What is the purpose of life?

by slimboyfat 583 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS

    @Viv: " . . . . .then he will get to go to orgies full of beautiful women that totally really absolutely happen."

    Umm, you do know who you are talking to, don't you?

    Of course you do.

  • slimboyfat

    John Mann would it have been impossible for God to create a world with free will, but without suffering? If you say that would be impossible it does seem to set a limit on God. As if the universe consists of laws which have priority and constrain God's action. That's one reason I don't like the free will argument.

    For me an answer to problem of evil is that there may be an answer we don't know yet or that we can't understand. There is far too little humility in discussion of these issues. Some atheists seem to have such supreme confidence in the human mind, or their own minds in particular, that if they can't see an answer to the problem of evil that therefore means there is no answer. How arrogant is that?

    We can readily accept that a dog can't do calculus, most of us don't understand quantum mechanics, and our brains are not designed to think in more than three dimensions. Yet when it comes to whether a supreme being might know something about reality and the nature of evil that we don't understand, the idea is dismissed out of hand. Why?

  • OrphanCrow
    sfb: Some atheists seem to have such supreme confidence in the human mind, or their own minds in particular, that if they can't see an answer to the problem of evil that therefore means there is no answer. How arrogant is that?

    Post modernist theorist Jean Baudrillard addresses the "problem" of evil:


  • looter

    Viviane so anyone who disagrees with you is a nutterball? You and others love to call people crazy just because they have faith and you don't. That's a form of discrimination.

  • John_Mann
    Catholics wrote the Bible?
    Maybe Catholics re-wrote the Bible (St Jerome and others) but without a time machine I don't know how you could credit any Catholic with writing any of the Bible.

    I'm talking about the New Testament. And the first Christians were former Jews, they can say they inherited the Jewish tradition in first hand too.

    But that's another very long discussion...

  • konceptual99
    Science as we know today was invented in a recent time by Christians.

    Erm... what about the Book of Optics by Alhazen, a muslim?

  • John_Mann
    John Mann would it have been impossible for God to create a world with free will, but without suffering? If you say that would be impossible it does seem to set a limit on God.

    God doesn't like paradoxes.

    Our rational soul is an image of God's attributes. Some attributes we reflect in fullness like liberty. We perceived liberty in its infinity form.

    So we can approach the problem of limiting liberty.

    If God had limited our freedom just to one thing someone could object the possibility of God had limited something more. And that's would be a valid question ( related to our sense of justice).

    We know we have infinite freedom inside our minds. Our souls are total free to think anything and make judgements based on these free flights.

    What would be if you reached a wall in your free will?

    Automatically your sense of justice would protest about it and in a valid way.

    Suffering is a consequence of choice of evil. If the majority of humanity chose not to do evil I think we would be able to solve almost every physical problem. Imagine using all the military research in science to cure diseases... I think (even in our fallen condition) we could cure any disease and prevent any accident.

  • John_Mann
    Erm... what about the Book of Optics byAlhazen, a muslim?

    Science is a method not books. A book about optics is not about the scientific method.

    Some books are validated by the scientific method and assimilated to scientific knowledge.

    One idea from a Catholic friar became directly a part of the very scientific method, for example.

  • OrphanCrow
    jm: God doesn't like paradoxes

    How do you know that? And please don't reply with quotes from an old book...I want to know how YOU know what you claim you do

  • Xanthippe

    Maybe it's just me I dunno but instead of all this fighting couldn't this have been a great thread with people discussing what they think reality is and then offering what gives life purpose for them personally?

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