If you have some reliable evidence please share. It may be out there. I haven't seen it yet.
You troll you :) No no, both tax evasion and structuring.
http://www.ecases.us/case/ca11/66823/usa-v-kent-e-hovind - tax evasion
https://www.unitedstatescourts.org/federal/flnd/43267/208-0.html - structuring
Here's one of the last judgements.
I remember there was this audio recording of Hovind incriminating himself further where he discusses hiding some assets from the government with his son over the phone. This was while he was in jail :)
There are so many, I'm surprised you could not find any.
Lets say Hovind is or was guilty of tax evasion. That really has nothing to do with the information on his videos.
True. However his arrogance regarding taxes is just one of his more endearing qualities.
Some others:
His qualifications. As you know his doctoral degree he bought for $100 dollars. The going rate at that time. In his videos he always makes bones about the fact that he worked hard for his doctoral degree. But his thesis only contained four chapters totaling 101 pages, but Hovind’s introduction claimed the work was 250 pages with 16 chapters. It had incomplete citations, was not supervised and was issued by a diploma mill.
His moral character. When YouTube was still young, people would challenge his videos and post point by point refutations. You had to use his videos in segments for brevity and for believability because people would claim: No No Hovind never said this. You know what he did? His organization would file DMCA after DMCA to try and shut them up.
An example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckODHCVISVw
The atheist community has had a very long walk with this man and how he does things.
Why give him any credence whatsoever?
As regards his substance:
Well why don't we start with his theory on red shift?
Or is there some other topic like his theory on continental drift you would rather want to discuss?
I still think you're just baiting. There is no serious theist academic on this planet that remotely gives him any credence (Lord knows there's always one right?). With your claimed academic background I cannot understand how you give this man any legitimacy at all.