Your Username

by RAYZORBLADE 86 Replies latest social humour

  • RubyTuesday

    Love the words in the song....When I was a jw I was labled something I wasn't and I felt trapped.

    She would never say where she came from Yesterday don't matter if it's gone While the sun is bright or in the darkkest night No one knows, she comes and goes Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday Who could hang a name on you When you change with ev'ry new day Still I'm gonna miss you Don't question why she needs to be so free She'll tell you it's the only way to be She just can't be chained to a life where nothing's gained And nothing's lost, at such a cost Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday Who could hang a name on you When you change with ev'ry new day Still I'm gonna miss you "There's no time to lose", I hear her say Cash your dreams before they slip away Dying all the time lose your dreams and you Will lose your mind, ain't life unkind? Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday Who could hang a name on you When you change with ev'ry new day Still I'm gonna miss you Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday Who could hang a name on you When you change with ev'ry new day Still I'm gonna miss you
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  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Three things combined .........

    During my days as a JW , 1) my parents used to say to me that anytime I felt pressured by "worldly" things that I should run not walk away. 2) Then later in life when I was trying to get out, that I had to run from the organization, 3 )and we all heard the term at the Kingdom Hall as kids walk don't run in the hall.

    So you take these three and turn them around abit (since I am a so called "apostate") and I came up with "run don't walk" away from the Watchtower.

    I know it sounds a bit strange, but I found it humourous at the time and stuck with that name.

  • aunthill

    One day, after I had been lurking for some time, a post came up that I wanted to reply to. I had sprayed some ants in my house that day, and began thinking of how JW's reminded me of ants continually scurrying about feeding the queen (Bethel), and it came to me -

    Aunthill! of the REALLY-glad-to-be-out class

  • aunthill

    nilfun - after reading other posts re: song, it makes me glad I'm at work and have the sound turned off!

  • jgnat

    I get it! I get it! KPROSCTS

    KeePeR Of SeCreTS

    ...there you go, Priscilla.

  • Sadie5

    Sadie= name of our family pet( boston terrier)

    5= # of children I have

  • Amazing

    When I started on the old H20, I was known as "Simply Amazing." I chose the name from an expression often used by an engineering associate I worked with in San Francisco ... he often found certain issues simply amazing. When I left the JWs I identified with that expression in marveling at how my life was affected by the Watchtower religion. When I joined JWD, I shortened it to "Amazing" to save time typing. Jim W.

  • bikerchic

    Hi RAZORBLADE I liked your stroy of how you got your name. I've found it interesting reading how the rest of you'all got your's too.

    Here's my story, it's easy I'm a femal cyclist. One of my cyclist buddies nicknamed me bikerchic and it stuck. I use it on a cycling board too.


  • Aztec

    Katie, you're so cute! I love to read how all you got your names! Blackout, that is too cute! Gwydion, LOL!

    ~Aztec AWWWWWW class!

  • KGB

    Gee I wonder what KGB stands for ? DOH ! hmmmmmm could it be ??? well I`ll let you guess

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