Playing The Hand You Are Dealt

by jst2laws 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws


    Virtually all of us had been having the same doubts and suffering silently. Now we're talking to each other. It's been pretty amazing so far.

    Daaaannnnnggg! That IS "amazing"! You are a lucky fellow. Take it slow.


    Yes, there is no escaping "their crap". To one degree or another we will always be XJWs.


    I developed a walking impairment, brought on by ankylosing spondylitis. So now I am forced to use a walker or a wheelchair.. .....Life is too short to sit around and moan about what you CANNOT do. Forget that and get on with it, chum!

    Hey man. Thanks for sharing that. Not only are we "not dead yet" but most of us CAN STILL WALK!

    I wonder how many other reasons we can come up with for accepting what we have been dealt and getting 'on with it'?


  • SixofNine

    t/y XenaWarrior :-)

  • Valis

    Steve, perhaps because no one else will make excuses for you? Because as hillary said earlier or maybe even in another thread, for many time is short and not just getting on with it means you are stewing in relativley the same pot you started off in. And because the only way to break the axis of guilt and holding on to a delusion is to come clean with yourself and stop insulting your own intelligence....but hey, what do I know? *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • StinkyPantz

    Good post Steve. I wish I was a more positive person.

    I am one of the angry ones. Not necessarily at the WT, just at my parents for abandoning me.

    Should we keep complaining about the hand we were dealt or PLAY THE GAME?

    Can't we do both?


    I plan on moving on with my life, I was lucky enough to get out young and marry a great guy, BUT I will forever have a void in my life.



  • xenawarrior
    ....but hey, what do I know? *LOL*

    LOTS !!

  • jst2laws

    I am amazed at the wisdom pouring out on this thread.


    accept the hand that you were dealt and that you CAN'T fold, life will never be happy.......Signed, Happy Minimus

    "you CAN'T fold" ! I like that twist. We are forced to accept this reality, its ours. No new hand dealt, cant fold, do get on with it. Thanks Minimus


    We all make mistakes in life, big ones and small ones, and the sooner we learn to forgive others, the sooner we can forgive ourselves....and be happy.

    Agreed, our own personal wellbeing is contengent of letting it go and forgiving ourselves.


    Yes it is much easier to make the adjustment if your mate leaves with you. Even better if most your children exit at the same time as ours did.


    Good, I'm working on a reply.


  • jst2laws


    I guess I just mention this for those who were truly crushed, as opposed to merely deeply inconvienienced by the JW system. If I can give you a reason not to look back in anger, dispair or chronic pain, if I can encourage you to "play the hand you were dealt" in spite of that hand being so very wrong for you

    Six, you make several very good points. As you say there are factors that can make leaving WT vary from "inconvenienced" to "crushed".

    When we went to my father's memorial last month is was crushing to be treated badly by most relatives (our pictures removed from family pictures, requested to leave when dinner was served for the family) even though we were promised we would be treated like family for that occasion. My business lost more than half of it's subcontractors in the middle of a major project. After a life time of fighting depression far a short time I got so bad I went on medication for the first time. A person could let these things pile in on them. But, I had my wife and children. If you focus on what you have rather than what you don't have, it is less difficult. As you said: ""people are people" and "attitude is everything".

    But for those left with a hand in the game that is "so very wrong" you have my sympathy and support. You can't get a knew deal and you can't fold, but at this table everyone is routing for you.


  • jst2laws


    I suspect your remarks were directed at my reluctance to entirely leave behind the harm I cause by not listening to my own conscience. At this point I'm not really dealing with guilt about it. I'm just garded about allowing myself to become "comfortable" with it. I hope this will prevent me from ever succumbing to 'group thought', becoming judgemental, or going along with an institution or movement against my better judgement for the sake of unity. Maybe I am wrong to hang on to this but as a long time regular member of "Special Committees" and "Appeal Committees" I fear I have left a lot of tear soaked soil behind me. Perhaps I did many a favor by helping them exit the WT but many who leave that way are not better off for it.

    I hope you will understand if I choose to hang onto a little 'discomfort' with those memories.


    I plan on moving on with my life, I was lucky enough to get out young and marry a great guy, BUT I will forever have a void in my life.

    So just FOCUS on getting "out young'" and on marrying "a great guy" instead of on the "void in my life". The void will always be there but it's affect on your life is bound to decrease.

    YOU have some aces in your hand, SP. Just focus on your hand instead of worrying about other players you might feel are trying to get you to fold.


  • Valis

    Steve my know that I think you and joy and fam are very strong people and should be applauded for doing the dance and getting out. I love all of you. You asked for other points as to why someone might want to have a moment of reflection and think about the way they feel in regards setting blame and so forth. I wasn't pointing my comments toward you or anyone in particular. I found myself, mostly on long Greyhound trips..*LOL*, thinking what and who I was. I finally found that in good conscience I couldn't even entertain thoughts of Armageddon, or a hateful diety, or even that my parents thought I was dead. Things happen in such a way that eventually in one's life you can see the irony as it spreads itself accross the life of you, your direct family and those you so desperately wished would wake up. Like having beautiful kids that my parents adore although they maintain such ludicrous beliefs...


    District Overbeer

  • jst2laws

    Hello Valis,

    You seem to be in a very reflective mood tonight.

    even that my parents thought I was dead.

    That is sad. I hope you will be able to reach your family some day. Take care old friend.


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