How far do we get away from 1914

by PimoElder 134 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • scholar


    Why is there a need to ditch 1914 when it along with 1918 and 1919 forms what could be properly termed an eschatological triennium - sound Biblical Theology?

    The date 1914 is securely based on the fact that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE which began the 70 years of Jewish Exile so it is clearly impossible to present any reasons for the abandonment or 1914 CE which marked the end of the Gentile Times and the birth of God's Kingdom.

    scholar JW emeritus

  • waton

    How far will the overlapping groups in the 1914 generation take you?

    according to D. Splane in his official broadcast, charts and all, with the example of overlapping centenarians like his predecessor, Fr. Franz, until 2075.

    do the math. 2 centenarians, overlapping by 20 years each, starting at a 1894 birth, 200-40=160 + 1914= 2074 +

    1 year for a shortened Great Tribulation (so flesh could be saved), == 2075 a perfect wt centennial, now,

    there are always the 118 year olds around, that will give wt to 2032, with an overlap another 30 years, into 2150.

    wts problem is not the overlap, but the anointing, because they have to go to heaven before the great tribulation, but Jesus said : they would not pass away, until all has happened. so, feel sorry for the

    hapless wt proclaimers, it is not going to happen.

  • slimboyfat

    Seventh-day Adventists keep 1844. That’s 178 years and counting.

  • hillfy333

    I think the further the org gets from 1914, the more irrelevant it becomes. Many youngsters today don't even know about 1975. They will eventually stop talking about 1914, and concentrate on how near the end is, and how the org is being directed by God's chariot.

    They'll focus on their unity, and their preaching activity. Also they will highlight their building projects like Ramapo.

    Lets face it, the society has become a huge social club, giving the members a sense of purpose, and direction. Building up trust in the GB, and linking themselves with God. People with little independent spirit long for solidity and a secure future, which they peddle constantly.

  • FFGhost
    I think the further the org gets from 1914, the more irrelevant it becomes.

    ^ This.

    It's different in WT-world than it was 30+ years ago.

    Virtually no one cares about doctrine anymore. So long as they have the promise of paradise with a big fancy house, getting to see resurrected grandma, and all the pandas they care to pet, other stuff is just "details".

  • ozziepost
    Why is there a need to ditch 1914 when it along with 1918 and 1919 forms what could be properly termed an eschatological triennium - sound Biblical Theology?

    Nice try, scholar ! 😀

    You’re pulling a long bow on that “sound Biblical Theology” line, but I know you’ve convinced yourself.

    How are you btw ? You’ve been around a while.


    Ozzie 🍷

  • ozziepost
    They will eventually stop talking about 1914, and concentrate on how near the end is,

    It seems to me that the shift has already started and the catchcry “the time is short” is getting more airplay than 1914.

  • Gorb

    Current JW's don't know anything about JW history and older doctrine.

    1914 and other years are not relevant anymore.

    It's all about the social aspect now.


  • luckynedpepper

    I've stated it here previously and will do so again for those that missed it;

    I see Waton posted a possible time line. He likes the perfection of 2075. I think this is too long. I thihk we have a significant change in the next 10 years.

    I use Ken Cook as a model. He graduated High School in 1980 (17 years old) That makes him 60 today. He would have needed to be annointed prior to 1992. By early 2030's he'll be staring at his own mortality. As will any other "Overlapper" of the same age or appointed since. This will predicate a new definition of "this Generation" or a change in the Start / End date for the Gentile times.

  • Terry

    My attitude is: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

    Let's consider the situation RATIONALLY.
    Consider the story of JOB. He preached a message of destruction (very reluctantly).
    He was coerced! (Remember the great fish?)
    But finally - preach he did and then Jehovah SPARED the Ninevites.
    This sent JOB into a very ugly snit-fit.
    Something he said went sort of like this: "I look like a fool having preached destruction and now you spared those Yahoos, Jah!"

    Here is what I extract from that. The purpose of threatening destruction was to drive people to repentance and reform.
    Job had no interest in SAVING people.

    JW's largely preach to save their own asses and have an ugly eagerness for the destruction of others at Armageddon.

    The bottom line is this: Saving people can take forever. Every hour of every day of every week, etc. NEW PEOPLE are being born in need of being saved.
    As long as people repent - Jah isn't going to make good on any predicted dates for destruction.
    Serving God isn't about being right in predicting doom. No.
    Being loving, grateful, and willing to save others is the best attitude.
    IF there ever comes a time when no people are left with a repentant heart - THEN the destruction comes.
    I think that is a much more reasonable and less selfish (bloodthirsty) view.

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