Thoughts on annual meeting “new light”

by FFGhost 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mikejw

    “They could have simply stated that non-JWs (whatever their status) could theoretically believe/repent and get saved after seeing proof that the WTS had been right all along (which even has legitimate Biblical precedents, “

    This is what they basically said without putting so bluntly. They said in other words it’s ok to wait until the great tribulation starts then start to believe.

    As has been said on Reddit you don’t want to waste time sitting on the ark when the flood may not come for a long time or may not come at all.

    Br Jackson said the door of opportunity will be open until after the great tribulation clearly starts.

    Most people are thinking like me, I don’t think the world will flood (or events JW predict) so why waste time sitting on the ark why not get on with your life now.

    If we got it wrong and the events do start to happen like JWs say then the door is still open.

  • BluesBrother

    How are they going to crack the whip to get them out on the Ministry now?

    Is it a lifesaving work ? No because we know Jehovah will spare them if their heart is right .

    Am I saving myself ? Maybe though because I know the ‘ truth’ and if I fail to preach it then I am refusing Jehovah… So in that case , it is better not to know and not be obliged to live a life of service… So I am doing them a favour by not telling them ?

    I am confused …

  • Phizzy

    Your question B B reminds me of the one I posed to a M.S. shortly after I left, I said " It is correct isn't it that anyone who dies before Armageddon gets to come back in the New System if they never heard the "Good news" ? he confirmed that was so then, so I said "Well then, would it not be better to take a gun with you on the D to D work, and shoot whoever opens the door dead ?".

    Silly I know, but I wanted to highlight how silly their ideas were LOL.

  • Rattigan350

    Stop with this new light on this, it is not new. Maybe new to the people that strictly keep to the fine details of the past, and I ask why are you doing that? But to those of us who have a broader view, it is not new.

  • Teddnzo

    Rat, it is new light according to the GB. The official doctrine changed at the 2023 AGM. Before that it was only baptised JWs and their young children who would make it when Armageddon comes. If you died before hand then you would be resurrected.

    Now this has been a huge change. Anyone can make we just don’t know. And we don’t have to hope our loved ones die beforehand because they could make it now unless they are really bad.

    I suppose they are saying it’s a bit like the Bible says there will be a resurrection of the unrighteous. Maybe they think unrighteous can also survive Armageddon now since they said it would be stupid to hope your loved ones die beforehand.

    So is the new light that unrighteous ones will survive? Since we thought before that as long they die before they would make it, and they seem to be saying it’s stupid to hope someone dies before?

  • Listener

    teddenzo - I suppose they are saying it’s a bit like the Bible says there will be a resurrection of the unrighteous. Maybe they think unrighteous can also survive Armageddon now since they said it would be stupid to hope your loved ones die beforehand.


    You might be on to something there.

    It’s never made sense that most JWs and everyone else are judged at Armageddon and only good JWs will survive, the rest dying forever. Then good and bad people are resurrected with all reaching perfection by the end of 1,000 years after Armageddon and at that time the Jws who were already judged at Armageddon will be judged again. Everyone else (except those killed in Noah’s day/Soddom & Gomorrah/ etc.) will be judged for the first time.

    Some more changes in doctrine must be coming.

  • enoughisenough

    as one of the speakers said at the annual meeting: what do we believe now? ( actually that should tell the r and f something ) they keep changing the beliefs and so one wonders what the spiritual food of the day is . The org is nothing like it was when I started going to meetings 50 + years ago

  • ElderBerry

    Exactly Br Jackson actually joked saying “I’d this what we used to believe or what we believe now”

    If you analyse this statement then it really doesn’t fit in with Jehovah chose his one true religion in 1919?

    The first talk Br Winder said something about Jehovah couldn’t reveal all his plans to Abraham because he was too stupid. Or words to that effect which is very patronising to Abraham.

    So all the failed predictions and the many things they got wrong was just because Jehovah didn’t feel it was the right time to tell them his plans?

    Including the Beth Sarim luxury mansion out of donations that was supposed to be for Abraham and others who were supposed to be resurrected. When that didn’t happen it was convenient for the top dogs to live in Luxury to the end of their days.

  • Vidiot
    Phizzy - “…‘Well then, would it not be better to take a gun with you on the D to D work, and shoot whoever opens the door dead?’…”

    Wasn’t there a severely disturbed JW woman who essentially did that to her enter family for that precise reason a few years back?

  • NotFormer

    ElderBerry: "The first talk Br Winder said something about Jehovah couldn’t reveal all his plans to Abraham because he was too stupid. Or words to that effect which is very patronising to Abraham."

    New light: The GB were too stupid to have everything fully revealed to them.

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