Do you believe in God now?

by Ron1968 142 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freein89

    I am leaning toward no, when I first left it was NO but I have since softed my stance just a tad. I am open to the POSSIBILITY that there may be a god. My problem is that in the US, the Christian view seems to be the prevailing view and Christian notions of god came from the Bible and here is where my problem with god comes in. In the Bible, god's chosen people were given a promised land, but the only problem was that people already lived there, so those poor people had to convert or die. Why would the all-powerful god give his chosen ones land that was already the property of someone else. Would I give my children a gift and then say "Oh yeah but it already belongs to little Johnny over there, so try to take it away, and if he won't give it over, just beat him up and take it, by the way you might have to kill little Johnny and all his relatives and friends to get the gift that I have given to you. I love you so that is why you must kill to get the gift." So based on scripture, I reject the god of Christianity.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    Don't people who "wouldn't change their mind no matter what" deserve ridicule? Belief should always be based on the best available evidence.

    No. You're asking people whose religion is based primarily on faith to prove everything they believe black and white. Sorry, but Christianity doesn't operate that way. It's not a scientific theory. It never was intended to be. It's like trying to compare apples to oranges.

    And I never was a dub. I only studied with them for about a year. I still had the same fundamental core beliefs.

  • logansrun


    Logansrun, why are you such an ass? So anyone who disagrees with you is "stupid" and therefore a target for your ridicule?
    No, not everyone that disagrees with me is "stupid." You're overgeneralizing my comments. You said (basically) that NOTHING could change your mind about there existing a God, in fact, the Biblical God at that. It doesn't take a genius to conclude that you have then turned your mind off to the idea that you are wrong, hence my comment. I don't "believe" in the Biblical God, but I cannot say that it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to have evidence of His existence. You, on the other hand, are SO SURE that you have closed off your thinking capabilities on the matter.

    A lot of people believe in God. And they probably wouldn't change their mind no matter what. Guess you have a lot of people to ridicule. Hop to it pal.
    Wrong. I know some people that believe in God but recognize that there is no proof and they could be wrong. In fact, I really hope that some sort of Deity exists, but I'm not counting on it. You've discounted every single possibility except the one you now hold. I find that sad. Bradley
  • freedom96

    Without question I believe in God.

    I just don't believe the WTS version of truth.

  • funkyderek
    No. You're asking people whose religion is based primarily on faith to prove everything they believe black and white. Sorry, but Christianity doesn't operate that way. It's not a scientific theory. It never was intended to be. It's like trying to compare apples to oranges.

    No it's not. There aren't different standards of truth depending on what you're measuring. Something either exists in a real objective sense or it doesn't. Believing something based on "faith" is exactly the same as believing something based on a whim. The sun will still rise tomorrow whether I have faith or not. But when I stopped believing in your god, he disappeared.

    Beliefs should be based on evidence. Anything else is a cop-out.

  • freein89

    amen, you said that you will not gamble with your future life by not believing in god. Here is what I think about that. After my horrible experience with JW's, life long I should add as I was raised in it and was 33 when I left, I hated god at first, then I stopped believing in him, part of my modification is that well maybe . . . as i added to this thread before, but I will say that IF there is a god, he certainly sees how cruel the JW's are, and in that case he understands why I can't say I believe, so if god is the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving being that he is supposed to be, then he (she?) knows why I am the way I am and surely understands why I can't jump in there and believe and he wouldn't want me to believe just to hedge my bets because that would be big hypocrasy.

  • SpunkyChick

    LOL @ Logansrun!!!!

    I think god is dead.

  • Sunnygal41

    I must be a bit strange, I didn't believe in Jehovah for years.....after the initial excitement as a kid, well, let me change that...I did believe in Him, but I believed he only was keeping a tally on how good or bad we all were.....for years I couldn't pray and I had no joy in my "theocratic" service. Since I left, however, I have DEFINITELY found a spiritual belief system that I feel comfortable with and feel I am in touch with Spirit. Hope that answers your question! And, Logan, be nice!


  • rem


    However those who do not believe in God is taking a risk. I believe their is more to gain by believing in him than not believing in him. I would not gamble in my future life.

    So basically you believe in god because of Pascal's Wager. Sounds like your 'logic' ain't too logical.


  • rem


    No. You're asking people whose religion is based primarily on faith to prove everything they believe black and white. Sorry, but Christianity doesn't operate that way. It's not a scientific theory. It never was intended to be. It's like trying to compare apples to oranges.

    Then how can you believe in Christianity over Hindu? Since it's just based on faith, you have no criteria to compare which one is 'right'. What makes you so sure he Mormons don't have it right? That's why your belief is not rational - you just believe what your parents/society taught you. It's obvious you have not put much thought into your beliefs. Atheists, on the other hand, usually come to their conclusion after much study (of multiple sides) and critical thought.

    The only possible way one can become an atheist in this society is by having an open mind. As you admitted earlier in this thread, your mind is closed to other possibilities for now. Perhaps someday you will grow out of it.


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