Dear person from Wichita Kansas who decided to be a snitch.....

by pr_capone 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    May you spend 1 billion years singing "We thank you Jehovah" and "The Shulamite Maiden". You snitch.

  • pr_capone


    You are hysterical Refiners!!!!!!!!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • unclebruce
    When you discover who this asshole is, let's you and I go over to his house and I'll watch while you beat the snot out of him. Deal?


    geez, you're kinkier than i thought Francois! (that's a novel way to get jahs org clean :) unclebruce *** Hey snitch, you are shit, you know that don't ya!



    Pr_Capone/Eric etc., he was snitched on first.

    After he was snitched on; he came here to post what he did.

    Hope that makes sense, if will explain it better.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Yes PR. Wait until all the demonic and decadent influences in art and music are eradicated by Jehovah. Then your snitch mate can spend eternity looking at masterpieces of WT art in the worlds great museums. The radio will endlessly play Kingdom songs and all "classical" music will be along Biblical themes. Eveyone will work endlessly and smile while doing it. You couldnt condemn snitchy to a more dreadfull fate that that he so desperately desires and hopes after. Your snitch mate and his god deserve an eternity of each other.

  • Azalo

    man this is exactly why i dont post any personal info. although i wonder if my old congregation has made any announcements about me since it is common nowledge there that i joined the military although that was a few years after i left not only that congregation but the state altogether. ok i am rambling off the subject sorry

  • pr_capone


    By the way snitch... make sure you read and print off this other thread for your beloved elders!!!!!!!!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • pr_capone

    bttt - making sure they see it

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Valis

    pr...I know how irritating it is, but considering your recent enlistment, living your own life, hanging out w/us etc, it shouldn't matter much besides them being idiots. maybe this will just help you gain closure...let them do whatever they are going to do, just as they say, "be no part of that world"....When and if they contact you simply tell them you don't care, but if you were they, then perhaps they should be more concerned with one of their own that is most definitely spending way too much time browsing Apostate websites. Eheh..Turnabout is fair play.


    District Overbeer

  • DonnieDarko

    It's time for some closure, man! You did join the military and you are on an apostate site! What did you think would happen??? You should have removed yourself from the org a long time before all this. And now your bitter towards this person who turned you in? Were you planning on staying with the org just in case? I think it's time you put your association with this organisation to rest. The fact that you joined the military shows you have no desire to follow their particular religious doctrine.

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