So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???

by reporter 145 Replies latest social current

  • Hamas

    LOL Jayson.

    Your post made me laugh !

    Realist :

    You asked a good question before. Maybe Israel has another trick up it's sleave. This is exactly why zionist media like to keep the world on it's toes regarding terrorism. Reminders of the threat are enough to make people act. For every act against terrorism, there is an act in support of it. As you mention, Israel uses the excuses of terrorism to set up more posts; and that is why they will always show that the threat is there , rather than eliminate it.

    For this reason, the war on terrorism will never be won, because there will always be people against the state of Israel.

    On the subject of actually getting people to fly those planes, we should realise that not only fundamental muslims can kill themselves and innocent civilians to get what they want. Many zionists in the past have died for the cause they believe in ; the creation of Israel. As mentioned earlier, Mossad officials have a history dedicated to death and destruction, even amongst their own members. Remember, the motto of the Mossad : ' By way of deception we shall rage war'

  • rem

    About Pearl Harbor, I'm not too well informed about what happened there, but the conspiracy story doesn't make sense to me. If FDR was trying to draw the Japanese to attack the US, then what would be the reason to keep it secret from the Navy? If the Navy was prepared the Japanese still would have attacked and he could have his war - with a lot less lives lost... why the need for deception? There is none.

    From the book reviews on Amazon it seems that there are some serious questions about the author's research. It sounds like when the primary sources are checked they don't really match up with what the author is saying. I wouldn't get too excited about it. Consipracy theories are almost always wrong. There would have to be some really extraordinary evidence available to convince me of this extraordinary claim.

    Using Occham's Razor, the simplest explanation is that, yes, the US did decode SOME of the Japanese transmissions and necessarily had to keep this ability secret. They did not decode key transmissions in time that would have alerted them of the exact time and location of the attack.

    There was no need for a 'surprise' attack to mobilize the US into the war. Any attack on American soil would have done the trick.

    I think in some ways Hollywood has really done a disservice to the world. There are so many that can't seem to separate fantasy from reality.


  • Hamas

    FDR knew of an impending attack but was forced to remain silent until the attack had taken place.

    The allies were losing heavily at that point in the war. Jewish death camps were rising. In an attempt to draw America into the war and save the sinking Allies, wealthy zionists began to pull the strings in America. A desperate attempt at saving Israel's interests entailed , and FDR had no choice to let the whole thing happen as zionist media had blackmailed him, forcing him to let it happen.

    Evidence of an extramarital came to light, something FDR knew he was guilty of and would tarnish his image greatly, and if he went against the idea, zionist media would begin to shed light on this affair.

    Once again, zionists forced America into submission. Thanks to the United States, Hitler was defeated and Jewish / Israeli interests were secured.

    This was the real reason behind Pearl Harbour.

  • rem

    Yeah, the whole world revolves around Israel.

    Anyone else here think Hamas is just pulling our chains? Nobody can really be that out to lunch, can they? Oh, yeah, I forgot about BibleMan. I really is possible.


  • Jayson

    Rem putting all the GW "facts" aside, in 1941 there was an possible impending attack in the Pacific. But the logistics of attacking the US with such a force as the Jap's did was thought to be impossible. They were underestimated, the US was unprepared and we got our asses kicked in that battle. If the Jap's had launched a third wave I'm sure that their losses would have been greater, (US more so, but some defense could have been put up.) I asked a survivor of that attack this morning for imput. He said "it was the inability to put the Singapore/Pearl Harbor connection together." I did not ask him to elaborate as I told him about my last responce to this thread we both agreed was quite sufficient. As WWII is not the point. Showing clear evidence that Bush is the Hulk and actually smashed the world trade centers and no planes were ever used is the point of this thread.

  • Gerard

    I know who was behind the Pearl Harbour and Sep 11th atacks. Here are my evidence:

  • Yerusalyim

    For the Love of God almighty, Jesus Mary and Joseph, IDIOTS, all you conspiracy theorists, ABSOLUTE IDIOTS.


    You said..

    try to be objective will ya

    When have you EVER been objective, you, who takes every opportunity to blast the US and especially the Bush administration.


    You're so filled with hatred of all things Jewish I'm not even going to address you.

    Folks, IT WAS THE MARTIANS THAT LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EARTH THAT DID THIS, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT. Don't ya watch the X-files? If you had the right software on your computer you could down load message traffic from the Martians from Still life photos of Gillian and David planning this whole farce...better yet, NO ONE DIED, they were taken to Middle Earth as slaves and carbon resequenced "remains" put in their place. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT!

  • Jayson


    How can you debate Hamas? He pretends to be from a place that doesn't exist.


    Everybody knows that the "middle earth theroy" is false yeru. Stop dreaming and face the truth of my superior vision. I SAWed GW do it. He lassoded the planes and flung them into the world trade center. The one that crashed in a field was when he let Dick try to rope a plane. Unfortunatly he didn't have his glasses on. He [Bush] does every bad thing in the universe. He is the devil. He is our god. He is the bastard father of all Europeans. We just need to start facing up to facts.

  • Yerusalyim

    That's JUST what they want you to think, that the Middle Earth FACT is only a theory, and that it's been disproven...typical. Are you ONE OF THEM? GWB is, so was Clinton, in fact all presidents since Wilson have been Martians. War of the Worlds by Wells, it was REAL, and the Martians won...Geez how blind can ya be? The only reason I'm not dead right now for spilling the beans about this is that I have tin foil wrapped around my head, my screen, my hard drive, and my hard willy...they can't trace me, I have superior software provided to the resistence movement by the Jupiterians.

  • IronGland
    I can't help but wonder why the media is not all over the fact that 6 or 7 of the supposed hijackers are still alive and well in the middle east. Doesn't that sound like a news worthy story to you? Then again, the media is more interested in entertaining than it is informing.

    Cite? Yes the media do often seem more interested in entertainment, however, if this were true it would be one of the biggest news stories since 9/11. I think there are many reporters who realise that uncovering this would be great for their career as they would be the next Woodward and Bernstein ,which is why I doubt it's true.

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