Is Tony Morris a Nonce / Pedophile

by MebyonKernow 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vanderhoven7

    I stand corrected.

  • EasyPrompt
    "I stand"

    @Vander, my brother, we all know you were standing in that truth correctly already!🫶

    "Stand firm, therefore, with the belt of truth fastened around your waist"

    You've been exposing the GB as frauds for a long time. Thank you😌!

  • Vanderhoven7

    Ha, I'm preaching on standing (Eph 6) on Sunday morning.

    What does standing mean in the context of Christian warfare?

    It means you haven't lost your faith,

    It means you know God is still on the throne

    It means you know that greater is He that is in you...

    You stand by the word of God,

    You stand by faith... in the promises of God

    You stand by the faithfulness of God.

    You stand by faith... in the work of God.

    In other stand by faith in the gospel of Christ

  • Teddnzo

    All quiet on the Western front?

    They got away with it with Greenlees, Chitty and Jarez maybe they are going to get away with it again and hope it gets forgotten about like the last three members of the GB who were accused of child sexual abuse.

    Interestingly those who remember Chitty being on the GB say the official story is that he was homesick and that’s why he came back to London to live out his days.

    Chitty remembers Russel that’s how far back he goes and my wife’s grandma had him round for tea after the ministry one time. This was after he got taken off the GB. He was still a celebrity with the moniker former Governing Body member.

    I wonder what will be the reason for Tony that will be doing the rounds?

    It will be difficult if the official story is poor health as the other members of the GB get older and they don’t come off their positions for poor health?

    but most PIMIs will never put 2&2 together

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    All quiet on the Western front?

    Seems if your an Elder, you're only allowed to keep silent and keep covering for Watchtower.

    Was wasting my time hoping and dreaming Salena was going to show herself cutting up some grass-fed bacon and beef. I fear she's not getting enough protein in her body. At least it was comforting to see she does believe in butter. 33:05

    God Bless Salena

  • was a new boy
  • was a new boy
  • LV101

    wasanewboy -- thx for posting links and I'll try to resume watching the 'compilation' TIk Toks of Selena's account -- hard to deal w/the horror she's endured tonight. Question -- who is the individual/channel in the youtube in case updated video available for viewing on Friday/thanks. I assume you'll post the link here.

    Oh my - best to Selena and hope she has great legal counsel.

  • punkofnice
    Is Tony Morris a Nonce / Pedophile?

    I have no idea, and I suspect neither do many of us on here.

    If he's found guilty in a court of law, then I'll be interested in the findings.

    IMHO, that he was on the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them), he will have been complicit in protecting nonces. It doesn't mean he is a nonce himself, but an enabler. Which is just as disgusting.

  • Duran

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