What is the alternative to JW?

by Formerbrother 475 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    My conclusions are that JW are the nearest to the truth from the Bible, they are the only ones to use the divine name.

    So based from the fact that the WTS/JWS self identifies itself with a mis-translated latinised version of YHWH

    (YAHWEH) originally created by Protestants ( False Religion of Babylon the Great ), that makes the JWS the nearest to the truth from the bible ?

    How would like to be addressed or called a name that isn't even close to the original.

    Jehovah" was popularized in the English-speaking world by William Tyndale and other pioneer English Protestant translations such as the Geneva Bible and the King James Version.[2] It is still used in some translations, such as the New World Translation and Young's Literal Translation, but it is does not appear in most mainstream English translations, as the terms "Lord" or "LORD": used instead, generally indicating that the corresponding Hebrew is Yahweh or YHWH.

    With all due respect Formerbrother where is your honesty and personal integrity .

  • sparky1
  • jookbeard


    there are a fair few sacred name movement groups out there, have you looked at how close they are biblically to the truth as well? there are many boxes they may tick to be even closer than the WTS , membership of the UN, worldwide cover-up of child abuse, continuing failed and false prophecies, its a tough call, maybe you need to do a bit more research?

  • 2+2=5

    Did you actually read any of the 60 replies?

    I read many great replies, people actually taking some of their time to explain some shit for you, trying to help you use your brain.

    And you come back with "blah blah Jehovah lives in a WT blah blah"....

    Go back to the Kingdom Hall, you will fit right in.

  • Finkelstein

    Formerbrother hasn't yet concluded or realized that the WTS/JWS is a corrupt commercialized fraud that yes did point out some engaging faults with other Christian based faiths ( ie. Catholicism) but at the same time created a whole whack of its own false doctrines concerning and involving its literature proliferation agenda.

    No you may not see a graven image of Cross on the front of its buildings but take an honest analytical look inside the JWS faith and you see numerous false doctrines, one being identifying itself by using Jehovah, used by most Protestant religions through the use of the King James bible.

    The most obvious ones involving setting dates and times of Christ re-appearance and the Great Tribulation as well Armageddon.

    The bible clearly states through Jesus's own words that his true followers were "NOT" to make or set times on god's own sacred time.

    What has the WTS done in the last 100 years or more ?

    Been directly disobedient to God is really what has been doing.

    The Gospel being preached by the WTS has little to do with accurately preaching the true Gospel as instructed by God through his son Jesus Christ.

  • TD

    My conclusions are that JW are the nearest to the truth from the Bible, they are the only ones to use the divine name.

    It's one thing to renounce the JW faith.

    It's quite another to renounce their patterns of thought. That's much harder

    A simple example is their use of the word, "Truth."

    Truth is not a tangible object that you can "have" or be "in."

    If you could let go of this esoteric, cultish use of the word and treat it as the abstract concept that it is, part of your dilemma would go away.

  • Formerbrother

    So based from the fact that the WTS/JWS self identifies itself with a mis-translated latinised version of YHWH

    (YAHWEH) originally created by Protestants ( False Religion of Babylon the Great ), that makes the JWS the nearest to the truth from the bible ?

    How would like to be addressed or called a name that isn't even close to the original.

    Jehovah" was popularized in the English-speaking world by William Tyndale and other pioneer EnglishProtestant translations such as the Geneva Bible and the King James Version.[2] It is still used in some translations, such as the New World Translation and Young's Literal Translation, but it is does not appear in most mainstream English translations, as the terms "Lord" or "LORD": used instead, generally indicating that the corresponding Hebrew is Yahweh or YHWH.


    This is so basic its not worth typing, so Jesus is wrong way to say his name as well? What about Joshua, John, Joseph, and every other name that we say starting with J?

    And why pick on the English language? What about the hundreds of other languages?

    We all know they tried to replace the divine name with titles such as lord or god, but the original YHWH is the divine name, we just have do the best we can translating it in each language, we may not get it quite right as we all say it differently around the world.

    But in line with this thread, what is the alternative? To not use a name and use a title instead?

  • Formerbrother

    Did you actually read any of the 60 replies?

    I read many great replies, people actually taking some of their time to explain some shit for you, trying to help you use your brain.

    And you come back with "blah blah Jehovah lives in a WT blah blah"....

    Go back to the Kingdom Hall, you will fit right in.


    Yes I read all the replies, and have dug very deep, I would guess more than you.

    Im really trying to get to the truth, Im on a mission to get to the bottom of it all.

    There have been no replies to come up with one thing that shows JW org are further from the truth than any other option.

    Yes I know you can find fault if you look hard enough, believe me I have looked very hard.

    Yes there have been mistakes made, and imperfect humans will no doubt make more mistakes in the future.

    But I now believe the entire Bible is Gods word, and that Jehovahs Witnesses are closest to the truth that anybody else. Far far closer than anybody else understanding of the bible.

    Once again, what is the alternative? I know there are many here who strongly believe they JW's are wrong, so please sum up what is the alternative?

    For example, when Jesus said "this is how you can identify my true followers, those who have love amongst themselves" which other organisation apart from JWs can also say that, in almost every nation around the world?

    I dont think anybody else, but I could be wrong please give some alternatives?

  • Bonsai

    We all know they tried to replace the divine name with titles such as lord or god, but the original YHWH is the divine name, we just have do the best we can translating it in each language, we may not get it quite right as we all say it differently around the world.

    No, actually we don't. Why force a translation of a name that even Jesus never used? If it was so important to make a modern, hybrid version of the tetragrammaton why didn't Jesus do so in his day? Where is the written record of him using the divine name? Why not just call god "father" or "Lord"? Truth shouldn't have to be forced or manipulated or modernized to fit the agendas of men. If god does indeed exist, then he/she/it knows who he/she/it is no matter what name/title you choose to call he/she/it.

  • Bonsai

    For example, when Jesus said "this is how you can identify my true followers, those who have love amongst themselves" which other organisation apart from JWs can also say that, in almost every nation around the world?

    What love have you experienced so deeply from them? If you have experienced this unprecedented love, why are you here? I have experienced individual love from them. But as a whole, I have seen that the more intimate JWs get with each other, the more they start to eat each other. All that condescending judgement, pious facade and conditional love really ate at me to the point where there was no alternative other than to puke them out of my life. You can only be a brainless yes-man in that organization for so long, but go ahead and give it a try! Maybe you are the personality type that just loves to lap all that stuff up! Hopefully not.

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