If you believe in evolution you believe you came from a rock.
If you believe in creationism you definitely believe you came from a rock.
You clearly have not thought about your position thoroughly at all.
by cofty 291 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you believe in evolution you believe you came from a rock.
If you believe in creationism you definitely believe you came from a rock.
You clearly have not thought about your position thoroughly at all.
I don't believe humans evolved from animals. Why? Because animals don't destroy their environment, animals aren't greedy, nor do they or smoke crack then go knock over a liquor store. Humans are worse than animals. Humans are more akin to viruses and locusts then animals.
I have watched Aarona. Hovind would wipe him up.
Aaronra wont debate Hovind.
All Hovind wants is the debate to be conducted as it would in high school or college each side being given so
much time to make their statements. Each side makes a rebuttal.
And each side gets to video and profit from the videos.
I know Hovind would love to debate Aaronra.
Aaronra said on your video that he would not debate Hovind. Minute 131 of his statement. You should watch the videos you post before you post such damning information about your position.
Also he said before that that he would not debate Hovind in a professional manner. He wants Hovind to be the side show. He says that in the first minute. He wants to humiliate Hovind not debate him.
If you don't post or understand the videos you post on behalf of your position. I have a hard time believing you watched all of Hovinds videos.
Because animals don't destroy their environment, animals aren't greedy - Lieu
Actually the number one strategy in the natural world is parasitical behaviour.
There is no end the variety of ways animals have invented to inflict extreme suffering on each other.
Humans demonstrate the zenith of care and compassion.
I have a hard time believing you watched all of Hovinds videos.
I have listened to many hours of Hovind. Either his knowledge of evolutionary biology is woeful or he is deceitful.
Unless you have read some science books on the topic it would be easy to fall for his sophistry.
.You should watch the videos you post before you post such damning information about your position.
Perhaps you should try reading my posts. Just above the video:
I stand corrected: Aaronra won't debate him either.
I have watched Aarona.
And you're still a creationist? Well then I won't discuss it with you any further. LOL
Atheist podcast wanted to debate Kent Hovind , the Drunken peasants the group on Atheist podcast asked Aron to represent them and he shxt his pants. The evidence is the video you posted here.
Why would Hovind or any reasonable logical scientific person want to be part of a debate in a manner that Aron described. Why would he want to be a side show and humiliated?
He would gladly debate them in a professional manner. But Aron tells you in the video he posted that he was against that.
That video is not good for your position against Hovind. You should watch and understand the videos you post before you post them.
Or should I say you should understand the videos. I cant help you there.
Maybe you are still evolving come back in another billion years than we can talk and understand each other.
If you don't post or understand the videos you post on behalf of your position. I have a hard time believing you watched all of Hovinds videos.
Every single video that Hovind ever made? I think I would commit suicide. Or genocide.
But I did suffer through the seven hour DVD series that came out some years before he was sent to jail for tax fraud, where he expounds the Hovind theory. The agony was excruciating.