Freaking savages--Muslim Women Killed in the West

by ashitaka 51 Replies latest social current

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    How very, very sad. I can just imagine the terror and sense of betrayal that poor girl must have experienced as her father stabbed her to death.

    This is a mindset that I will never understand. Oh I understand it exists, but the mechanics of how a man, or woman, can view their child as something so disappointing that they need to be killed, just leaves me open-mouthed in amazement.

    I had an elder once tell me that children can hurt a parent far more than a parent can hurt their child. I wonder what he'd say if he got his head out of the sand and read this article?

  • teenyuck

    Thank you for your concern for her and I.

    She is good. Now.

    When I got back to school from spring break I called my mom and told her I was going to be home on May 4th. My last day of class was May 3 and I was moving back May 4th. I told her I would *take care* of Zaia.

    I told her I would get him in the middle of the night. All she had to do was leave the room....I was going to tell the police he tried to rape me. I was going to hurt him as he had hurt her. I told her I would cut his penis off and shove it down his throat.

    My mother was begging me to stop and telling me to not do it. I said fine....I would not. However, I had friends who would take care of him. And I did. I hung around with a group of worldly guys who were Latinos....all of them were in Chicago. They were drug dealers and into all kinds of illegal stuff. I went to HS with them and did not realize the illegal stuff they were into until I went away to college and my boyfriend (a Latino) told me what they were into. I told my mom I would put a hit on Zaia and my friends would carry it out. All I had to do was pay them and Zaia would disappear forever.

    Zaia had the telephones bugged. Seriously. Which I knew. My mom had told me while I was at home. He was also afraid my mom would have an affair on him. My good JW mother would Never have an affair. She was terrified of him and was not even going to the meetings because she was so black and blue from the numerous beatings he gave her. She could not let the people at the KH see her because she was embarassed she married a worldly and they would blame her for getting what she deserved.

    Between spring break and moving home on May 4th, I called home every few weeks, I would repeat what I was going to do to Zaia when I got home. My mom would beg me not to because I would go to jail. I said I didn't care.

    I moved home on May 4th. Zaia moved out the evening of May 3rd. I never saw him again. He and my mom were divorced and he did not contest anything. Luckily he got nothing from her. She had money and property.

    He did become a US citizen from the marriage however.

    My mom got counseling from an abused womens shelter. I did also. It was very was empowering to learn why she, and I, had put up with abusive behaviour from men in the past.

    She has never gotten remarried.

  • heathen

    That is disgusting how the muslim treat their women . I see them on the news condemning the USA for immorality yet look what they let their people do . Not all states in the US have the death penalty , it's an issue that the voters decide on in each state , there is also a law that provides due process to accused perpetrators and a fair trial before the death penalty is imposed . These people that are condemned are dangerous to society .

  • Flowerpetal


    My mother was married to an Iraqi.

    He beat her senseless for no reason. No reason. Do you understand? No reason.

    He liked beating women. That is how he was raised....IN IRAQ. Fine muslim values he learned.....

    I was in a chatroom on AOL several years ago and there was this Muslim guy in there that corroborates this story. He said women should be beaten at least once a day if not more. And he said he beats his wife daily.

    Teeny I think I would have done the same thing you thought of...

  • patio34

    Simon stated:

    While it's easy to blame it on 'Mulsim' we should compare the number of killings done in the west. Of course, they are not labelled 'christian' killings because it doesn't fit with the media (or government) propaganda and steryotypes.

    Really, is there any valid reason for killing your children? Of course not ... and muslims are not the only ones who do it.

    Just a couple of points. Often it's the Muslim clerics who demand the punishment. It's not accurate to say "killing your children," it's females who can be murdered with impunity (i just have read about Saudi Arabia recently). and Muslims' teachings in religion seriously denigrate women. They may not be the only ones, but they're pretty much the main ones and largest group.


  • Aztec

    I've read books about the way women are treated in Muslim countries and it makes my blood boil! From what I've read about the Koran, it's not in their teachings, it's in their culture. I'm just sad and appalled when I read these kinds of stories.


  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    As soon as you declare a system of 'divine' beliefs, and then structure your society around it, not much is off limits. You can hate, maim, and even kill because God has delcared you can.

    Yet another of the dangers of fundamentalism. (Notice here that I did not single any religion/culture out). Fundamentalists are disadvantaged in that they've been conditioned, by their belief system, to ignore the natural 'bullshit detector' that most humans use to discern what is logical and reasonable from what is absolute wackiness. Once the ability to distinguish between looniness and reality is disabled, it's a difficult (and often impossible) skill to re-learn.

    The fundamentalist Islamic community is a very good example of this phenomenon. For thousands of years they've been encouraging men to despise women and forgo education in the name of Allah and preparation for his holy war(s). The cumulative effect of such a belief system results in exactly the kind of behavior this post entails. Even in 2003, a woman can be killed because she has 'dishonored' her family. Madness. (And if anyone tries to tell you how true muslims are peace-loving and anti-hatred, flick them forcefully in the forhead in an attempt to snap them out of their idealism. Yeah, true muslims are really peace loving and kind--as long as your not an infidel--and you're either an infidel or a Muslim. Which are you?)

  • heathen

    I am clearly an infidel .lol I have no appreciation for the moslem religion whatsoever .

  • Abaddon


    Ever thought, that maybe people on both sides are aware of the other person's argument so there's no need to elaborate?

    I didn't bring it up; hell, I don't really know why a story about a backwards-misogynistic-religous-zealot-dog made someone immediately advocate the death penalty as a solution when such a solution is (sorry avishai), statistically speaking, nonsence.

    I do respect you StinkyPantz, but you didn't have to "roll your eyes", just like I didn't have to do StatisticsBoy. I felt the need, you felt the need, me bad, you bad. I'm happy to leave it at that.


    When men are taught from an early age that women are worthless, they treat women as worthless.

    Absolutely. This is not an intrinsic feature of Isalm. Yes, there are misogynistioc sura in the Quran, but we've all read the Bible haven't we? The main difference is that the Quran was written for an audience not too dissimilar to the Israelites, but was 'written ' 1,000-1,500 years afterwards. All the cultural changes that have changed Christianity from the misogynistic faith of the Jews to something that many people now regard as egalitarian have simply not had time to occur in Islam; we are seeing what happens if you try cramming 1,000 years into 200 years; people with a (to us) backwards culture with Reeboks and Cell phones.

    The Christian church was as backwards in their treatment of women as many Islamic countries are now. In some areas (cotraceptive rights, e.g.), some Christian faiths are still backwards with regard to their consideration of people and their devotion to 'the letter' of their faith's law, rather than 'the spirit' of their faiths law. Banning condoms is not as dramatic as killing someone with a knife, but both end up with deaths and certain faiths refusal to adopt them kills FAR more people than honour killings; it's just a bureaucratic diffuse evil than a single man with a knife evil.

    .. but for now, here, Pim Fortyn's statement that 'Islam is a backwards religion' is applicable to many of its adherants - unfairly perhaps to liberal Mulsims, but then liberal Muslims are as new a thing as liberal Christians were a few centuries ago. Trying to make it about religion rather than education is stopping one's ears to the pain of an awful lot of Christian women down the years.

    And when I say education, I mean START EARLY; you can have a life-long misogynist if you get a boy young enough, no matter how many letters he eventually can stick after his name.

    I'm glad your mum got out of that ghastly situation' one thing I feel from the very tips of my toes is that women who kill a spouse who has consistantly abused and terrorised them should walk away from court free. In Britain they've recently overturned a few cases where, shamefully, women were jailed for killing abusive spouses. There's a growing recognition that cutting the bastard's throat while he sleeps is sometimes the only way a woman feels she can escape the cycle of abuse, and is not the cold-blooded pre-meditated murder it has previously been seen as, but is rather a desperate act of self-protection.

    Room 215:

    The USA, for one. Sorry, but you walked RIGHT into that one; the USA won't even sign certain International Conventions as they want to remain the right to execute people for offeces commited whilst they were minors - a right that is exercised. Don't believe me? Go to Amnesty International. You might quibble over 'murder' (Simon actually said 'killing'), but if someone isn't competant enough to take out a loan before a certain age I don't see how they can be considered culpable of homicide before that age, and a judicial killing would be just as much a violation of life as whatever they did (or did not do). Judicial executions aside, as avishai points out, China (and India to a certain extent) unfortunately still value men better than women, and practise infanticide.

    Then we have the deaths caused by religiously motivated doctrines on medicine; obviously an 'honour killing' is incomparably more evil, but the deaths caused by AIDS that could have been prevented by condom usage by the parents, the deaths caused by over-population caused by not using contraception, and the deaths of children due to parents withholding specific life-saving mediucal treatments can result in child that is just as dead in the name of faith.

    Stacey Smith:

    The lack of a death penalty certainly doesn't cause these men to murder women. I favor the death penalty but I know it won't deter them either. They are obsessed with their hatred of women. The fact that women are property to them is obvious. How dare a woman oppose them?

    I'd feel better knowing they have been put to death for their crimes. Must be that revenge thing.

    I agree with you as regards such men's motivation and the lack of deterent the death penalty would provide due to the motivations of such men.

    I also think you're being remarkably honest; I think it's quite acceptable to admit that you'd feel better if they were put to death for their crimes; I might not agree, but I understand what you say and don't view it as 'bad' (not that you neccesarily care what I think).

    I just can't get people who try to make a case for the death penalty on grounds OTHER than it makes them feel better, or to be precise, I've seen no case for the death penalty on the grounds that it reduces murders that stands up to examination.

    If you (not you Stacey, I mean 'one') can't make a case for it on grounds of benefits in terms of reduction of murders or other benefits, but aren't happy to admit it makes you feel better... well, that's a quandry for you to resolve.

  • avishai
    I just can't get people who try to make a case for the death penalty on grounds OTHER than it makes them feel better, or to be precise, I've seen no case for the death penalty on the grounds that it reduces murders that stands up to examination

    Nil on the recidivism. Absolutely no chance of them doing it again, either in or out of prison. Ergo, no repeat murders.

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