What is your opinion of the news media?

by minimus 491 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I don't "cozy up" with any ideology that treats gays badly - correct, but I thought you may be missing the point.

    Isn't it nice how I never insinuated that you might like racism? - missing the point.

    Since you don't want to extend that courtesy to me here goes: [blah, blah, blah] - yes, I know you condemn those people.

    The point is that many on the left (but not you) cannot see that their beliefs need improving and may be part of the problem. They aren't too good at self-awareness and self-criticism.

    And this at a time when the left has become something of a joke and desperately needs to start improving its outlook and addressing certain issues in order to become relevant again.

    In Britain, the right aren't doing too badly at this (it was David Cameron - a right-wing PM - who brought in same-sex marriage; Theresa May is another right-winger who's recently become the second female UK PM).

    The left are lagging behind, at least in the UK (possibly in other countries, too).

  • LoveUniHateExams

    What resources have you read about the effect of the 2014 sanctions on Russia? - I haven't ready any, but I'm not sure I need to, TBH.

    Answer me this: if it was Obama's and NATO's aim to stop Putin annexing Crimea, they failed. Y/N?

  • freemindfade

    The media is as corrupt as the politicians it sides with, simple as that. If it's actually reporting news, and facts, and not colluding with these scumbags, then it's not corrupt media.

    And before you all go off on the wrong tangent again about Fox and Breitbart, i am STILL not promoting conservative news MSM. I continually include them in my assertion that most MSM is slimy.

  • Spoletta

    If the President of the United States is a liar, it is the duty of responsible media to point it out. How are we going make decisions about him if we are not aware of his failings. Likewise, if he and his associates are in a position to enrich themselves by being in office, I want to know about it. If reporting facts casts a bad light on his administration, that's his tough luck.

    Balanced media is not reporting 1 good decision and 1 bad decision. If Trump tells 5 lies for every truth, than it should be reported proportionately. That's not bias, that's statistics.

  • Simon
    If the President of the United States is a liar, it is the duty of responsible media to point it out.

    Correct. But it has to be for all Presidents.

    Balanced media is not reporting 1 good decision and 1 bad decision. If Trump tells 5 lies for every truth, than it should be reported proportionately.

    Bzzzt. So close. You were right up to "If Trump ...".

    The reporting of lies should not change based on which team is in the WhiteHouse, that's where your argument becomes just partisan.

    That's not bias, that's statistics.

    But if they do it for one president and not the other, that IS bias.

    Balanced media is being balanced and consistent. The media as it is now is not.

  • freemindfade
    If the President of the United States is a liar, it is the duty of responsible media to point it out.

    If you really believe this is going on, you need to think long and hard about that.

    If you take Trump out of the mix for a moment, and look back further, let's say 8-16 years, the MSM has stopped keeping the presidents in check, and rather has sided with them based on their affiliations (left vs. right, CNN vs Fox). You are correct, the media SHOULD be there to keep politicians in check, that responsibility resting on the mainstream media is dying by the day, the internet has done a far better job not being puppets of Clinton, Inc or the GOP.

    CNN is well beyond reporting facts to constructing conspiracies and censoring opponents. Saying CNN & Fox or any news like them is honest in their reporting is absolute madness.

    I don't care how much you hate Trump, I have no idea how anyone can stomach the smug nonsense that is CNN. And many other liberals feel this same way. Thinking the mainstream media is a complete farse is not a radical right wing conservative idea.

  • kpop

    I just want to point out that Trump did say he recognizes the important role of the media, so long as the media is fair and balanced but he was attacking CNN in particular for their constant bias and hate against him and his administration. We must have a fair and balanced media to keep not only Trump in line, but any president regardless of political affiliation, and it was clear over the past several years that the media gave Obama a free pass on nearly everything. Did the media cover what Obama did on his way out the door?

    I could name 5 major and very bad things that Obama did literally on his last day in office just to screw with Trump and make it difficult. By doing that he showed he is not concerned about making America better but to play politics with Trump and make him look bad. Do you know which ones I am talking about?

  • bohm
    The point is that many on the left (but not you) cannot see that their beliefs need improving and may be part of the problem. They aren't too good at self-awareness and self-criticism. ... the left ... The left ...

    If you accept that I don't believe those things, can't you stop boxing me in with the deep end of "the left" which does? Some on the crazy spectrum of "the right" are nazis, but if I started making those kinds of generalizations about you as a member of "the right" that wouldn't be productive or nice.

    Answer me this: if it was Obama's and NATO's aim to stop Putin annexing Crimea, they failed. Y/N?

    I don't understand the question. You are asking if the first round of sanctions (begun early march) failed to stop the Russian annexation (begun February and planned long before that)?

    Since you haven't bothered to read about the sanctions, according to the sources I have read they have brought Russian economy on its knees. That provides real leverage over Putin because many powerful people understand that with Putin gone that will free up a lot of money, and all things considered a weak economy is bound to make life more difficult for Putin.

    But let me just understand your position:

    You believe that when, say, Russia takes a part of Ukraine and continue aggression for two years the best move is no consequences?

    When he attack EU countries infrastructure, no consequences?

    when he tries to assassinate a head of state of an EU country, no consequences?

    If you believe there should be consequences, what should they be? a harshly worded UN resolution?

  • Simon

    Obama was the king of no consequences. There isn't a red line he could draw that he couldn't run away from ...

  • kpop

    Here is a very good article of why the media is now the enemy of the free people. Makes a very good counter argument. Yes we must have a good, working and fair media if we are to avoid having a dictator but if the media takes sides then it is not good or functioning or fair. The media has lost focus. Great read if you have the time to educate yourself and see this side of the story.


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