The devil is the ultimate terrorist.
Then god is the ultimate despotic dictator who kills anyone who points out his failed policies and unfair treatment of people.
Should God make a world capable of evil and then prevent the possibility of evil? How does that work? Who defines what is evil so as to prevent it?
We do, it's called "morals". We happen to have better ones than god. How does that work? And yes, it would help if he didn't intentionally put evil in people's paths (I know he's fantasy, but lets go with your delusions for the conversation). Let's face it, everything he's ever touched has been a disaster.
But what you're saying is that god is incapable of creating a perfect world without evil ... right?
Should God prevent us from burning our hand on a hot stove? Should he make it impossible for little kids to have their fingers closed on a car door? Maybe just take away our fingers so they don't get hurt?
Or, he doesn't leave the stove on - pretty basic parenting. He certainly shouldn't hold people's hands to the stove - that makes him an abusive parent.
This materialist critique of God falls quite short once examined. Just review the condition of someone who has a birth defect and cannot feel pain. Go tell his mama about your supposed utopia.
You are mixing up a completely different thing. You're trying to blame the people who suffer for the suffering that someone else caused and the only answer you can consider is that they should stop feeling, rather than the 'cause being removed.
The whole concept of Freedom is under scrutiny here. The devil caused the evil theft of Job's wealth, health and children. But, it was God who wrote the end of the story wasn't it?
Yeah, god just stood and watched and allowed it to happen, that makes him complicit in the crime and responsible because he's supposed to be in charge of his creation.
When do we get freedom from a psychotic god? How has it even been settled because we have never been allowed to rule ourselves without gods interference so what is the point?
"If the thief be found let him pay double" - Ex. 22: 7
Or chop off hands, also keep slaves and sell women ... so much "enlightenment"
God was the one who liberated, blessed and "caused to become" the final fate of Job. But what about his children? Why did Job get twice as much wealth, but only the same number of children once the Evil had passed?
He liberated us from himself? I think you have stockholm syndrome. You treat the children as simply props in a play to be broken and replaced instead of human beings. It's the mindset that often makes religious people uncaring and every so slightly raging sociopaths and blind to the heinous crimes that you excuse as unimportant.
The answer is because God writes the end of the story. Job and all of his children are in heaven right now.
Q. If you had a Men-In-Black forget-me zapper, could you commit all crimes as long as you wiped people's memory? Would wiping their memory make you a good person and excuse those crimes?
What believers have seen with their own experience (once they make friends with God through the blood of Christ) , is that God has not changed in the least. He stills allows evil, he still limits it; and still liberates, blesses, and writes the end of the stories.
That's not experience, it's delusion. You have not experienced anything to do with god and never will. You do experience your own wishful thinking.
God will either remove the evil from my life or he will enable me by his Grace to go through the evil and get to the other side of it. Either way, the outcome will be "good".
So now you are saying evil could be removed? Before you said it couldn't.
Evil will be punished, forever.
Remember, past performance doesn't guarantee future results, although in this case I think it does - guaranteed fuckups, it's what god does best!
God's children will seen "good" forever.
"It be very goodly for them". Hey, forget about that whole horrible being crushed to-death and dying under rubble - 'cause look, now I'm giving you an ice-cream! So we're agreed, I'm a good guy ... right? (answer carefully unless you want some more squishy-squishy!)
As JW's we were constantly told to "wait on Jehovah". This was a hugh mistake to do this without first being pardoned by God through the blood covenant of his Son. (The one we rejected each Memorial) Unbelievers still get relief from evil when God acts, but his promises (about writing the end of the story) are to those "who are called".
When exactly does he act to prevent evil? PEOPLE act to prevent evil and evil happens when good men do nothing. There is no god involved other than to excuse evil and justify evil acts.
Judgment & Sonship, are God's solutions to the problem of evil - not the elimination of freedom.
Nope, his sole solution to everything is "obey me 100% or I'll inflict some more evil on you". That is not freedom. Freedom is being able to tell god to shove it.