The Idiocy and Craziness of WT Society Appointed Elders

by flipper 68 Replies latest members private

  • flipper

    Saw this thread had been commented on again and I have an all night strip job to do ( stripping floors for those who are curious - lol ) so figured I'd reply since I'll be busy the next few days. Thanks for your replies !

    SNOWBIRD- I agree, we can be scary . LOL. At least we are a cool kind of scary !

    PALE EMPEROR- Wow. What a disgusting excuse for a human being that elder was in your experience. Thanks for sharing that. It definitely proves the point I'm making in the thread. If I had a dollar for every injustice I've seen elders committing against JW rank & file publishers- I'd be a millionaire by now. I'm glad to see that this elders wife got away from this abusive man. Yet the congregation is still in danger as not only HE hid his behavior from them - but his fellow ELDERS also hid his behavior from the congregation- thus becoming accomplices in his twisted cover up. Really sick.

    ZEB- Sorry to hear that you and your wife were harassed over the clothing you wore. Happened to me as well. It is a power trip for the elders to hassle people over personal decisions like clothing. So unnecessary.

    LUO BOU TO- I agree with your point. I think a good number of these elders are men who can't get positions of power or authority out in the working real world- so they get off and get a thrill out of having power over others in the congregation. And they get enabled to abuse the power they have as elders because they are treated differently from rank & file JW's. It's a vicious cycle which continues to proliferate until someone with courage speaks up and breaks up the cycle . Many times- it takes a person of courage to do that who has no position in the congregation

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this thread up from a few months ago to share some crazy experiences I had with elders years ago in the JW cult. Please feel free to share your own experiences or others as it might assist newer board members to see that they were not alone in experiencing this

  • OnTheWayOut

    I did not know any wife-beater or child-molester elders personally. I don't have first hand knowledge of any tax cheaters or business cheaters, but have heard plenty second hand on that. I actually typically served with elders who were not greedy, unjust, underhanded. The ones I knew were genuinely trying to do a good job. It took me awhile to get a firm understanding that it wasn't really necessarily the norm that others experienced. I know now.

    That said, I did see the double standards. They would bend over backwards to avoid a judicial matter with their own families, ending investigations easily when their precious son or daughter were involved. Many said they would automatically step down if their family member "got in trouble" and then they did not step down when it did happen.

    While they tried to do a good job, I saw that they thought they knew stuff about what was best for people with mental and medical issues. I saw that they were good at keeping things secret when it could hurt them and gossiping worse than most other members when it was something juicy about people not in their inner circle.

  • flipper

    ON THE WAY OUT- I'm glad to hear that you didn't have to experience the craziness firsthand. I guess I experienced it enough for the both of us ! LOL. I saw and experienced so much crazy shit that it's a miracle I'm still sane. ( Of course that might be debatable to some. ) I saw and witnessed double standards and abuses of power that were demeaning to many people I knew as well as myself.

    Then you'd get the old excuse from some elder , " Well, Jehovah will remove that bad elder in time, he'll clean up his organization and make things right. " Uh-huh. Then you'll see the same elders serving as elders for 30 to 40 more years. Seems old Jah was either sleeping on the job , didn't give a damn, or doesn't exist - therefore- no such thing as " holy spirit " . Such a crock of poopie- I swear. Anywho ! Glad we have our freedom ! We don't have to put up with that malarkey anymore ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Finkelstein

    They would bend over backwards to avoid a judicial matter with their own families, ending investigations easily when their precious son or daughter were involved.

    That's because the personal righteous stature of elders and their families are typical more protected than men who are not elders.

  • Vidiot
    Still Totally ADD - "They reproved us, not for drunkenness, but for being too happy, out in public, and enjoying being together."

  • LevelThePlayingField

    To hell with those elders who met with you Flipper and I mean that with all sincerity. So much for being directed by God right? Yeah, right, funny. I hear people just like you Flipper, being dogged out by the sick-o elders here and there and it just makes me sick. I hope each and everyday that you live, that it will get better and better. And that the future for you and your family if filled with happiness and this is only a distance memory.

    Your comments on this site have inspired me to move on with out the JW's in my heart. Indeed, this site is a haven for all those that really desire truth in their lives. Peace out, as you would say. :)

  • NoviceLocs14

    I've posted this before, but it seems appropriate for this thread, so I'll do the short version:

    Knew of an elder in my congregation who had been previously DFd for leaving his 1st wife and son for his 2nd wife.

    He beat and cheated on the 2nd wife and their 2 kids, but got her DFd for being fed up and finding someone new.

    Got married to his 3rd wife less than 3 months after divorcing wife number 2. The mistress he was cheating with during his 2nd marriage got mad that he didn't marry her and snitched about their affair. They were both promptly DFd, but he was reinstated less than 6 months later. He's now living happily ever after with his 3rd wife in good standing at the congregation (as far as I know)...

  • NoviceLocs14

    Another story, not necessarily elder related, but shows the control elders have, even in family disagreements.

    My mother threatened to report me to the elders and kick me out of the family home for texting a male JW friend in our congregation. We did like each other, but we weren't dating. Our text conversations were so innocent a 5 year old could read them, and we only saw each other at meetings and JW gatherings. I ended up ending our friendship because I didn't want the elders thinking I was a harlot for texting a boy 😂

    Mind you, I was 23 at the time...

  • UnshackleTheChains

    The very root of the idiocy and craziness lies in the pages of the Shepherd the flock of God book containing all the crazy rules and policies of the Governing Body.

    Our COBE (who would ordinarily be considered a really nice person) follows the rules and policies in this book to the very letter. As a result, I don't find him approachable knowing he would simply parrot what the GB would say.

    I did however experience a congregation where one elder was a complete out and out arse hole. He was the most unsociable individual I have ever met. The PO of the same hall was also an individual that made my blood boil in the way he treated me for a few years. Mean spirited and unforgiving is how I would describe him. I had to move to another hall because of his uncaring attitude.

    Personally, I think the organisation has created a culture of suspicion. If you are not in the circle of the mega spiritual, you need to be avoided. Bad association' and all of that.

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