Freaking savages--Muslim Women Killed in the West

by ashitaka 51 Replies latest social current

  • Abaddon


    Nil on the recidivism. Absolutely no chance of them doing it again, either in or out of prison. Ergo, no repeat murders.

    Yup, but I see the chance of being able to redress miscarraiges of justice as also being nil.

    If the death penalty unavoidably (at least as it is used in the USA today, and as it was used in most European countries before abolition) results in the deaths of innocent people through miscarraiges of justice (a statistical fact), and having the death penalty does not deter people from murder or other capital crimes (a statistical fact), then I see no justification in maintaining the death penalty.

    Nil recidivism for me is not a plus side of a penalty which results in the State killing people unlawfully (through miscarriages of justice) unless it resulted in an overall drop in murders (which it doesn't).

  • StinkyPantz


    You are itchin' to talk about CP, huh? LOL!!!

  • Abaddon

    Stinky; not particulary; I didn't bring it up like it was a solution. I would be just as persistant in addressing an off-topic comment not involving the deathn penalty if I disagreed with it. I gave my opinon to it and have just responded to the response my opinion engendered; which is what each and every post after the first one on any thread is, so, again, nothing special.

    Like I say elsewhere, I'd love to have a proper discussion about if, but not today.

  • StinkyPantz


    Sorry if I have been on your case. I have a crush on you and I'm frustrated is all. Please forgive me .

  • heathen

    I agree the death penalty would make an interesting debate . It's not something that the government imposes it's something that the voters and people of each state determine . Again , not all states have the death penalty .

    I also hear that Saudi arabia is talking going democratic which could lead to a bill of rights for it's citizens . I agree tho the US does have a double standard when it comes to oil rich countries but still think it's not the US responsiblity to legislate for other countries .

  • jwbot

    Does Saudi Arabia consider women citizens??

  • dolphman

    Here's the deal ok?

    Then nature of Islam itself leans itself towards this sort of behaviour, and the combination of this strict religion mixed with a mysoginist culture breeds this sort of thing. Trying to sugarcoat by saying "well Christians do it too blah blah blah" IS NOT a valid argument! How many times has a Catholic priest slit the throat of his own daughter because she was lying fully clothed on a bed talking to a man? It's probably happened, but IT IS NOT CONDONED BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. IT IS NOT CONDONED BY CHRISTIANITY.

    Are you folks getting this? The difference between and honor killing in the WEST (If they ever happen) and an honor killing in a MUSLIM SOCIETY is in the MUSLIM SOCIETY it is CONDONED, ACCEPTED, EXPECTED, ALLOWED, ENCOURAGED.

    And that my friends, is sick. And any attempt to explain it otherwise is not dealing with the reality of the situation. Do all muslims accept this? Probably not. I have met some nice muslims. But at the same time, their religion would allow for that sort of thing, especially if living in the Middle East. And that is gross, and there is nothing in Western society that equals this. People who get the death penalty, whether innocent or not, at least get a fair trial, and they get the death penalty not for talking to a stranger or because they were raped by a brother, but rather for a real crime, however innocent they might be. THERE IS NO COMPARISON.

    As far as the Western world turning a blind eye to all of this, we don't. We get enough shit for trying to free the Iraqis from a murderous dictator, imagine what would happen if we tried freeing women from Islamic law. People would think we were imperialist for sure!


  • avishai


  • heathen

    Islam is just another hate cult that tries to moralize inhumane acts . The catholic church is guilty of worse than what Dolphman stated they murdered and tortured people for centuries over control of the scriptures or for disagreeing with church doctrine , how insane is that ?

  • dolphman

    C'mon heathen, it's the 21st century. The Catholic church figured it had to change with the times, Islam should do as well. Atrocities have been commited by everyone, does that excuse the fact that Islam condones what it does? Especially considering the age we live in? It's time ISLAM got with the program don't you think? Haven't we as a human race progressed enough to AT LEAST not condone the killing of young girls raped by relatives. I mean, it's one thing if you agree with it, it's your right to kill any family members you want, but god forbid a religion actually sanctioning such a thing. That's just gross.

    And again, i've never met a Catholic who'd slit his own daughters throat, and then be given the OK by church elders as if it were the will of GOD. I don't even think a JW elder could get away with that. This is the simple fact of Islamic culture. Sorry to say. We can dissect every religion and point out the atrocities commited, and all that winds up doing is showing us religion can be manipulated however man sees fit.

    But I do think the rest of humanity (at least in the WEST) has progressed to the point where burning people at the stake and stoning people for adultery is now considered a little too harsh a punishment. I think Islam needs to catch up.

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