Do you believe in God now?

by Ron1968 142 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ashitaka
    When I said elitists, I meant the JWs you clowns

    -We've been spanked, Stinky.

    He even speaks to me when I listen closely enough.

    Oh, maybe that's how. Well, this is big news! What does God sound like? Does He speak English? Does He have a Hebrew accent? And why do you need to listen so intently? I thought God was supposed to have a big, thunderous voice -- now you're telling me He's whispering? What's up with that

    Logan, stop cracking me up. I could'a been drinking milk, you know!

    God obviously speaks swahili, which is why nobody understand what the hell he's talking about.


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Or maybe I did mean atheists. I don't understand why you must make fun of lover of truth when she simply stated her beliefs. Ever stop to think some people may think your beliefs and opinions are silly?

  • logansrun


    Sounds like you're not going to let anything change your views.
    No, I'm not.

    Ah. I see you checked your brain at the door on your way in. Well, welcome anyways. Bradley

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Logansrun, why are you such an ass? So anyone who disagrees with you is "stupid" and therefore a target for your ridicule?

    A lot of people believe in God. And they probably wouldn't change their mind no matter what. Guess you have a lot of people to ridicule. Hop to it pal.

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Ron,

    Yes, I absolutely believe in God!! Is there someone else I should put my trust in? I think not.


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    How were we s'posed to know you were talking about JWs? The thread is about thiests and athiests. JWs hadn't even been brought up. . . clown

    Because ron asked who believes in God since leaving the JWs. Clown.

  • amen

    No matter how hard i tried not to believe in God during my life span. My logic dictates that God does exist.

    Men are confused about him. They want answers that they want to hear but do not accept them, as is.

    God as far i as i see does not complicate the Christian life but came to liberate us from men domination (Phrarisees).

    Since religion is a mess in this world. I think it is better to look at them from a distance, those who need to be dominated by men made organization that can not take their own responsabilities towards God that choose to follow men, that is their choices.

    However those who do not believe in God is taking a risk. I believe their is more to gain by believing in him than not believing in him. I would not gamble in my future life.

    One thing i do believe it is not possible for life to come at ramdom here on earth. ( not possible ).

    If we looking for answers about God in every details, we'll be desapointed, we won't have all the answers.


  • funkyderek
    A lot of people believe in God. And they probably wouldn't change their mind no matter what. Guess you have a lot of people to ridicule.

    Don't people who "wouldn't change their mind no matter what" deserve ridicule? Belief should always be based on the best available evidence.

    As you may have guessed, I don't believe in gods.

  • Mulan

    Yes.............there is something out there that created all of this.

    I am not sure if it is what we would call a personal god, but there is a greater something. I don't mind calling it god. I'm not afraid of it, and don't think it's vengeful.

  • gumby
    I'm not going to let a bunch of elitists change my views.

    I'll bet you said that when you were a dub also......didn't you now? learned they were full of crap.

    When a person learns something is a bunch of crap......they don't believe the crap anymore.........usually.

    If you find the bible is full of crap........will you still believe it?


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