So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???

by reporter 145 Replies latest social current

  • teenyuck

    I think reporter needs to apply at the New York Times. I hear they have some positions open.

    PS...Call Jayson Blair for tips on how to push your stories through.

  • Realist

    are bush and rumsfeld morally corrupted enough to blow up the WTC for their benefit? probably.

    are they capable of doing it secretly? highly unlikely.

    as curious mind pointed out it would require at least several dozen people to plan that attack. not to mention the people who supposedly didn't show up to work that day. who are they?

    than there is the question of who was crazy enough to steer the planes into the WTC to help bush?

    i find it quite likely that bush knew there was an immanent attack but didn't do anything about it (just like in pearl habour) to get the US public on his side.

    i also find it possible that bin laden was not the head behind the attack but was used as scape goat in order to be able to present an enemy to the public.

    there are some things that don't add up in the official version but to conclude from this that bush was directly responsible is a bit absurd imo.

  • Shakita
    What about Pearl Harbor? Unclassified documents prove that the US manipulated the attack to enter WW2. Didn't 2500 people die there?

    What? Show me where you find these unclassified documents. I would like to see some credible info on this.

    You know, this stuff just makes me physically sick.

    There is information on the hijackers that brought down the towers. Most of them were from Saudi Arabia. I will try to look up this and post it back. The information is out there, you just have to dig it up.

    Just because we don't have ALL the answers, doesn't mean something sinister is behind it. I think it is absolutely criminal to accuse the US government in conspiracy to murder thousands of its own citizens. Osama himself is on tape confessing to murdering thousands of Americans, along with other terrorist acts in other countries. What does it take for people to believe that Osama was behind 9/ makes me think that even if he were captured and admitted in trial that he was behind it, people still would make up some conspiracy theory blaming the US government for his confession.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Realist


    here is the info on pearl habor:

    fdr and pearl harbor: the foia revelations
    by Doug Cirignano ([email protected]) - August 19, 2001
    On November 25, 1941 Japan's Admiral Yamamoto sent a radio message to the group of Japanese warships that would attack Pearl Harbor on December 7. Newly released naval records prove that from November 17th to 25th, the United States Navy intercepted eighty-three messages that Yamamoto sent to his carriers. Part of the November 25 message read: ". . . the task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow . . ."

    You might wonder if the theory that President Franklin Roosevelt had a foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack would have been alluded to in the movie Pearl Harbor (2001). Since World War II many people have suspected that Washington DC knew the attack was coming. When Thomas Dewey was running for president against Roosevelt in 1944 he found out about America's ability to intercept Japan's radio messages, and thought this knowledge would enable him to defeat the popular FDR. In the fall of that year, Dewey planned a series of speeches charging FDR with foreknowledge of the attack. Ultimately, General George Marshall, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, persuaded Dewey not to make the speeches. Japan's naval leaders did not realize America had cracked their codes, and Dewey's speeches could have sacrificed America's code-breaking advantage. So, Dewey said nothing, and in November FDR was elected president for the fourth time.

    Now, though, according to Robert Stinnett, author of Day Of Deceit (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001), we have the proof. Stinnett's book is dedicated to Congressman John Moss, the author of America's Freedom of Information Act. According to Stinnett, the answers to the mysteries of Pearl Harbor can be found in the extraordinary number of documents he was able to attain through Freedom of Information Act requests. Cable after cable of decryptions, scores of military messages that America was intercepting, clearly showed that Japanese ships were preparing for war and heading straight for Hawaii. Stinnett, an author, journalist, and World War II veteran, spent sixteen years delving into the National Archives. He poured over more than 200,000 documents, and conducted dozens of interviews. This meticulous research led Stinnet to a firmly held conclusion: FDR knew.

    "Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars," was Roosevelt's famous campaign statement of 1940. He wasn't being ingenuous. FDR's military and State Department leaders were agreeing that a victorious Nazi Germany would threaten the national security of the United States. In White House meetings the strong feeling was that America needed a call to action. This is not what the public wanted, though. Eighty to ninety percent of the American people wanted nothing to do with Europe's war. So, according to Stinnett, Roosevelt provoked Japan to attack us, let it happen at Pearl Harbor, and thus galvanized the country to war. Many who came into contact with Roosevelt during that time hinted that FDR wasn't being forthright about his intentions in Europe. After the attack, on the Sunday evening of December 7, 1941, Roosevelt had a brief meeting in the White House with Edward R. Murrow, the famed journalist, and William Donovan, the founder of the Office of Strategic Services. Later Donovan told an assistant the he believed FDR welcomed the attack and didn't seem surprised. The only thing Roosevelt seemed to care about, Donovan felt, was if the public would now support a declaration of war. According to Day of Deceit, in October 1940 FDR adopted a specific strategy to incite Japan to commit an overt act of war. Part of the strategy was to move America's Pacific fleet out of California and anchor it in Pearl Harbor. Admiral James Richardson, the commander of the Pacific fleet, strongly opposed keeping the ships in harm's way in Hawaii. He expressed this to Roosevelt, and so the President relieved him of his command. Later Richardson quoted Roosevelt as saying: "Sooner or later the Japanese will commit an overt act against the United States and the nation will be willing to enter the war."

    To those who believe that government conspiracies can't possibly happen, Day Of Deceit could prove to them otherwise. Stinnett's well-documented book makes a convincing case that the highest officials of the government---including the highest official--fooled and deceived millions of Americans about one of the most important days in the history of the country. It now has to be considered one of the most definitive--if not the definitive--book on the subject. Gore Vidal has said, "…Robert Stinnet has come up with most of the smoking guns. Day Of Deceit shows that the famous 'surprise' attack was no surprise to our war-minded rulers…" And John Toland, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the Pearl Harbor book, Infamy, said, "Step by step, Stinnett goes through the prelude to war, using new documents to reveal the terrible secrets that have never been disclosed to the public. It is disturbing that eleven presidents, including those I admired, kept the truth from the public until Stinnett's Freedom of Information Act requests finally persuaded the Navy to release the evidence."

    Disinformation: What led you to write a book about Pearl Harbor?

    Robert Stinnett: Well, I was in the navy in World War II. I was on an aircraft carrier. With George Bush, believe it or not.

    Disinformation: You wrote a book about that.

    Robert Stinnett: Yes, that's right. So, we were always told that Japanese targets, the warships, were sighted by United States submarines. We were never told about breaking the Japanese codes. Okay. So, in 1982 I read a book by a Professor Prange called At Dawn We Slept. And in that book it said that there was a secret US Navy monitoring station at Pearl Harbor intercepting Japanese naval codes prior to December 7. Well, that was a bombshell to me. That was the first time I had heard about that. I worked at The Oakland Tribune at that time…So I went over to Hawaii to see the station to confirm it. And, then, to make a long story short, I met the cryptographers involved, and they steered me to other sources, documents that would support all of their information. And so that started me going. My primary purpose was to learn about the intercept procedures. And so I filed Freedom of Information Act requests with the Navy because communications intelligence is very difficult. It's a no-no. They don't want to discuss it. But the Navy did let me, gave me permission to go to Hawaii and they showed me the station . . . So that started me on it. And then I would ask for certain information, this is now, we're talking about in the 1980s, the late 1980s. And they're very reluctant to give me more information. I'm getting a little bit.

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  • Shakita

    Realist....Wow...lots of reading there!

    I will read it and get back to you later on it....the website sort of says it all though, doesn't it... I guess in the end it depends on who is giving you the disinformation, we little guys at the end of the food chain probably will never know.

    But, I will read it with an open mind.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Realist
    But, I will read it with an open mind.


    PS: the book Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor is available on

  • Hamas

    What really happened?

    In a wicked attempt to make America fight their enemies, Isreal's top secret Mossad were sent to kill thousands of innocent people under a cover up of an Arab based attack.

    The war on terrorism has so far been extended to Afghanistan and Iraq, and thoughts are that the United States will turn their attention to Iran, Libya and Syria. A good point to remember is that this is a phoney war. The United States didn't find Bin Laden, they just defeated a regieme that supported and sponsered Palestinian terrorism in Israel. Likewise in Iraq, they didn't go to liberate the Iraqi people, they went to destroy a regieme that sponsered and supported Palestinian terrorism in Israel.

    An unreported fact of the recent Iraqi war is that Israel has reopened their oil links with Iraq, now that they can get it free thankyou very much Uncle Sam.

    Syria and Libya both sponser and support Palestinian terrorism in Israel. This is why America are proceeding to attack these countries also.

    History shows Zionist influence in American policy. Again, the United States has been dupped by the manipulative Mossad, intent on Israel's right to exist ; intent on continuing to murder, injure and destroy the Palestinian influence in Israel. Israel have and will continue to decieve the American people and government over and over again. Remember, for example, the USS Liberty ? No word from either government.

    Ask yourself : Who has benefited the most from September 11 ? Is it Usama Bin Laden and the people he apparently 'stands up' for , the Arab race ? Or has Israel secretly benefited the most from that terrible day ?

    A few points to consider :

    • Jewish death count 9/11 very low.
    • Mohammed Atta, alledged ringleader of 9/11 , had his passport found in the rubble of the World trade centre. What was he doing with a passport on a domestic flight ?
    • The alledged hijackers had their identities stolen. This can be proven.
    • 5 Israeli men were caught dancing and cheering when the events of that day unfolded, amidst the backdrop of the WTC, only to be released without charge.
    • Vicktor  Ostrovsky, ex Mossad official who wrote a book after his exit, claims in it that Mossad agents are skilled at interpreting Arabs, to make it look like an Arab feat.
    • Within moments of only the first plane hitting the building, Osama Bin Laden's picture was plastered across every zionist controlled news channel and media ; for the rest of the world's media to latch on to
    • Usama Bin Laden, alledged 'mastermind' behind the most intelligent planned terrorist attacks of all time, conviniently left a videotape of his guilt for the world to see in a run down shack in Afghanistan. His forgetfullness paralells that of Mohammed Atta and his infamous crew of four, whose attitudes attracted the attention of a local strip club owner. The night before he was destined to meet his creator, Atta and his gang danced with topless girls and cried 'death to America' while at the same time 'forgetting' his Qu'ran in the nightclub. Conviniently, he forgot yet another Qu'ran, along with 'how to fly a jumbo jet' manual that were apparently found in the car he had left at the airport ! What a forgetful guy he is.

    There are many more discrepancies in the whole escapade. All mentioned above can be proved true.

    Check it out.

  • Realist

    hello hamas!

    to ask who profits the most from a crime is a very valid way to find the criminals (cui bono?)

    israel is certainly a major benificiary of these events no question about it. but HOW did they actually do it if indeed the mossad stands behind it? who was in the planes and steered them into the buildings?

    also what would israel gain by ending terror permanently as stated in your post? israel uses every terror attack as an excuse to expand its settlements and the use of power against the palestinians.

  • Englishman

    Assuming it was a set up, how do you get someone to fly those planes actually into the WTC?

    And what did hit the Pentagon in that case?


  • Francois

    There is something to keep in mind about those two buildings being built to withstand a direct hit from an airliner, and I hear this during an interview with the architect.

    Yes, the buildings were so designed, however they did not take into consideration the buildings being struck by an airliner full of fuel. Thus no calculations were ever made about melting the main structure of the building. Temperatures in the attack were well above the melting point of steel and of course of aluminum. Thus, the disappearance of the aircraft that struck the pentagon is quite easy to understand.

    These conspiracy theories are worthless unless ALL FACTORS are taken into consideration. Missing the point about a fully fueled aircraft hitting the WTC is a very big hole in your argument.

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