Watchtower Organisation - it's all over, bar the shouting

by slimboyfat 199 Replies latest members campaign

  • DesirousOfChange

    That was a GREAT READ! Thanks for posting.

    I did like the comment regarding how the writer sees it as Cogs all the way to "the top". I also think that is generally true (mostly). Just like most of us who were elders and esp those who worked in organizational things like assemblies and conventions, saw the "little things" that bugged you.

    Things like free hotel rooms that prominent brothers got for a "contribution". If they were well off, they probably gave generously. They could deduct the contribution on taxes but enjoy a high end hotel "free". The ones who got them for free or almost free were the "spiritual giants" (former COs, etc) who were "deserving". I saw assembly expenditures for high end booze & beer and expensive cut steaks for when prominent guests (Bethel speakers) were in town. But, "didn't they deserve it once in while"?

    While in convention auditing, I knew a financially well off brother who always needed to cash a personal check so he could supposedly give some "green handshakes" or take "so-and-so" out for dinner. If you don't think that wasn't a tax write-off as a donation, you're blind. And I saw donated funds wasted ridiculously (like the TP purchase) because those in charge were dumb as shit and taken as suckers in their negotiations. But it was always just "no problem, just ask the brothers to give more and they will".

  • pepperheart2

    i think it shows that the watchtower is short of money because in spite of making so many cut backs these past 6 years they are still selling kingdom halls off,

  • Diogenesister

    ....dropping by to say this is still my favourite thread title😉

  • Vidiot
    DesirousOfChange - “…if JWLite keeps more members giving more contributions, all is good in WT World…”

    A stopgap measure at best, if the members are still broke as shit.

  • pepperheart2

    if people having been listening to the watchtower they will not have been to college and got well paid jobs and also if you are standing at the trolleys for 60 plus hours a month you wont be able to do many hours at a paid job.Also if your local kingdom hall has closed down you will have to pay more for fuel to get to the new kingdom hall

  • Phizzy

    " in spite of making so many cut backs these past 6 years they are still selling kingdom halls off, "

    That means that once the Asset and the cash from it has gone, the Org. is that much poorer, and as they are not building all but a few new K.Halls, the "J.W Org. Property Scam" is slowly coming to an end.

    Cash Flow problems for that reason, and the others mentioned in the Thread, may hasten a Crisis that the G.B will react to in its usual efficient, innovative, and businesslike savvy way................. NOT !!

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Inflation here in the US has hit construction materials really hard. I'm sure the WT has seen costs go up in the 30% range for much of what they need (land/other real estate as well), and if the materials are donated, the person donating has had to pay more. In either case less materials would be available at higher cost.

  • Bangalore

    It seems to be circling the drain.

  • Rattigan350

    "That means that once the Asset and the cash from it has gone"

    And then the end will come

  • blondie

    Upon launching the Watch Tower Society in 1879, founder Russell claimed that if Jehovah was backing the organization there would never be need to beg, petition or take a collection for money.

    Watchtower 1879 Aug p.20

    More quotes:

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