Why the NFL Protest Is a Massive and Insulting Failure

by freemindfade 117 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    How this plays out and the idiocy of the left protesting things with little basis in reality:

    We know their customer base wants to see them stand. So if they continue their protest they lose - people stop watching, people stop buying money, people will do other things and become interested in other sports. It's time for Soccer to properly take off in North America (and the "We stand for ..." advert they played on TSN was priceless).

    But if they now give up their protest they lose too - it looks like they have given in to Trump (who ultimately comes out looking correct on yet another issue). Does it look like they don't really believe in it? Why stop if nothing changed?

    And that's the problem - what can actually change to make them able to back down and claim they made it happen? What law can passed?

    They are fools. Like the actors in Hollywood, always lecturing people, yet many never completed high-school so they are the least educated and qualified to dispense "wisdom".

    Most are such fools that despite multi-million $ salaries, most go broke within a few years of leaving the NFL. They are people in a sport that causes brain injury and don't start out as the smartest people to begin with - only allowed into schools and colleges because of sport, not because they met any academic standard.

    It's the pussy march all over again - what is it for exactly and what does "success" look like? Media attention? Is that it?

  • freemindfade

    The left has sucked the fun out of everything

    Comedy can't be funny, it's too offensive

    Sports and TV can't be entertaining, politics must infect everything in our lives

    I don't go to my doctor for him to come into the exam room and start telling me his political opinions and what I should believe unsolicited. I don't watch the NBA for the same reason. I pay to watch basketball not be the audience for a political agenda.

    Especially by what has become an increasingly radical left platform occupied by athletes, and limousine liberals that live in a bubble. I was so disappointed in the words of Michelle Obama, (and I wsay disappointed because I actually like her very much and respect her) when she says women who voted for one political party were wrong and that they should have voted for a woman because they are women... does anyone see how insane that sounds? It is cult/biased thinking 101. You should think one way because of *insert category*. People have lost their damn minds, now the librarian rejecting dr Seuss books, because Melanie trump donated them??? I think more moderate Democrats are leaning conservative because all of this crap has gone batshit crazy

  • Hecce
  • freemindfade


  • Simon
    when she says women who voted for one political party were wrong and that they should have voted for a woman because they are women... does anyone see how insane that sounds?


    Even if people voted for a white guy because he's white as they like to claim (I doubt many did because a lot voted for Obama previously) then comments like this absolutely justify that voting pattern. It women should vote for the woman, then men should vote for the man, shouldn't they? If black people for the black candidate (which is far more believable and documented) then why not white people for the white guy?

    If you think this is wrong then you are a hypocrite or a fool. I think she's both.

    This is the group that claims to value diversity yet they feed on division, always trying to put people into boxes based on race, gender, age, nationality or whatever and have them vote accordingly (and for them) as though they are supposed to and judged as failing when they don't.

  • LoveUniHateExams
    when she says women who voted for one political party were wrong and that they should have voted for a woman because they are women... does anyone see how insane that sounds?

    Completely - I agree with both your posts but never underestimate these people's sense of victimhood.

    The Left's worldview divides people into 'oppressed' and 'oppressors' ... women are oppressed because they must go through life being discriminated against for having a vagina. So from their point of view it makes sense for Michelle Obama to encourage women to vote for a woman.

    White hetero men are the oppressors in this rigid, non-nuanced worldview, so white hetero men voting for a white hetero candidate is nasty and bigoted.

    Batshit crazy but that's how it is.

  • hothabanero

    Let us not forget that if anyone is discriminated against it is white men. They are the but of every joke, the creepy villain in every movie, they are discriminated against in the workplace & in education (title 9 & various minority programs), they are excluded politically, they are supposed to walk on eggshells around women and minorities, they have NO rights whenever an allegation of "sexism" is made and whenever they speak up against any of this, the ONLY acceptable response according to the MSM is to cry "nazi" and harass them out of their livelihood!

  • Rattigan350

    I hate the national anthem and pledge and don't understand why people are so enamored with them both. People standing and putting their hands on their hearts is like the Nazis. I support the players for not standing for it.

  • MeanMrMustard


    Flawed logic.

    The Nazis also wore underwear. If I choose to wear underwear, am I a Nazi?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    What was I saying about certain people's "sense of victimhood" & "rigid, non-nuanced worldview"?

    With uncanny timing, up pops Rattigan's post, almost as if to prove my point.

    People standing and putting their hands on their hearts is like the Nazis - except that all US citizens have the legal right to political protest. People who protested against the Nazis in 1930s/40s Germany were shot.

    Anyhoo I have to hand it to you Ratty ... 'People [US citizens] standing and putting their hands on their hearts is like the Nazis' has to be one of the dumbest, least aware political comments I've ever come across. And that's saying something.

    PS - if your comment was a joke, a wind-up, then it did its job and was pretty good.

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