It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander
    WingCommander guys were threatened with letters? Where's mine? I'm so underappreciated. On here for 22 years, and I don't even get a mention? Fuck you, ya neck-bearded cunt!

  • Thisismein1972

    The reason why he once again threatened people with litigation is because it has worked successfully several times before. As soon as someone said anything negative against him, he would push the litigation red button. He has successfully closed channels down and scared people away by threatening to sue them.

    The problem this time though is he went after people that he has already threatened litigation with in the past. You have to be incredibly stupid to actually think that unsuccessful attempts to intimidate the same people time and again will have the same desired effect.

    He's created a paradox that he will never recover from, no one will ever believe or take his tantrums seriously again and I believe that is why we don't hear much from him now.

    Once you stand up to a bully they cower away with their tales between their legs. There are too many people who will not stand for his tantrums anymore and he must be acutely aware of this.

  • TonusOH

    The problem is that he made threats that he cannot legally follow through on. Not only due to jurisdiction, but because the only claims that could have had even a slight chance were the ones that he admitted were true.

    And even that overstates the case. The entirety of Kim's "libelous" accusations are that Evans told her that he had been seeing prostitutes, and that he had traveled to Thailand for sex. Even assuming she had no digital evidence of these claims, she had at least one witness (Evans admits that Producer Bob was on the same call where he told them). Also, she could have pointed out that he confessed to more shocking behavior in his own book. How much reputational damage could her reddit post have caused, for a guy who had already told everyone that he was a creep and a pervert?

  • Mikejw
    was an incredibly foolish move to sue and esp in the manner he did - all bells and whistles, making all sorts of threats. Hardly anyone bought it, and it hasn’t had the desired effect of scaring people off from talking about him, making videos and what not.

    He can never again threaten legal action he has lost all credibility. Nobody bought it last time and nobody will ever buy it ever again.

    Even if someone did genuinely make something up that genuinely was slander, if you look at his reputation now he would not be able to deny or defend against it. Because he denies things which we know are true.

    His best bet now is quietly fade away. He has to get a job cleaning toilets or some other job in Croatia that doesn’t require speaking the language.

    Or move back to the UK and claim benefits but he hasn’t been paying into the system for most of his life so I don’t know how that would work.

  • Thisismein1972
    he hasn’t been paying into the system for most of his life so I don’t know how that would work.
    You don't need to pay into the system to claim Unemployment Benefit, or Universal Basic Income as it is called now. There is contribution based, where one has paid into the system, and income based which is state-funded income support based. He'll probably go on long-term sickness benefit to shy away from getting a real job.

  • Journeyman

    There is no such thing as Universal Basic Income here in the UK at the moment. There's a lot of talk about introducing it, and some pilot programmes proposed, but the benefit for people on low incomes who have not paid enough National Insurance contributions is Universal Credit.

    Universal Credit is not very generous especially by the standards of what Lloyd will be used to, and one of the rules for eligibility is that you must have £16,000 in savings or less, which I doubt is true of him given his number of patrons (even though they're falling) and his regular spending on holidays. Here are the current rates, and from this he would only get about £400-800 per month.

    To put that in context, the average monthly rent for a 1-bed flat is between £600-800, even outside London and South-East England. In the SE, it's well above that. So even if he gets Housing Benefit to help with his rent, it won't cover it all and he will barely have anything left.

    Even if he claims some kind of disability, as a single, middle-aged, white British-born male he will have no priorities when it comes to further benefits, housing or anything like that.

    For this reason, coupled with the fact that there are people over here who he would not want to encounter, and there may yet be legal difficulties for him if he settles back here, I really do not believe he would return to the UK permanently unless it was completely unavoidable.

  • Thisismein1972
    Universal Credit.

    Whoops Sorry I made a mistake, or was it a Freudian slip?!

    For this reason, coupled with the fact that there are people over here who he would not want to encounter, and there may yet be legal difficulties for him if he settles back here, I really do not believe he would return to the UK permanently unless it was completely unavoidable.

    Something I believe too. He would have already moved back by now.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Why would he go back? He has never lived a post-JW life there and all the people he knows there also happen to be what remains of the Cedarites. He has no social or business connections and his open-mic night would be laughed out of any pub in Manchester.

    The stand-up routine gives a hint of how he sees himself in this world. He’d rather be this mysterious foreigner than a failed expat who’d have a difficult time making ends meet.

    I can see him peddling his bullshit in the US or Canada, but not in the UK. He seemed to love it in LA, though the cost of living would be a huge factor.

    It’s a safe bet that Jabba the Hutt takes his final breaths in Croatia. Maybe his Princess Leia bikini slave strangles him with a chain like the real Jabba - TBD.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    I still believe he will come back to daddy elder with the big house in aflouent Wilmslow and live rent free pretending to have mental issues collecting benefits like his sister (many other jws do that at the moment in the area) or do the impossible and reintegrate himself in the Witnesses and get his privileges back in the fast lane (being an elder's son) , these are very possible scenarios.

  • Mikejw

    There is no way he could ever go back to JWs there is absolutely no way they would ever approve him back. He could come to meetings as a disfellowshipped person indefinitely but the CO would never ever sign off he is repentant the branch would make sure of that.

    How do you know his sister is on benefits?

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