Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?

by minimus 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    There are many Right Wing conspiracies. There was Pizza Gate that prompted hundreds of threatening calls and ended with a man taking his rifle to DC and firing shots into the restaurant. All because they thought Hillary Clinton was running a sex ring in the basement of the pizzeria (the building has no basement FYI).

    There have been others that can be quite specific from Trump insisting Obama wasn't a US citizen - to the persistent belief that the UN is trying to overtake the US to create a "one world order" - to a secrete "deep state" that's secretly controlling our government. There are also yet others that are far more vague - Jews are trying to take over the world - blacks are the cause of crime - and most Mexican's coming to the US are rapist and drug smugglers.

    I believe the vast majority of these people aren't evil or crazy. They're just ordinary people who are deeply misinformed by Right Wing propaganda and a political system that far too often uses fear to manipulate it's members.

  • Bad_Wolf
    There are also yet others that are far more vague - Jews are trying to take over the world - blacks cause all crime - and all Mexican's coming to the US are rapist and drug smugglers.
    I believe the vast majority of these people aren't evil or crazy people. They're just people on the right who are deeply misinformed by Right Wing propaganda and a political system that far too often uses fear to manipulate it's members.

    The first things you mentioned I can't see causing people to have fear or hate of a group of people. But these ones can. Also I see left wing propaganda within this comment as well.

    On blacks....causing ALL crime is not true, but well beyond proportion to population is. But politically, haven't heard any political reasons to bring it up, other than answering why they are disproportionately arrested and jailed on the claim of racism from the left propaganda, as if it's all for smoking pot and whites are not arrested for that. But on the statement itself, you only need to look at arrest statistics, and look at what the arrest was for. Blacks are arrested for crimes out of their proportion for theft, robbery, murder, etc (smoking marijuana and victimless crimes would not count, people generally only care about if a person will commit crime against them or their family). Not all crime but well beyond proportion. My own observations though, it's not the color of skin, meaning not ALL blacks would figure into that percentage, only the thug culture ones. Just like with white people, you can see good ones and trashy ones on how they conduct themselves and dress. I would not feel at all uncomfortable having black neighbors, I've dated a black girl, and have black friends, but I would not feel comfortable around thugs nor have them as friends. Even black people don't like them. You can also go to, I live in an area that before my time used to have sundown towns. There are neighborhoods where only blacks and won't be able to really find a white person, and neighborhoods predominately white. Without telling you where they are, on, looking over the geographic area, you'll be able to tell which neighborhoods are which, and the crimes are not arrests for smoking pot, but crimes with victims. In areas without ghettos though, or without the thug culture, I expect that blacks are no different with crime than anybody else.

    For Mexican's, there is no, "ALL Mexicans coming LEGALLY into the US are rapist and drug smugglers", it's that many SNEAKING IN ILLEGALLY are criminals. It's left wing propaganda saying right wing people say that ALL Mexicans are criminals. People say people can fly in and overstay their visas, so why is south border worse? To fly in, you must passed immigration, have visa, the government knows who they are and if any criminal background/issues that would prevent them entry. Sneaking in, have no idea who they are, or if they are a danger and wouldn't ever be allowed to be admitted, even if they had a visa/passport. Big difference. Nobody has a problem with Mexican's legally entering the USA.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    We often hear radical right wing extremists proclaiming the conspiracy theory of deliberate population replacement, as the real reason for the massive influx of third worlders into Europe in recent years.

    You are a nutjob crank if you believe that, right?

    And if you speak out about it then you are a racist bigoted islamophobe.

    Well what if this actually turns out to be true?

    Here is the smoking gun friends, this is a UN document from the year 2001 that lays out the plan!

  • minimus

    What a good thread!👍👍

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    In 'Jw speak' those who question 'The Truth" are labeled "Apostates."

    In 'Government speak' those who question 'mainstream' are "Conspiracy Theorists."

    Translation: Apostates = Conspiracy Theorists

    Questioning is good. Questioning leads to discovery of the Real Truth.

    Critical Thinking Required.

    Unfortunately, Cults are both addictive and all around us. It is only by means of questioning that we are ultimately able to discern whether we've fallen into another Cult or are still ThinkingCritically.

    We are very easily manipulated emotionally into cult-like beliefs and dependencies unless we remain vigilant and question more.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    it's that many SNEAKING IN ILLEGALLY are criminals.

    This is patently false. The criminal rate for immigrants - legal or otherwise - is lower than the American population.

    and the crimes are not arrests for smoking pot

    This is not accurate either. African Americans are convicted of marijuana possession at a rate of 370% compared to Caucasians.

    It's left wing propaganda saying right wing people say that ALL Mexicans are criminals.

    I don't know of anyone saying "all Meixicans are criminals." But I do know of at least one person who is saying Mexican Immigrants are criminals:

    "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people . . .They’re sending us not the right people. The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everyone elses problems."

    -Donald J. Trump

  • minimus

    Trump never said all were problems.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Coded Logic attempted a rebuttal of Bad_Wolf's statement "it's that many SNEAKING IN ILLEGALLY are criminals" by saying, "This is patently false. The criminal rate for immigrants - legal or otherwise - is lower than the American population."

    ...and all this time I thought that people who were guilty of ILLEGAL ACTIONS could properly be described as CRIMINALS.

    Here's a fact: the CRIMINALITY of illegal immigrants is 100% because they entered the USA illegally!

    Conversely, the CRIMINALITY of legal immigrants, judged by the way they entered the USA, is ZERO percent! If they commit crimes after entering the USA legal, they RUIN the excellent start they had!

    Does Mexico have open borders? No.

    Does any country in the world have open borders? No.

    Why should the USA have open borders? Enlighten me.

  • Diogenesister

    More and more polarization, just like the world before WW1.

    I worry for my kids.

  • Diogenesister
    What are the conspiracy theories? I don't live in London, but I've seen what's happened there, in France, etc. The no go zones, etc.

    I live in London snd I can absolutely promise you there are ZERO "no go zones"😂😂
    I also know Paris pretty well and theres no "no go"zones there, too. I cant speak for other European cities.

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