Came out as apostate to my "friends" today

by cappytan 59 Replies latest members private

  • cappytan

    Everyone: thank you so much for the support. Really needed it.

    The guy that texted me immediately forwarded my letter to my former COBE and every other witness that he could think of telling them we just disassociated ourselves.

    This letter was a private communication to a handful of individuals.

    I kind of jumped the gun on the letter to friends. Had one for family too, but hadn't finished writing that one. Unfortunately because of this friend, family found out through other individuals.

    Family called us saying that the elders were forming a committee to disfellowship us. We asked what in the letter was a Disfellowshipping offense or indicated disassociation? They told us to call the elders. Told wife's family she had nothing to do with the letter. Wife's family told her that she needed to leave me because I was a spiritual danger to her.

    They also told my wife that it was bullshit that I studied for countless hours about this. That I probably didn't even crack the bible.

    I called my former COBE and was very positive. Told him, yes I wrote the letter and that in no way was it to be taken as a disassociation letter. He told me they weren't taking it as that because I didn't say that, though they were concerned about us. But he was very nice and told me he was there if I needed to talk, but he wouldn't push me to talk if I didn't want to. No committee, by the way. Vicious rumor.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Further proof that ................................... JWs lie

    My father asked me why I insist on recording elders, I said.

    Because they lie.

    His response


  • cantleave
    You are now free to get on with your lives without always looking over your shoulder. Well done and best of luck..
  • konceptual99

    Very interesting last post Cappy. I am sure there are many who will be interested to see how this pans out.

    Even if the BoE decide to leave you alone (which I am skeptical on) there will clearly be a number of people all to ready to spy on you and report back to the BoE if they think you are doing anything that warrants a JC.

    The other interesting thing is that it is shining example of the conditional and judgemental nature of friendships in da troof where people have been so ready to treat you as a disfellowshipped/disassociated person even when the congregation have taken zero action as yet.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I still can't figure out why they need an organization to belong to.

    They will acknowledge that it's imperfect, but then go on to claim that it's the closest one to perfection.

    They just can't move on mentally to the idea that they might not need an organization to worship god at all.

    Sorry, Cappy, I'm sure you expected it, but it hurts when it happens just the same.

  • FayeDunaway

    Cappy it was a fantastic letter! My 'friends' shunned me in exactly the same way, and that was only from rumours. One sent me a note like you got, without mention of imperfection.

    I hope you had a merry first Christmas with your kids!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Nice letter, Cappy.

    I think their reactions help to prove the point that "friendship" and "family" with JWs is primarily based on a controlling cult mentality.

  • FayeDunaway
    Oh my GOD I just saw your more recent message up above. I'm sure that was a really traumatic time for you. Sometimes it is better to rip off the band aid tho. I'm glad that elder was kind to you! He almost seems like one of us!
  • Tornintwo

    OMG these people are such gossips and snitches, I've no doubt it would be the same the world over.

    Glad the elder was more reasonable with you, I wonder if they've been told to back off faders a little bit after the ARC and Geoffrey Jacksons testimony about elders not being policemen.

    Anyway, here's to new unconditional friendships

  • millie210

    Nice letter Cap.

    As for your second post about the reactions...they are responding (IMO) the only way they know how - or as they have been raised by the parent Organization.

    Threatening, menacing, words.

    Isnt that how you :get: people to do the right thing? LOL

    Dont take them to heart in what they say and do right now. These are all reactionary poses they are assuming. Let things sift a bit?

    Not that you need advice from me as you are doing better than I am in getting to your goals!

    You are very encouraging to me however, because I am feeling a little "stuck" presently. I think and it is good for me to read the experiences of others so I can find my own way to be more truthful and honest.

    My thought on reading this thread is that you are "walking in truth" - NOT the way your friends and family think of it but in terms of reality.

    There is no greater thing we can do than be authentic and truthful is there? Its a gift to ourselves and to others.

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