Elders hounding members to quit their jobs due to missing too many meetings

by RULES & REGULATIONS 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Overrated

    The concept of not pursuing higher education to be self sufficient seems insulting to anyone's intelligence. Why would you not help yourself? The only reason Watchtower does not like education is it trains you to think critically. Once you start to think, you start to question. They hate that.

  • hoser

    The only reason Watchtower does not like education is it trains you to think critically. Once you start to think, you start to question.

    Once you start to question, you leave.

  • Overrated

    This is how Watchtower fell apart for me being a born in. I got educated and learn how to think critically. It was all over for Watchtower after that!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''The only reason Watchtower does not like education is it trains you to think critically. Once you start to think, you start to question.

    Once you start to question, you leave.''

    And once you start questioning and rationalizing that none of ''it'' makes any sense, that's it,,,,it's game over.

  • hybridous

    Anyone willing to question the WT is damaged goods.

    They know this. They know they can't tolerate inquiry. That alone ought to send folks running...

  • Vidiot

    Re. Hoser’s post…

    … personally, I think it’s even more basic than that.

    An education helps you realize that the WTS is, quite simply, wrong.

  • TonusOH

    Convincing members to quit good jobs that conflicted with the meeting schedules creates a version of the sunk-cost fallacy. Having given up something of value, it will be much more difficult to leave the JWs if they happen to have doubts or issues with the organization. The fear of having given up something and end up with nothing can cause us to mentally imprison ourselves.

    It's no accident that the weekly/monthly schedule of a JW is kept busy with meetings or field work. Plenty of time to keep an eye on people, and plenty of ways to make sure they are conforming.

  • ThomasMore

    The WTS has been aware of the dilemma they create for the ranf & file. A GB member once said "we need to help some here at Bethel to find an exit door and a place to land". He knew that there would be few opportunities for untrained people in this world, Today, Bethel still kicks older ones out before they reach 62, even after decades of service.

    It is hard to put a pretty face on what they do. I believe that it bothers some in the leadership, but they won't speak out due to the consequences.

    My parents never encouraged college but I went and thank goodness I did! The price was years of ostracism in the congregation, but like Long Hair Gal, it paid off with a reasonable retirement. It is frustrating to see so many lose opportunities as they follow the unrealistic commands of the religion.

  • pistolpete

    I don't think very many JWs had GREAT JOBS to begin with that they had to give up. Because most JWs don't have great jobs.

    I don't believe that ANY JW who had a job that paid 6 figures would have quit his job even if all the members of the Governing Body approached him and told him to quit his job.

    Most jws that I knew and had decent jobs were making around 30,000 a year ---40k at most. That was considered a great job for many.

  • LongHairGal


    If you didn’t get college or a decent job with benefits…just WHO would be supporting you today??…..(Nobody.)

    This is why I’m SO thankful today I ignored all these hypocrites ..For everyone’s information: a woman either needs to get married OR get a career to support herself or she ends up poor in old age. It’s as simple as that.

    Anybody pushing poverty for somebody ELSE when they are living an affluent life should rot...There is No forgiveness for them.


    It’s true that many JWs had lower paying jobs. They were in many cases low paid partly because they wanted work that was ‘close by’ so they wouldn’t ‘miss meetings’. 🙄 So, they made this useless sacrifice and today in their old age they have a lower SS benefit!

    Too bad many Witnesses have piss-poor knowledge about necessary things like how the world works. This is why I am so glad I was raised a non-JW ‘worldly’ person because at least I learned practical things that would benefit me in life.

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