Has your life gotten better as an athiest/agnostic?

by StinkyPantz 153 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Heh, that's a funny pic.

  • Aztec
    But my nieces are cuter.

    Wanna bet?

    We are sooooooo off topic...LOL!


  • Aztec
    Heh, that's a funny pic.

    You don't like it Ox? I think it's cute!

    That's my little sweetie pie, who happens to believe in God, showing what a free spirit is. No, I don't discourage his beliefs. He likes to stop me, once in awhile, and tell me he needs to pray. I let him. Damn, I'm such a liberal..LOL!


  • SixofNine

    Well, to be honest, I do find faith irrational. I don't believe that faith is a good thing to have, and I feel like the person is insulting my intelligence when they act as if I should see value in faith. Why value it, when it is basically means "to believe strongly, 'just because' "?

    I don't believe that everyone who holds to irrational thought on one issue, is dumb or unintelligent. I think they are just acting that way on that one issue

    Don't worry, I include myself in that catagory, back when I believed based on faith.

  • AlanF

    Oxnard said:

    : Um, that's a bad analogy. Not getting presents and only living on earth for 70+ odd years are completely different things. I could care less about getting presents on Christmas. But the thought of not having any life after our short existence on Earth scares the heck outta me. I don't know how you all can brush it off like it's nothing.

    No, the analogy is good because it compares one highly improbable bit of hopefulness with another, both of which are based entirely on wishful thinking.

    No matter, here's a better one: How can you possibly go through life as a virile man without the hope that if you die faithful you'll be resurrected to life with the immense sexual joy of having 72 virgins to satisfy your every sexual whim? I mean, Damn! You'll get to open up every one of those suckers!

    Don't believe it? Why not? It's a damned fine belief!


  • donkey
    Maybe I'm mis-reading everything, but I'm getting the impression that you atheists think we Christians are a bunch of dumb, irrational, un-educated hillbillies.

    Do you think the Nazi' followers (average people) were rational? I don't.

    Were they educated? Many were.

    Were they dumb? Not all of them.

    So let's re-construct this then. Let's look at what people have been taught about snakes. By far the majority of people (in the past close to 100%) are terrified of snakes. Why is that? In reality most snakes are not harmful. But people have perpetuated notions about their danger for generations. This is a form of education - even if it is incorrect. By studying FACTS one learns the truth and realizes that what you were educated with is/was not logical (ie. IRRATIONAL).

    What is totally dumb is the refusal to examine FACT and the refusal to base one's most important decisions on life on unsubstantiated tradition. The tradition is "educated" into the students by teaching/culture and parental influence. This does not make it accurate does it?

    One thing JW's claimed was they were "in the TRUTH". So why not actually seek the TRUTH - something which is provable and rational. People who believed the earth was flat were just as ardent, sincere and convinced of their beliefs...if some brave individuals had not refused to simply accept the popular belief...we would all still be at the mercy of Atlas.

    As an atheist, one who does not believe (Alan is an Atheist too), I am probably one of those who might be described as "intolerant" of and/or "rude" to believers. The description is probably true - I confess. How tolerant would you be if everyone around you believed the tooth fairy was real? I know that question sounds intolerant...but then ask yourself - can you convince me that the tooth fairy is not God?


  • Aztec
    I do find faith irrational

    That's because it is irrational hon! Faith by definition:

    "Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence"

    ~Aztec cynic to the bone class

  • Aztec
    How can you possibly go through life as a virile man without the hope that if you die faithful you'll be resurrected to life with the immense sexual joy of having 72 virgins to satisfy your every sexual whim? I mean, Damn! You'll get to open up every one of those suckers!

    I guess Alan is of the "hope Islam got something right class"...LOL!


  • manon

    Why Alan? The universe provides the tools to manifest whatever the heart desire. Who really needs an afterlife one life is sufficient or so i've heard.......

    Edited to add: "But the thought of not having any life after our short existence on earth scares the heck outa me". Sorry empty box!!! I'm workin on it.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Yeah, what stinky said. Lay off, ye heathens!

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