Circuit overseer "rips them a new one"

by Mulan 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Those bitches took photos? You are inactive and they felt the need for photos? omg

    Well of course photos of your Christmas tree might make kingdom hall headlines.

    That CO is pretty good. So my feeling is that he won't be able to do the job much longer. The gossip is going to get to him and actually it appears that it already is.

  • mustang

    Well, "Four Sisters Detective Agency" might have to sell the telephoto cam-corder, the parabolic mike, the infrared FLIR camera, the step van that says "Four Sisters Janitorial" and a bunch of recording and tapping devices

    1 Peter 4:15:

    "For let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil-doer, or as

    a meddler in other men's matters ." ASV

    This is one I have used on this subject. The meddlers and GOSSIPERS are classed right up there with thieves & murderers.

    This CO is right on the ball. If they did a really extensive DF'ing campaign on gossiping, they would get everybody but the eLDERS on the JC. And that is just because they were officiating and wouldn't do themselves in!!!!


  • Euphemism

    I've actually known CO's who were very much corporate men, but who wouldn't have stood for this kind of crap. Jim Cauthon would be a good example... I was in his circuit in NY. Very hard-line, but also very smart. He was very strict about organizational procedure... and this sisters spying around independently, and gossipping with the whole congregation, is not organizational procedure.

  • jst2laws


    Poor sisters. They should have waited on Jehovah and allow the elders to screw things up themselves.


  • Yerusalyim

    I guess some CO's are not so bad after all...BRAVO FOR HIM.

  • Panda

    Sounds like a smart CO. I'm glad that there is some sanity. But I do remember the bros and sisters spying always looking for the slip up. I wonder if they'd take a picture of your tree but with them in front of it.

  • Mulan

    My friend called me back awhile ago and said she remembered that 3 of those women weren't at the CO's talk on Sunday. We are thinking they got a talking to, and were still nursing their wounds. Heheheehe.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG Mulan I started reading your post and felt so bad that you would have to deal with this crap right now - like you don't have enough going on.

    What a relief the Co is a goodun. It does happen despite all the posts saying we never say anything good about JWs.

    Hope your friend is prepared for the fall-out when the tree goes up though

  • HadEnuf

    My oh thinks these women must be related to some of the "sisters" in our FORMER cong. I believe they really crossed the line with this one...not just gossip...more like slander...a cause for disfellowshipping. As for the CO...he must be new to the job...hasn't been "assimilated" yet; still green. Give him a few more months and he'll sink to the same level as most CO's.

    What a great story. It's such a rarity that "spy sisters" are called onto the carpet for their undercover activities!

  • metatron

    Before we praise any theoretical new found common sense on the part of the Society's

    itinerant KGB men, let's consider two alternatives:

    He's cautious because this stuff can get legal and messy


    He's coming down on 'uppity' sisters.

    Here's a story I once read:

    A man in Iraq was very angry that his daughter became a suicide bomber

    and killed herself attacking Americans. Was he concerned about innocent

    people or his daughter's life? NOPE! He was angry that she didn't ask his

    permission to do it and so was a rebel!

    Motives for stuff can get weird , sometimes.


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