Remember the Revelation book?

by wozza 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TD

    As official doctrine, the wild allegorical interpretations of Revelation have all had very short shelf lives.

    As humor, they pretty much last forever..

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I was about 10 years old when we studied that book at the book study and it was the first time that I realized that I didn't believe everything printed by the Watchtower. I still remember the topic: Prophesied trumpets were accomplished by public resolutions taken at conventions in the 1920s (Chapter 21. pg.15). I thought this was founded on nothing else than narsissisistic desires.

    Despite this, it still took me another 25 years to actually leave the religion.

  • wozza

    I'm so glad many remember this book ,it was profound in so many ways ,and not so good for the WTS history of revealing truths.

    The Cedar Point thing was such a big deal for the brothers but what significance does it have now in WTS theology?

    This book is a marking of point of WTS failure in my opinion and yet I was so deluded to think it was special.

  • JoenB75

    It is really pretty amazing many jws were silly enough to believe that red revelation book lol. When people do not protest it only empowers the crazies. A group study of Friesen's or Smalley's revelation books had been better

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Look at christendoms take on revelation, Daniel. Ezekiel. Going back hundreds of years. On a different forum there was a reference to the small horn. I foolishly thought it was exclusive to WT. Wrong. They take an idea, massage it and run with it

  • JoenB75

    Road to nowhere, yeah true but they apply the events to larger stuff than their convention meetings

  • Dunedain

    I was also in my early pre teens when first studying this joke of a book. It was the same for me too. My 11 year old brain could not wrap its head around the fact that the most prophetic, earth shattering, trumpet blowing events were the conventions. It made no sense and just didnt feel right to me.

    If i remember correctly the actual wording was something like, "happy are those who reach the 134 days", or something like that, and the WTBS had it fall on the exact days of the conventions.

    Then they spoke about the "stinging" scorpion tails, or "bite" of the locusts, being the messages of the Watchtower magazine during the time of the end, exposing false religion. Its funny looking back now and seeing how the Watchtower magazine NOW, closer to the "end", has been reduced to an insignificant few measly pages of nonsense. The poison has been removed from the sting, thats for sure.

    It was all complete and utter bulls&%t. I was actually long gone in my early 20s, when they came out with those "new light" supplemental pages to "paste and copy" into the mighty Revelation book. I knew it was bunk before that crap. Hearing about it after only reinforced that a made the right decision leaving the cult. I am lucky i got out in my early 20s, many been trapped for life.

  • waton

    Hoping to get some dislikes I offer this in connection with the memorial just passed.

    Page 100 paragraph 4 gave me a good explanation of the new covenant, kingdom covenant, priestly duties conundrum.

    All partakers gain the right to everlasting life through drinking, eating the emblems, , then like Jesus, who as the second Adam, had that right by birth, , they want to give up that right in a sacrificial death, to gain immortality. trouble is:

    even if you want to sacrifice yourself, the axe-wielders ( of Rev 20) might not comply, and

    why then should not all partake to get that right to everlasting life ? --and keep it--, a right that their Lord had, gave up in a sacrificial death that he suffered for them?

    If they are Armageddon survivors , they need it more than the "anointed" because the other sheep will not pay for their sins with their death.

    not selling, just saying.

  • smiddy3

    anyone remember that lime green Daniel book? " Your Will Be Done On Earth"

    That was my all-time favourit book when I was in dealing with the King of the North and the King of the South.

    Another lot of false prophecies that didn`t come to fruition .

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I remember our Book Study group being reprimanded for asking too many questions and dragging out the 'Book Study' for too long, LOL. The main culprit was my father as he wasn't happy with the convoluted explanations by the study conductor.

    He stayed a believer regardless. It was one of my triggers that all was not well in the bOrg.

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