EX-JW's Divided- Marc and Cora Interview

by OnTheWayOut 76 Replies latest members adult

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is extremely long. Skip to 13:00 and listen for 7 minutes, then decide if you want to invest time in the rest.
    No matter what, skip the first 7 minutes of blank.

    This video shows a divide among ex-JW's that tried to organize, and Marc and Cora wanted no more part of it.

    If anyone wants to know what happened with AAWA and John Cedars, this helps a bunch. If anyone knows of this being posted elsewhere on this forum, please link to it. I think it's extremely important that ex-JW's, regardless of their current views and beliefs, do not do damage to the cause.


  • punkofnice

    I'll have a look at this. Marc and Cora are friends of mine. We have BBQ'd together.

    Thanks for the post.

  • JRK


    I am shocked that Cedars would do something like that! I mean he wouldn't out someone like he did here with Sic Semper Tyrannus? He would never knock off books, violating copyright law.

    He is a member of the Ex-JW Governing Body! He is not that kind of guy!

    (sarcasm intended)



  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I cannot see how would it be possible for ex-JWs to be united.

    There are many reasons why one becomes an ex-JW. I mean, there is no foundation for unity between a person who became an ex-JW for sexual immorality and another one for apostasy, or between one who got kicked out for refusing to give up smoking/drinking in excess/gambling and a pedophile. There are many examples.

    Just being an ex-JW is not sufficient cause for unity.


  • Stirred

    I was quite upset by his stance that illegally publishing COC and blatant self-promotion. I pulled away and have been wary since. I appreciate the efforts and sacrifice to share the Goddard letter with KH in the UK. What a completely different stand.

    Confusing until you consider that power/popularity can corrupt. Hopefully he will adjust his attitude as we all need to do so from time to time. Attitude really is such a huge deal.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    This is why the W.T were correct " beware of organisation" and this is the type of video that shows that people just can't get along in organisation, and that is no reflection on Marc and Cora. But all the casuties that Marc & Cora talk about, are a result of people once again putting there trust in an organisation, ( why would anyone leave the W.T. and then put trust in John Cedars and AAWA another organisation?. and in all truth watching the video in my opinion " What the " Fock" ....the information is out there about the W.T and it doesn't need these egos and activism to put that information out there.

    Sorry but I got better things to do than listen to this for 50 minutes...can anyway here say different.

    The Rebel.

  • elderINewton

    Interesting listen. The real irony to me is that from a business case not one person has provided or indicated legal proof that Mr. Cedars broke the law from a pure legal perspective. Accusing and suggesting is one thing, but proof is another. I'm not sure if a worldwide copyright exists, particularly in his legal jurisdiction. If he was in the US its different, it could be a slam dunk, I'm not so sure in Croatia. All the evidence presented has only been US copyright law, I don't know if that is valid in Croatia.

    As an example to this, many books are legally allowed to be copied for various purposes. So from a legal perspective, he could have protected all the nuts if they had passed this all through lawyers. Problem I see is that a ton of charities forget to talk with lawyers because they either don't have the money or the experience.

    Then the inexperience of dealing with legal advice got them all pissy at each other. On the bright side at least they are allowed to disagree.

    Overall to me they are all damaging the cause, by not using legal assistance.

    (now to wait for the negative comments, because I look at this through a legal lens).

  • OnTheWayOut

    Punkofnice, take a look and have a great day.

    JRK, ikr.

    Doubtfully yours, I tend to agree that ex-JW's cannot be united. But then I am against "organized" too much. And I do appreciate that some are trying to do something, but that makes them more accountable when they organize. The best I can see in an effort to do something is what Marc and Cora do, or what individuals have done like jwstruggle, jwfacts, Randy Watters. Also, organized groups just to gather and support but without a purpose beyond support- meetup, apostafests. If I am not a Christian or a lesbian, I should still be able to relate to Christians or lesbians at a gathering.

    Stirred, if WTS adjusted, I still wouldn't want to be in it. Same with AAWA. Best for Cedars to stick to videos and blogs and stay away from recruiting for his cause. But that's just my opinion.

    Rebel, you are preaching to the choir (in my case). Thanks.

    elderlNewton, you may be right about it not being illegal. I even commented somewhere about CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE that I would want it to be widely distributed and Ray Franz would want that too, and if it wasn't readily available, or only available for a small fortune (over $100), I would be all for pirate PDF copies getting out there, because the book is that important.
    But, there's more to the video than the book. It's the way Cedars decides to do things and plow ahead.

  • Simon

    "Toxic", "rabid", "narcissistic bully" - perfect descriptive words IMO based on my own experiences with him.

    I think too many times people think "ex JW" in itself is a guarantee of trustworthiness when it isn't. People don't always change when they leave the WTS, they just transfer their allegiances but can still have all the same personality traits as they were when they were in, whether that is being abusive or manipulative. Sometimes the WTS prevented people from being their true selves and that wasn't always a bad thing.

    IMO he's far too concerned with self promotion in order to make money from his "activism" and turn it into a paid career (his own words) which I think can easily lead to conflict of interest and putting his own interests before others well-being. Possibly why he's so sensitive to the slightest criticism or simply failure to applaud loud enough.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Thanks Simon. To me, the ideal activists have not been able to make a living out of it. They sacrificed for their activism more than they benefited. Randy Watters and jwfacts come to mind.

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