Remember the Revelation book?

by wozza 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wozza

    Thanks for all the comments on this book.

    I have been out for many years and am wondering if,when they provided inserts for all the changes, did they do an up-dated version of this book with all the new "light" ?

    I am keen to have another look and go over the changes and how they fit into their current rubbery teachings I don't have any copies but can it be downloaded?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Glad I wasn’t the only one stumbled by the 7 trumpets = JW Conventions in 1920s America. It was so arrogant to make that connection and I reasoned to myself that ANY religious organisation could make the same claim by stringing together 7 public events where they proclaimed something of magnitude.

  • Phizzy

    LMSA, it fascinated me once to have a look at what actually happened at the Conventions they claimed were the fulfilment of a great Bible prophecy.

    One I looked at, which had obviously been chosen because it was roughly the required number of days before another such Convention, which did have a Proclamation if memory serves, but the first one, NOTHING ! There was a reference to it later in a Magazine, that claimed something about it, like a Talk that was given there being significant, but that was on the wrong day ! if you counted the 1235 or 1260 days or whatever it was, they did not compute.

    I guess they rely upon no JW actually analysing their claims to that obsessive degree, I don't know now why I spent so much time debunking the claims back then, it is all so obviously totally contrived nonsense.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    did they do an up-dated version of this book with all the new "light" ?

    Yes they did, in 2006. You can get both versions here (although the original 1988 edition is a poor quality scan). You can also get the adjustments document as well.

    (you will need to scroll down quite a way to find them)

  • EverApostate

    The Bible book of revelation was written by a mentally disturbed person. Who else would write that beasts would come out of the sea, Killer Grasshoppers, blood filling the earth unto a horses height, Winged creatures in heaven, women being corrupted etc…

    This book was clubbed into the Bible after some lengthy arguments and debates, as I understand.

    And the WT wrote a whole lot of interpretation for that Book - which thrilled millions of Jws for a time – and which are almost out dated now.

    Time changes everything

  • Finkelstein

    The Revelation book put out by the WTS is just another example of the WTS being a fear mongering "corrupt"

    religious publishing house.

    Exploiting the belief in the bible is the game they played to not only enhance the proliferation and distribution of their publications but also to exploit people fears, ignorance and insecurities.

    The men who run this organization are still operating this publishing house pretty much upon that same active premise.

    Kind of like if it works dont break it, the money is there, so is the power and control.

  • wozza

    Thank you Ultimate Axiom for that !

    So it's been 32 years since the book was first released and they have'nt released a replacement in this so called "critical times" we live in so close to the end?

    When one considers the massive changes this religion has had in those 32 years ,would it not be strange not to lead the world in understanding the most critical book in the bible explaining the end times!?

    Instead the worlds only true religion offers an adapted old book to the world ,that probably none of the current governing body had anything to do with !

  • joe134cd

    That book was total BS from front to cover. I knew it was even when I was a fully indoctrinated PIMI.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    I don’t think any Dub, no matter how PIMI, actually believes those books 100%. Back when I was PIMI, the book study was the Ezekiel book (The Nations Shall Know that I am Jehovah) and in private conversation with the study overseer, he admitted not really believing it, with the usual comment, “these things will all become clear in the New System”. And that’s how I viewed all successive books like that afterwards, they were all the product of the fevered imaginings of Freddie, which is the reason there have been no new understandings since he died. This current lot not only lack imagination, they lack the necessary intellect.

  • TD
    This current lot not only lack imagination, they lack the necessary intellect.


    The current crop of leaders and policy makers don't even understand the precepts and methodology behind previous doctrines.

    A religion built from the ground up on typology can't abandon it as an interpretational method, for example.

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