Circuit overseer "rips them a new one"

by Mulan 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    It flippen well looks good on them Mulan.....I bet you and hubby had a good laugh over that one....I do agree with some careful when that tree goes up.....They are the type that would follow you around Wal-mart to see if your buying any santa stuff........with their little spy cams oi their


  • doodle-v

    lol@mortons!!! that conjurs up some really funny pictures!

    Mulan, I'm not suprised in the least that this spying stuff still goes on. I'm shaking my head in disgust, don't they have anything better to do? I mean, seriously!!

  • FlyingHighNow

    And to think I was once part of the org. that inspires such altruistic behavior. Really, Mulan are you sure you want put up that tree and burn the bridges to such valuable friendships? Think of all the fun you will be missing out on. You could go with them on their reconnaissance missions. You could take along a video camera and fashion your own version of COPS.Or maybe it could be like the old FBI from the 60s. At the end they could show the JW having a mugshot made and then tell what the charge and the sentance was. It helps put a humorous spin on the similar thing my sister/sister did to me last July. The elders didn't do anything to me as far as I know. Maybe it's because they don't have my address. It's funny; but it also makes you feel very sick inside, you know?


  • elamona

    Maybe the CO realized that what these women were doing could be VERY illegal. I don't know if you live in a state that has stalking laws but maybe this type of behavior could be included under that umbrella. Also, he may have been trying to limit the legal liability of the KH in addition to squelching that kind of disgusting behavior.

    Also, sincs the lawyers at the WTBTS seem to be running things, under the radar, they may be changing some of the tactics previously employed by the org in order to protect the WTBTS from mega -million dollar invasion-of-privacy, and other, types of lawsuits. Given the public attitude toward big corps, religious or not, this may be the smartest thing the GB has done in a long time- giving their lawyers say-so in some of the orgs affairs.

  • waiting

    Hey Mulan,

    It's good you have a fine friend & good husband to laugh with!

    Some good pros & cons about this:

    Stalking laws are getting tight - as shown above by Elamona. A group of zealous religious (cultish) women who waited outside your home to take many pictures of others entereing your home might be considered stalking. The pictures are proof of the stalking....dorks.

    JW women who show elders that they should follow female lead will not be dealt with politely. Jezebel Influence, humph. - as shown by JT.

    And you also have shouldered the entire burden of your jw mother's care. You're even employing another jw to help in this care. If you didn't take your mother into your home.........would the jw's care for her? Noooooooooooooo - there's jw money & jw reputation involved here too.

    Btw, if a person is df'd or da'd & loses business or business opportunities directly because of the shunning involved............well, that's NOT covered under the first amendment freedom of religion. That's business & money - and the Courts are seeing it that way.

    Could be viewed as discrimination too. An employee who was forced to quit an employer or be df'd/da'd.

    "The evil web we weave in order to deceive." (paraphrasing)

    Glad you're chuckling again!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Can you say s*t*a*l*k*i*n*g?

    Not a bad point. In Texas we have stalking laws and information that women are watching your house and photographing people coming in and out would certainly get the police's attention here.

    Does Washington have smiliar legislation? If so, you could file a report and that almost certainly will keep the elders away from your house in the future and it might give you guys breathing room.

  • Mulan

    Waiting............great comments. Thanks.

    They are the type that would follow you around Wal-mart to see if your buying any santa stuf

    When we were still active, on Christmas season, I was buying evergreen colored candles in the grocery store (my kitchen was that color back then) and a sister from another cong. saw me and reported it. We had just had a power outage and I was stocking up on candles in case it happened again. That was too weird. My husband was the WT overseer and I was a regular pioneer. Did that person really think I was secretly celebrating Christmas because I bought green candles??? I think my brother is right, they all have a Nazi mentality.

    We were planning to put the tree in a corner of the living room, and keep our sun shade pulled outside the big window. No one can see in, but we can see out. Now I'm wondering if I should put it in the dining room. No one would see it if they came to the door even. I hate to hide, but it might be a compromise for now.

  • anglise

    Hi Mulan

    we felt like you do about hiding the xmas tree. For the first year it was in a back room where nobody could see it from outside.

    The next year other half couldnt contain himself any longer and so the tree was in the front window and the front door and a tree ouside had lights on.

    A pioneer bro delivering our mags even commented on them (in a friendly not judgemental way).

    We are not DA or DF and other half was an elder up until we stopped going.


  • Elsewhere

    Careful with the blinkey lights on the tree, k?

    Even with curtains and blinds pulled the lights can be seen from the street. I remember when I was a kid I would marvel at all the evil people trying to "hide" their evil Christmas trees... but I was on to them... I could see the faint colors showing through the window.

  • DIM

    what an amazing story. It reminded me of growing up in Hatboro, PA. I clearly remember that an elder in my congregation actually had some sisters spy on my mom and all sorts of things. They were trying to get her removed from being a pioneer or something. Even with all of the problems I've had with my parents, I remember this to be a very upsetting time for my mom, and the whole spying game is such a joke. Even she couldn't really believe it. It was probably one of the first things that soured me towards the WTS. I'm glad that the CO actually had the sense to realize how wrong that is.

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