Honeymoon over for the carts

by Deltawave 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    We had a SAD (Special Assembly Day) with a visit from a 'Helper' in the Service Committee (this department overseers among other things different avenues of JW field ministry) and not one iota mention of cart witnessing...probably too embarrassed by low productivity of it!
  • freddo


    Is it coincidence baptisms fall as yet more pioneers and elders wives waste their time stood next to these trolleys? The pioneers used to call door to door and pick up on those "sighing and groaning" (barf) - the vulnerable defectives that show any interest in jw-ism nowadays.

    People who pass these trolleys have got lives - they pass them going to work, the shops, while out and about. They aren't the natural fodder for jw recruitment - the sit at home mentally ill/can't work/drug users/depressed/unwell souls that "respond" to two pleasant concerned women showing an interest in them.

    "Round my way" all the pioneers - especially elder and min. serve pioneers are off on "metropolitan" in a nearby large city. They neglect their groups and shepherding and teaching others in the ministry, sacrificing their flock on the alter of "hours" (and now "video showings") and "visible ministry."

    Hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and ... stood there doing F - all only to run away when someone gives them a hard time. What an utter waste of time and energy and life.


  • KateWild

    It's actually quite funny to see how the WT business model of today is unproductive. I think the decision makers are more interested in saving money than people's lives at Armagedon. They probably don't think it's coming themselves lol

    Kate xx

  • A.proclaimer

    I've done the trolleys twice now and it's quite boring. At least wiyh regular service you're always walking around. During our group meeting before Saturday morning preaching, the elder assigned some people to the trolley. One more person was needed but no one really wanted to volunteer to do the cart.

    Under my experience, there have been some people who have gone up to the carts but it's only one or two at most. Sometimes no one comes up. My mother got a number of people but only because she went up to talk to them, although the rules are you aren't suppose to talk to anyone and just stand there. One time, to entertain myself and a kid that was with me, we played "I spy".

  • A.proclaimer

    I've done the trolleys twice now and it's quite boring. At least wiyh regular service you're always walking around. During our group meeting before Saturday morning preaching, the elder assigned some people to the trolley. One more person was needed but no one really wanted to volunteer to do the cart.

    Under my experience, there have been some people who have gone up to the carts but it's only one or two at most. Sometimes no one comes up. My mother got a number of people but only because she went up to talk to them, although the rules are you aren't suppose to talk to anyone and just stand there. One time, to entertain myself and a kid that was with me, we played "I spy".

  • exjwlemming
    The trolley is a brilliant idea by the GB! Literature placements are substantially down at the trolleys in lieu of personal door to door work. Low literature placements equate to less printing costs and a lower financial burden to the org. Yet, it still gives the rank and file a sense of accomplishing the preaching work. When the "Manhattan" (started in NYC) project first began, only servants and pioneers could work the carts. Now, I've noticed that any "tool" in a suit or skirt can babysit a trolley while they socialize with their partner. Want to hurt the org? Take the literature and toss it (in a recycling bin of course). Drive up their printing costs and increase the financhial burden of the trolley work. See how fast the new light comes and the trolleys are mothballed.
  • eyeuse2badub

    Listen to that! The Kingdom proclaimers have grown silent!

    Well said. My sentiments exactly! However the 'cart tenders' have become very proficient at texting and coffee drinking.

    Whenever we travel to other cities, I make a point of observing and taking a few pictures on my cell phone of what the poor brothers and sisters do while 'cart tending'. It's numbing that what most of them do is even remotely considered 'field service'. Frankly, it's embarrassing and I really believe that they know it.

    just saying!


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty


    You hear that sound of moaning. groaning, snapping, and rumbling? That is the sound of the millions of dead Jehovah's Witnesses from the past 100-years-plus turning over in their graves.

    While I have no love for the religion, today's Witness dishonors the hard work and tradition of the generations of Witnesses that came before by not upholding their religious culture of speaking up with real conversations to get people involved and talking about God and his Kingdom.

    This just needed repeating! I have felt the same way. Wont even get started on the 90 hrs we used to have to put in pioneering

  • jwfacts

    There has be a large jump in hours required per baptism over the last 5 years, an increase of almost 40%. This is related to several factors, but cart witnessing is likely contributing to how inefficient JW preaching is.

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