The Society's worst release

by Nosferatu 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    There is no question that it is:


    400 pages about the type / antitype of the book of Zechariah. There arent any decent passages in the book you can quote for laughs. No passages you can quote that are even relevant to false prophecy.

    Bloody hopeless book.

  • Cassiline

    Damn Nathan!!

    I never wanted to see that again. I can't believe I remembered the picture so vividly. That is sad, very sad.



  • Mary
    I think the worst book the Society ever released was "Your Youth - Getting the best out of it".

    Really? I rather enjoyed it! Oh wait, mine was called "Your Youth--Getting the Most Sex out of it"......LOL!!

    Worse book ever was definitely Babylon the Great Has Fallen--God's Kingdom Rules..............only thing it was any good for was curing insomnia..........

  • greven

    The most damning book for them obviously is the Finished Mystery. A damn shame it is hard to come by... Also the revelation book was boring and mind boggling. I didn't bought into that crap...oh life how did it get here? is also on the top of my list, very easy to show how the society twists logic and actually falsifies statements to further their aganda... very damning and easy to come by.


  • Austrian

    My most hated was "questions young people ask, answers that work". I remember having to study that book with my dad. The best part is any anti sex stuff the society would write just made me more and more curious.

    But the worst was the Revelation book. What the hell was it about????

  • Dansk

    Uhm, has it ever produced a good one?


  • Aztec

    My vote for most damaging book to minors is My Book of Bible Stories. Ugh!


  • freein89

    Remember the scene in the movie City Slickers, when the 3 guys were riding along discussing their worst and best days. And the one described how his worst day turned out to be his best? Well, the Revelation book was that for me. It was that book that made me realize that they were making it all up!!!!!!! It was such crap and so obvious to me that it was all a fabrication. That book should have been entitled: Revelation: Its Grand Climax Is A Figment Of Our Imagination

  • Huxley

    My vote for worst release is a two way tie...

    1. The two Isaiah books. The explanations of prophecy had no continuity, and were obviously made up.

    2. That awful Kingdom Melodies cd where an old guys sings. I wonder how many witnesses got past that first track.


  • czarofmischief

    Definitely the Revelation book, or the Isaiah books.

    Either assumes that every action in the Bible has a modern day fulfillment, they use the word "antitype" way too freaking often, and the aforementioned fulfillments occurred at some point between 1914 and 1925. What a joke!

    Is antitype even a real word? Its bizarre.

    And I actually found a copy of babylon the great and thought Babylon was a cool looking city and the Jews were lucky to live there.

    Finally, I have to disagree with you about the Bible story book. I really think that many of the stories help place the cultural context of our civilization into young minds. Like it or not, the Bible is the literary cornerstone of our time, and the Bible Story book helps to introduce it to young readers. As long as the parents don't present it as anything more serious than Shakespeare for kids...


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