So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???

by reporter 145 Replies latest social current

  • rem


    if roosevelt would have made it public that japan is gonna attack than either japan would not have attacked or would at least have postponed the attack. also the public would most likely have demanded negotiations to take place. neither scenario would have been in the interest of roosevelt.

    by the way...the US was not significantly crippled by the attack. after all pearl habor was the only significant battle won by japan.

    Sorry, I don't buy it. It seems that there were a couple of different encryption cyphers the Japanese were using at the time. We were able to decrypt one type but not the other at the time. This is an important piece of information that the author of this book glosses over.

    The public would not need to know there was going to be an attack - just the top military officers. And that's exactly what we see happened. The top military officers knew something was up, but not everything. There were clear telegraphs sent to the top military officers in Hawaii letting them know that something was going to happen soon. They didn't take it seriously and that is why they were held responsible for not being on guard.

    I think you need to get your information from more than one source (who is not even a historian, btw). It seems his references don't check out and his understanding of the Japanese cryptography situation is foggy at best.

    This type of stuff reminds me of Cremo's Forbidden Archeology. A layman with an agenda venturing into a field of study where he is clearly not an expert.


  • seawolf


    Thanks for the kind words.

  • Hamas

    It's like I've always told you people the earth revolves around the sun !

  • Gerard
    Rather than consider possibilities that things are not as they are portrayed, people start to joke about Martians and Bush flying the planes himself.

    There, there, me Chap. I swear by all the goats in Kerry I don' lie! ABC news knows best:

    The reason the tapes from the cockpit recorders of the four hijacked planes have not been released is because the voices they record are not human, but the voices of aliens.

    This no joke, mate! They're comming to pick ya up! Start prayin'

  • Bendrr

    Jayson, it's an EAA Witness .45 double-action with compensated barrel. And BTW, do a refresh because I changed the profile pic back. I just put up that particular pic in response to another thread.


    p.s. pretty funny that they named that model .45 "Witness" isn't it?

  • Jayson

    You are welcome seawolf. I have to admit making crackpot theroies is much more fun than reading 600 pages of "The Threatening Storm." It also shows how gullabile sheeple are. Most of the 9/11 bush did it with the help of aliens to gain world dominating power make about as much sense as JW asnooz magazines & the world is about to end. It is easier to believe the "un-named & un-known & un-provable source" than to accept things for what they are. Much more titilating too.

  • plmkrzy

    This thread is too long to read right now.

    Out of all the conspiracy theories that have flooded the market since 9/11 there are only 2 things that stood out to me mainly because everything else is far to easy to manipulate so I accept we will know the facts when and if that time comes.

    The 2 things:

    The destruction of the towers was so great and so intense that it disentrigrated concrete and melted steel beams designed to stand forever practicly and the bodies of who ever were flying the planes were evaporated.

    1) Why was it possible to quickly and easily stumble across the hijackers identification and visa? Where was he carrying it that inabled it to leave his body and survive? And be found!

    2) The other thing I'll keep to myself because it might be potentially too controversial.

  • rem
    1) Why was it possible to quickly and easily stumble across the hijackers identification and visa? Where was he carrying it that inabled it to leave his body and survive? And be found!

    I have a hard time understanding why so many people seem to think this scenario is implausible. It must be the mistaken belief that everything within the planes must have been incernerated on impact. I can imagine several scenarios in which a passport could be ejected out of a crashing plane and found relatively unharmed.


  • plmkrzy
    I can imagine several scenarios in which a passport could be ejected out of a crashing plane and found relatively unharmed.

    That isn't what is so "implausible".

    What is implausible is that out of all those possible passports that could have made the leap, it just so happened to be the one belonging to the hijacker who piloted the plane head on into the tower.

    That is pretty darn incredible to say the very least. It borders on "miracle".

  • rem
    What is implausible is that out of all those possible passports that could have made the leap, it just so happened to be the one belonging to the hijacker who piloted the plane head on into the tower.

    That is pretty darn incredible to say the very least. It borders on "miracle".

    What makes you so sure no other pieces of identification were ever found? It's not exactly newsworthy to find a regular passenger's drivers license. I don't see anything miraculous about it at all.


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