Watchtower Organisation - it's all over, bar the shouting

by slimboyfat 199 Replies latest members campaign

  • ILoveTTATT2
  • LV101

    Bummer as there will always be tragedies altho 9/11 was huge. Many returns after 9/11 probably left once they were back to cult reality. I heard the same about fear and tragedies 30 yrs. ago from the platform. Let's hope the internet helps prevent this in the future or some good youtube warnings out there.

  • slimboyfat

    My main argument is that JWs look set to decline from now on. Until recently I think you could make a reasonable argument that JWs had good prospects for growth. They have done better than most other churches in the western world, including Mormons with whom they are often compared. Sociologist Rodney Stark has argued that both Mormons and JWs have the potential to grow into major world religions in coming century, based on long term growth trends. I think the evidence of the past decade indicates that's not going to happen either for Mormons or JWs. On balance JWs have performed better than Mormons, but both now display serious decline in the west and the beginning of decline overall.

    My second argument is that JWs may experience a more rapid decline than we have perhaps anticipated. It's true that the WT leadership will adapt the message to accommodate decline, using such Scriptures as, "the love of the greater number will cool off". But just because they come up with a strategy doesn't mean it will be particularly successful. The fundamental question JWs will struggle hard to answer is: why is Jehovah delaying Armageddon even longer if the number of worshippers is going down instead of up? I can't imagine any convincing response to that question. Especially since JWs have claimed that Armageddon hasn't come yet only because Jehovah is being "patient" with mankind and wants as many as possible to be saved.

    Other scriptures pose a problem too, such as the verse they like to quote about, "the little one will become a thousand. Jehovah will speed it up in his own time."

    The realisation that the organisation is in decline, combined with other financial, organisational, and credibility problems, may precipitate a crisis, and disorderly unwinding of the religion, rather than a gentle decline.

  • Xanthippe
    Jehovah will speed it up in his own time.

    Thats exactly what I was thinking. Rather than speed it up it's dropped to a dawdle.

  • Londo111

    Organizational growth has been in stagnation for some years. And many JWs who cannot leave with their feet because of shunning can leave with their wallet.

    Eventually all the congregations will be consolidated, all the excess real estate will be sold, all the money from Brooklyn will be spent, and there will be nothing to fall back on. It wouldn't surprise me if they sold either Patterson or Wallkill next. And the new UK HQ, what use will it be now that printing is being moved elsewhere?

  • slimboyfat

    I have no idea what the point of Britain branch is, if they will do no printing.

  • Xanthippe

    What about that gorgeous million pound house in Wales for 'translating'! Lovely holiday home for Watchtower VIPs.

  • Xanthippe

    The vital Welsh translation house for all the Welsh people who can't speak English 😏

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    hasnt that place been bought to be used by those bible characters when they get resurrected ?

  • LV101

    Welsh house on the water no less - nice! Gotta love the crooks and their vacay homes. Someone mentioned in one of the topics today/yesterday how they feel or believe the gov body must believe what they spew out -- I can't find the post now rushing but really!! Can't imagine they believe anything other than promoting their own lifestyles. Living lives of pure luxury - beautiful high end homes or condos surrounded by great everything. They're going to hang on for dear life just thinking about their old/normal standard of living.

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