by frenchbabyface 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    My feelings on this topic are so mixed. When I was a kid and my friends would talk about weddings and marriage I would usually try to change the topic cause I had no interest in it. To some degree I feel the same way today. I've survived almost thirty years single and I doubt I'll ever get married. As social as I may seem I'm an extremely hard person to really get to know. I keep everyone, even my friends, at a distance. I guess I still have a little of that fear of rejection thing going on. I've been hurt enough for one lifetime. Maybe in five years I'll say something completely differant but, I doubt it.


  • Brummie

    I think a marriage is very private. A husband and wife shouldnt invite any comments on their marriage, its internal only, I will praise up my wife, but never talk about her in a down way casually. I dont think we should discuss partners negative points on an open forum such as this. Unless one is being abusive, then the abused partner should shout it from the house tops.


  • noidea

    36 / Single / I have been on my own for a year now. I love being single and the freedom that goes with it. Yes, it can be lonely at times but nothing is worse then being married and still having that lonely feeling and I had that for a long time. I miss the giving of myself 100% to someone. I like to do for other people that makes me happy. Yes. I'm sure I will marry again but to someone that appreciates every facet if me and doesn't want to change a thing about me. The dating thing is a little awkward. I'm seeing someone now but at this point there is no commitment and I'm free to date other people. For the most part it's a great situation I have someone to be intimate with and still able to keep my options open. Being raised the way I was as a JW I sometimes feel I'm going against the grain. I guess at this point of my life I just need the time to learn about myself. I could be happy either way.

  • frenchbabyface

    (((Sens))) NO DOUBTS !!!

    (((Sixo))) Lose 1 you'll find 10
    I know you will !!! Cause you make cute babies (I saw one - maybe the only one but hey !)

    (((aztec))) Since you know that you feel good enough that way !!! Live your life honney

    BrummieI'm sorry but I think that you have something to hide
    I told you in the beginning (IF YOU CAN ...)
    You didn't follow my advice and now I know a little bit more

    Noideayou know what I've got the feeling that EVERYTHING IS Ok FOR YOU !!!

  • Brummie
    BrummieI'm sorry but I think that you have something to hide

    Sorry French, not everyone who doesnt think the same as you do has something to hide. Its just a bit of suspicious thinking on your part. s, ok, I guess none of us are immune to want to add a bit of suspicion and spice up an innocent statement.

    I simply gave my opinion, I'm happily married, but say if I disliked the way my wife cooked a meal, or picked her nose, I wouldnt feel it appropriate to tell. fact is, she is a good cook and isnt seen picking her nose, but you get my drift I guess.


  • tinkerbell82

    i agree with brummie :)

  • KiraNOTKaren

    not technically

    -we are in this open thing right now. It will remain open til we at least come face to face though I am not actively seeking anyone else. He is going thru his prospects list . LOL

  • KiraNOTKaren

    yes I agree. I have been getting a load of his quirks thru chat/phone/emails too though. LOL.

    he can be a grump. he is extremely more laid back than I am. he is a bit "let it be, let it be". I am handling it. I think I am doing well.



  • frenchbabyface

    Did you see my "LOL" at the end of the sentence or NOT ?
    I wouldn't LOL on such things ...I'm OLD you know ... LOL
    BUT NOW I feel like you've got something to hide
    LOL AGAIN ... (don't get me wrong BRUM please !!!) and BEST WISHES

    (((Kira))) TAKE CARE ANYWAY ... and GOOD LUCK

  • KiraNOTKaren
    KIRA : Same question ; did you meet him YET or NOT (cause I guess you have to) anyway living together or not is not the same at all ? so It can be wonderful one way and awfull the other way. And the kids are old enough to understand you both need love and eventually need to be together (who makes that choice : him or you ? 1 or 2 things are BIZARRE IN YOUR STORY I?M SCARED FOR YOU because you already spend 3 years in that relationship) And is it him on the pic ? Because he looks like a PRETTY GIRL !!!

    no not face to face- I went out to Calif last summer not expecting him to be back in town but he was and I forgot to remove my hotmail REPLY TO in my email options and it had a defunct email address on it and he wrote to tell me he was there and it bounced right in his face. I did not find out til I got back home and it was too late! I was only there a long weekend but had we met up we were both sure I would not be returning (my kids were with me)

    my kids could care less if I need love and to be with him! LOL They are in the selfish stage- have been since birth- I am not going to step on any toes and going to wait it out til they are 18 (his kid too) Though we could meet way before then. I am hoping he takes me with him this coming Feb/Mar to Chile where he will be recording for 6 weeks but I am not holding my breath. That is a bunch of $$.

    Who makes the choice- both of us on different elements. It would be MY decision to head out there - his to set the date because I am not going to have what happened last summer happen again! But it would be completely HIS decision if I don't have the $ and he's paying.

    In an unfortunate way he is in control because he is never at one place for any length of time and yet I always am at this same address/same ph. number. PLus he is the only one of the two of us working. I am on disability. My time is all my own- his is not. But then again he emails me at least a half dozen times a day. At times there has passed quite a while before I heard but that was during one of our downtimes when he was in Istanbul, Turkey and I didn't ever expect to hear from him again. Oh we have had our ups and downs alright. More ups then downs. But I have been in the "dating scene" since '91 and have been there done that and to date I have never met another man I would rather be with than Adrian. We have an open relationship but I have no desire to sort thru other men any longer. He can do as he feels in that regards. I am so far the best he has found

    yes the pretty girl is HE LOL but I am bi so you can see why I am attracted LOL


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