The Idiocy and Craziness of WT Society Appointed Elders

by flipper 68 Replies latest members private

  • ScenicViewer

    An elder once told me about another elder he had known who "just loved a good disfellowshipping."

    I immediately wondered how many people have been unfairly DF'd because of men like him, and since then I have come to recognize that many elders are simply controlling and on a power trip.

    This doesn't mean that some elders aren't good men, but it does prove they are not appointed by holy spirit, and they are in a corrupt system - the Watchtower system.

  • snowbird

    That is right; it is the SYSTEM that corrupts basically good men.


  • karter

    There was an Accoutant in my old congro who alot of the ones in business went to,Turns out he was stealing money from them.

    Get this he was made an Elder while srealing from them!!

    One Elder was bankrupted becouse of it and left the J.W's.


  • scratchme1010

    Feel free to share any and all experiences regarding this. It just may be the kind of awakening some JW needs that's sitting on the fence right now in order to jump off the fence to the side of freedom and escape the Jehovah's Witness cult. Thanks for reading & listening, peace & love to you all, Mr. Flipper

    Thank you for sharing about this. I find this topic to be a little sensitive to some people, especially those who have experienced different forms of abuse form elders. Some people I know are still healing from some of the hurt that has come from elders.

    The only thing I can share, some people hate when I post this, but it is what it is. I had sex with an elder, who was in a second marriage and had children from his first marriage. He later sat in the JC to discuss my (read their) problem with me being gay. He had no shame and no problem citing whatever bible quote they use to reinforce what they preach against gay people.

    Personally I had/have the strength of character to handle it, and reflecting back, I think that he decided to be present maybe to ensure that I wasn't going to rat him out or something. Maybe he was trying to come across as intimidating, but at that point I couldn't care less about what any of those idiots had to say to me. Either way, yes, I have experienced first hand the hypocrisy and filthy double lives that some elders live.

    THAT SAID, and some former elders in this forum can attest to that, I also got to know some elders who truly lived according to what they believed. Some were honest and sincere in their devotion to the work they did.

  • All or nothing
    All or nothing

    I won't be able to post all the elder injustices that we have experienced due to our situation being known by too many people locally... I'm sure some lurkers are trolling this site- but I thought the org recently over last couples years had an obscure article back peddling that elders aren't appointed by Holy Spirit- all the good reference lookup ppl on this board might know what article? Anyway I had mixed emotions when I read the article because I was happy that my suspicions were confirmed but confused why my life has been altered drastically by these imperfect men??

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I must admit, it took a long time for the penny to drop for me to realise that Jehovahs Witnesses do not have the monopoly on good people. This includes the elders.

    That being said, I myself never experienced any extreme abuse by elders. There were a number (though not that many) who obviously had something of a power-rush. One in particular seemed to think that being an elder meant that he automatically knew more about every possible subject under the sun than mere mortals did! But abuse, no.

  • flipper

    O.K. Back from working out of town a couple days. Thanks for all the interesting replies !

    SNOWBIRD- Sorry to hear that you got harassed by elders for your footwear . Crazy stuff. I too was harassed by elders when I used to carry the microphones because I wore white socks. LOL. I was told by an elder that unless I started wearing different colored socks- I would not be allowed to carry microphones anymore. I was also told that I had to shave my moustache off that I started growing only a week earlier by an older elder who wanted me to be on his assembly part. He told me, " Your moustache looks like you haven't washed your upper lip- it looks dirty, so if you want to be on my assembly part- you need to shave it off. " Of course 24 year old cult mind controlled Flipper " obeyed " and shaved my moustache off. Nowadays- " rebel " that I am I would have told him to stuff himself and I would have grown a beard.

    FEDUPJW- Sounds like you experienced or heard about lots of injustices from elders as well ! I saw so much of it- it was like a pandemic.

    OUTLAW- What a crazy experience about the man whose dad made him an elder. What a wack job. Sounds like he got more than he bargained for marrying the crazy older JW lady with a bunch of kids. A lot of people don't think about what they're getting into before they actually proceed. LOL.

    DESIROUS OF CHANGE- I agree totally with you. The greatest revenge IS living a happy & successful life. So very true. I'm glad many of us here are out and experiencing freedom !

    SKEPSIS- Sounds like you knew of some pretty strange situations that occurred. I agree with you- it certainly shows " holy spirit " was pretty inactive when THESE elders were appointed - right ? Incredible

    Back with pg. 3 replies in a bit.

  • flipper

    SNOWBIRD- " Free at last ! Free at last ! Thank God Almighty, we're free at last ! "

    Amen my dear sister Sylvia - I agree totally.

    STILL TOTALLY ADD- Wow, very interesting ! Thanks for sharing what went on behind closed doors at elders meetings. Makes me glad that I was only a Ministerial Servant for 6 years . LOL. They tried to get me to become an elder by my late 20's - but I refused to be " used " anymore. At age 30 I started seeing through the jealousies and politics that happened between various elders- and I wanted NOTHING to do with it. So my final 13 or so years in the JW cult until age 43 when I left - I just cruised in neutral all the while having doubts about the validity of the JW organization- but keeping those doubts to myself. I'm sorry you had to experience so much stress as an elder. But I'm happy and thankful that you and your wife escaped to freedom ! Good for you guys ! Take care my friend, thanks for your reply.

    SHIRLEY W- Interesting experience ! It sounds like what a typical elder would do who values his position as an elder than being a concerned father about his son's spreading his seed over heck's half acre. Bolt to a new congregation so as to not lose his eldership. So weird. Talk about strange priorities.

    FEDUPJW- What a sad experience you shared. I've seen so many unjust elders like the one you mentioned fire employees just because the elder gets into a snit over some other situation which has nothing to do with the job or work. I hope bad karma comes up and bites many of these elders in the ass- I swear.

    JUAN VIEJO 2- Wow, sounds like we were twin brothers of similar situations ! What is it with these crazy elders thinking that if a man is alone with a woman in a public place - that the man and woman are sexually pleasuring each other ? It's like the elders must get some kind of vicarious thrill thinking people are boinking their brains out or something ! In truth however- I think it's elders PROJECTING onto other JW men what they themselves would do in a similar situation and thinking Joe " normal publisher " would do the same thing - sexually take advantage of the " sister " . These elders are so hypocritical it goes without saying. But I just said it- and I stand by that statement. I'm sorry you went through all of that Juan, like me- but if it got you out of that corrupt JW organization - it was well worth it in the end result. Take care guy.

    LONGHAIRGAL- I agree with you and Juan- being in the JW's WAS like being under a communist dictatorship. No individuality allowed whatsoever. It's like we were all cut out with a JW cookie cutter and slowly baked in the same pan- cooking our brains. There was so much injustice in how women were treated by the elders - I know it made me quite angry many times. I'd speak up about those injustices - yet elders would just shrug their shoulders. Felt like I was talking to a brick wall sometimes. Good points you make, thanks for making them.

    CRAZYGUY- What a sad, sad story about that young JW lady who got raped and then DFed for it. That is just pure evil on those elders parts. Really makes me want to just kick some elder ass right now hearing this. This organization needs to be stopped. I hope it comes soon, or someday.

    SCENIC VIEWER- Yeah, I thought it was a really strange thing for this elder to say as well- like you said he may have been a regular visitor to the prostitutes himself. So he was justifying it to himself actually

    Be back for pg. 4 in a bit.

  • flipper

    SCENIC VIEWER- Your comment about how the elder claimed to " just love a good disfellowshipping " certainly proves that some of these elders " get off " or actually enjoy causing trouble in rank & file JW's lives. It's NOT that they're just " keeping the congregation clean " - they actually enjoy being sadistic in their punishment of JW's they consider " weak in the faith " . It's disgusting. There is no such thing as " holy spirit " watching over anything- because WT injustice and abuse continues.

    SNOWBIRD- Indeed it's the whole WT system that corrupts these appointed elders. Rotten from the top down.

    KARTER- So you knew of an accountant who stole from JW's ? Yeah- I knew of several elders in my hometown who had a thing called Bankers Mortgage Exchange- and they got many JW's including Circuit Overseers to invest their retirements, and money with them, then they lost all of these JW's money. To my knowledge- not one of these elders ever lost his eldership or got deleted. Sick stuff.

    SCRATCHME 1010- Thanks for sharing your very difficult experience. I'm sorry that you were victimized by this hypocritical elder. I knew of lots of elders who would give out counsel to JW's about " sins " that they themselves were involved in as well. Really hypocritical. An eye opener for sure.

    ALL OR NOTHING- I'm not sure which WT article it was in that the WT Society admitted not being infallible or appointed by the holy spirit - perhaps someone here will know. WT leaders are always saying one thing- and then changing it into something else just so they won't be held accountable.

    BUNGI BILL- I knew a lot of " know it all " elders as well who would pontificate all night long thinking they were the second coming of Christ - or something with their " profound " knowledge. In actuality they were dumb as rocks. Just stated what WT Society told them to state. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this thread up about crazy actions of JW elders that have either caused disruption in people's lives or actually in some cases even cost lives of people. Any experiences you'd like to share ? Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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