationality before you notice and get on your knees.

    Why fighting against poor people ... that is my question ? because of the symptomes when they are already victims because of the sickness ! I mean they are twice victims ! AND WE ARE CRYING ??? ... not fair !

    What the purpose of those kind of battle ... the bastards are happy they gain more monney little by little before the crash, and we ... we are fighting for them (LOL and not LOL) ... and this is just because of influences all the details you are talking about that doesn't let you see the real basic problem in the matter ... (they are shaking hand and laughing about us) while we are cursing/fighing against and getting in trouble with foreigners !

    Where does it lead us ? I MEAN WHAT'S THAT ? Why can't we just understand where our REAL VALUE, POWER and INTERESTS are ... WHY DOES IT TAKE THAT LONG for us to SHAKE HANDS (they do ... that is why it works for them)

  • imallgrowedup

    Euph -

    Yeru... the American government used to supply Saddam with arms too.

    You are absolutely right! However, the difference between when we supplied Saddam with arms, and when France did, is that there was not a UN Resolution in place prohibiting the activity.

    And it's not like France and Germany are looking for a handout, here. They're looking to participate in a competitive bidding process, which will save the U.S. money.

    I have to kind heartedly disagree with you. France and Germany are not in the least bit concerned about saving the US money. In fact, both nations have made it perfectly clear that they think the US is too prosperous and that we should be sharing our wealth with everyone else. French Babyface's words are indicative of the typical French and German attitude:

    When people will realised that sharing is the only way to get better economically everywhere ? things may change for good.

    I believe that the reason France and Germany want in on the bidding process is because they know that a lucrative government contract will give a boost to their own economy. They are looking out for themselves, while pointing a finger at us and accusing us of the same thing.

    As far as I am concerned, it all comes down to "earning the right" to bid on these jobs. Again, the US is being accused of doing the "tit for a tat" routine because France and Germany pissed us off by not supporting the war. However, that is not the case at all! Bidding on these contracts which can boost an economy is a priviledge! Because America and others in the coalition went in and made huge sacrifices both financially and militarily, they have paid for the priviledge! France and Germany have not. It's that simple.

    Yeru referred to a children's story that I heard in a different way, but which generally illustrates what is happening here. In this story a bunch of barnyard animals all decide that they want to eat something better than what the farmer feeds them. They all decide how wonderful baked bread would be, so the Little Red Hen gathers the gardening tools together and asks, "Who will help me plant the seeds?" One-by-one, the barnyard animals say, "Not I"! so she goes out and tills the ground, plants the seeds and nurtures them to their fullest potential. Wanting to give them a second chance, she asks, "Who will help me harvest the wheat?" Again, one-by-one, the barnyard animals say, "Not I"! So she harvests and prepares the wheat for grinding herself. Wanting to give them yet one more chance she asks, "Who will help me bake the bread?" and once again, one-by-one, the barnyard animals say. "Not I"! However, once the barnyard animals smell the delicious aroma of the bread, they suddenly remember how much they wanted to have some fresh baked bread, so they run to the Little Red Hen and tell her they are ready to eat their loaf of bread. Being the smart chick she is, she told the other barnyard animals that since they were not willing to help her, then she was not willing to share with them.

    The reason I said this story "generally illustrates" the scenario we face with France and Germany, is because in the real life situation, France and Germany did not agree with the Little Red Hen that baked bread (to help liberate Iraq and/or be a part of the rebuilding effort) was what they were interested in. And each step of the way when the Little Red Hen asked for help, France and Germany not only said, "Not I"!, but they also bad-mouthed and ridiculed the Little Red Hen. Then, when it came time to eat the baked bread, France and Germany are still bad mouthing the Little Red Hen, but think they are entitled to it anyway, even though they didn't agree to be a part of the whole process! Then to add insult to injury, they claim the Little Red Hen is being selfish because she won't share the baked bread, when the true selfish parties are those who did not want anything to do with the bread, bad mouthed the Hen every step of the way, and then had the audacity to think they deserved to share in the bread once they realized the benefit to THEMSELVES. That is pure selfishness. They are expecting something for nothing - AND - they are trying to make the Hen look bad because she can see right through them.

    My two cents,


  • frenchbabyface

    Sorry did not saw your post before to answer and took my time but :
    Well said forward ! ... it's time to at least realised ... I mean what else ? ... Waiting or Working for them till we get on our knees ? We are enough people on this earth to say NO LOUD ENOUGH about that AT LEAST ! ... Then : MILITARIES HAVE A RESPONSABILITY ALSO ... when presidents gets CRAZY ! ... The cops ALSO ... They are their to PROTECT THE CITIZEN ... not The BASTARDS ! (so it is only about knowing were are the true bastards) ...

    IT IS TRULY A QUESTION OF INFLUENCE and ONLY THAT ! (not that easy anyway * but still BIG INFLUENCE = BIG CHANGE ... probably LOTS OF WAYS ... IF we've got enough BOWLS and HEART to MAKE WAR ... We have enough BOWLS and HEART to MAKE PEACE ! it's easier to get a few bastard stoping walking one our nerve (in telling crap to get into war for them) than getting in war with the world it is probably easier .... We may give us chance to try ... I

    * I know because we have to deal with let me write it entirely more than 6 000 000 000 people when it is already not easy to deal with a husband sometimes. Respect still can help, not easy also what is respect for this one and for the other one ... but still if we can't deal with respect we at least can deal with justice ... a victim is a victim - nobody have to care about winers

    6 000 000 000 at this point nobody or everybody counts (shoose the second and you are in - cause we help those people to make it that way)
    Why let those bastards play the fool with our lives ! why let them still thinking we're gonna let them keep on going !

    About Sadam I'm a bit surprised about the shots (pics and cams) moreover about one cam pic (hairy) his skin is quiet light and the one they said he have been haircuted and shaved he is quiet red (still the same wall behind - the difference is quiet noticebable even later the lightshot just can make you more red, grey yes, but not red unless you put filters on the pic. and why filters, why is his head that red, (I mean they certainly not put him under the sun enough to get that taned all of the sudden ...)

    - Real ?
    - A trial ? (with a "look-like" to make the real Saddam taking risk to recall his troupes / and then saying we did it on purpose / and calm IRAQUIES - in between. Because they really feel like it is time to catch him to have more control and less rebells (that reminds "the visit" on the moon ... No coment !)

    I don't know ... but well OUR REAL PROBLEM IS NOT THAT !

    Sorry had a visit again ... probably answers in between but here is mine ...

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