Your Username

by RAYZORBLADE 86 Replies latest social humour

  • drwtsn32

    My username is from drwtsn32.exe... the error logging app in Windows NT/2000/XP. Yes, it is nerdy but I thought it sounded kinda cool. It is short for "Dr. Watson" as many of you recognized.

  • gumby

    My name was given to me by a Salesman at the carpet store I work at. He's longtime friend is very accustomed to giving out nicknames to people and mine is Gumby. "Your such a Gumby" he would say. I suppose it's another word for dipshit......but I like Gumby better.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    When I worked at American Airlines, I was in charge of coordinating the frequent flyer department and the international reservations offices. Since I was based in Dallas, one of the offices, I think it was Indonesia, started calling me Big Tex. The name kinda stuck.


  • Aztec

    howdy back atcha Big Tex!


  • JH

    Those are my initials. When I joined, I didn't think I would actually post here very much so I put down my initials. Even if I would rather another name and was able to put another one, I would still keep JH. My reputation is made as JH. So JH I stay. Also being so short, it is easy to find on a page.

  • Mulan

    I had a hotmail account I used for emailing customers in Asia, and I gave myself and Asian sounding equivalent of my real name Marilyn. When I signed onto the old H2O board, I had to register an email, so used that one, and became Mulan.

    I did the same thing when I came to this board.

  • gitasatsangha

    I've done (and probably will do) some volunteer work for International Gita Society in the past on some web functions. Gita in this case is short for Bhagavad Gita, (Gita means song), Satsangha basically means when a groups of people get together and discuss something. So gitasatsanga is something like a play on biblestudy.

    Anyway, I was in a hurry when I signed up.

  • siegswife

    I'm Sieg(fried)'s wife.

  • SheilaM

    Uh my name was given to me by my parents Sheila and M is the first initial of my last name I share with Thunder LOL

  • jgnat

    JH Started a thread on this, too, back in December. JH, you been around that long? How time flies.

    Happy browsing.

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