US anti-abortionist faces execution

by ignored_one 217 Replies latest social current

  • funkyderek
    I am not rigid here. Rape is a consideration for abortion.

    So a foetus is a human being with the same rights as any other, unless its mother was raped? Surely murder is murder, and the foetus either has an unalienable right to life or it does not.

    Also, does anybody know, is it normal in the United States for those convicted of capital offenses to be allowed to give press conferences?

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    So a foetus is a human being with the same rights as any other, unless its mother was raped? Surely murder is murder, and the foetus either has an unalienable right to life or it does not.

    So it's a black and white issue to you? Not to me.

  • funkyderek
    So it's a black and white issue to you? Not to me.

    Not at all. There are probably infinite shades of grey. But if your argument against abortion is that it is murder, then I don't see how it stops being murder just because the mother was raped. Is it OK to kill a one-year-old who was born as the result of rape?

  • Panda

    A few thoughts on these issues.

    First, I am glad that Hall was put to sleep last evening at about 6:30pm. What he did was wrong. He was judged guilty and has now paid the penalty of which he was fully aware before the crimes commission.

    Second, the right to Choice is part of our US Constitution

    Third, Nationalism and Propaganda are 2 different things. For instance propaganda for a cause you believe in may not be a lie however the information is given a spin so people will come to the conclusion you desire. That's not bad, not even negative. Nationalism is really believing your always right. So much so that you'll imprison those who don't agree with you. McCarthyism was Nationalism. Nazism was Nationalism. Mussollini's Fascism was Nationalism. Chile's coup (the one w/ US help) was Nationalism....the list goes on and on...

    Fourth, You won't be able to pigeon hole me --- I am pro-death penalty AND pro-choice AND I supported President Bush in his decisive action against the Taliban and Iraq.(read behind the burqa) I am pro-NRA AND pro-secularist AND pro-feminist AND anti-gov't involvement in my personal choices (the legal ones anyway) AND pro-drug legalization AND Pro-prostitution legalization (I feel this would benefit the "working girls") AND pro-education (non-institutionalized) AND pro-punctuated equilibria. So as you see I am an incredibly positive pro-person.

    And BTW do yah'll know that Barbara Bush (former first lady and present first mother) is pro-choice. A stand which she enlightened reporters to while she still lived in the White House. I love that woman!

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Derek one of those gray areas for me would be rape. If I were raped I know I would carry the child but I doubt I would want to be a mother to it as I have no desire to ever be a mother in the first place. So adoption would be an option. I also know that for some women carrying that baby to term may cause some serious emotional issues. Health concerns would be another consideration. I am not hard core on this and I do not see me taking a hardliner stance on one side or the other.

    Interesting how on this forum peoples posts get picked apart. I don't mind but I find it interesting. If someone has an opposing viewpoint it's time to go on the offensive.

  • proplog2


    I am impressed with the sophistication of Europeans (and Brittish). Perhaps that's why they lead their American brothers in exiting JW's.

    I am against capital punishment. It comes from the same sewer as theistic religion and nationalism.

    These discussions are good for some of us. It is a reminder that the people attracted to JW's are generally predisposed to irrationality.

    There is no way you can justify Capital Punishment using rational/scientific thinking.

  • JT
    I believe when a person endangers the country that they are a citizen of (for example murdering other citizens) they are forfeiting their right to life

    i have no problem with the concept , the problem is the manner-

    in those cases where folks are claiming "He looked like the dude coming out of the store, not for sure but he was wearing Air Jordans"

    then i have problem

    but some fool like this abortion guy PLEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  • obiwan

    I am not even going to reply to you until you stop saying asinine things like "on the pro-abort side of the issue". There is no such thing as a pro-abortion group. Please get a clue!


    Azzy, while I will defend you, your wrong in your statement here. If you go to google, which is where I went, and type pro-abortion group, just like it is, you will find numerous sites to go too. Sorry dear.

    I however am one of those wishy-washy people. I bounce between pro-choice and pro-life. If I have the meanings correct, I do believe a woman can do whatever she wants with her body, but I also believe that a child should have, at the very least, a chance to be born.

    All that being said, I'm glad the bastard fried!

  • SixofNine
    but I also believe that a child should have, at the very least, a chance to be born.

    "... and after that boy, you're on your own."

  • funkyderek
    Derek one of those gray areas for me would be rape. If I were raped I know I would carry the child but I doubt I would want to be a mother to it as I have no desire to ever be a mother in the first place. So adoption would be an option. I also know that for some women carrying that baby to term may cause some serious emotional issues. Health concerns would be another consideration. I am not hard core on this and I do not see me taking a hardliner stance on one side or the other.

    I'm not sure if you got my point. If abortion is murder, then how does rape justify it? Why should an innocent human being be murdered because another innocent human being was raped?

    Interesting how on this forum peoples posts get picked apart. I don't mind but I find it interesting. If someone has an opposing viewpoint it's time to go on the offensive.

    That's the nature of a discussion board. If you don't want to examine your opinions, you should probably keep them to yourself or talk only to people who share them.

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