Did You Care About The Royal Wedding?

by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phoebe

    I loved it! I loved Wills and Kate’s wedding, too. I think Harry and William are like a breath of fresh air in that stuffy ‘firm’ (they call the royal family the firm) Both of them have tried to live as normal life as possible. William flew mountain rescue helicopters where I live. It was not unusual for a rescued climber to find himself being flown to hospital by William.

    The wedding today was lovely and very different and I felt I was watching for the sheer pleasure and not with my old JW judgemental eyes.

  • freddo

    Actually - putting my mean head on - I can use this wedding service as a bit of ammunition because I know a few elders' wives got together to watch it. Service and all.

    So if I choose to watch Harry Potter or Saving Private Ryan or listen to some "music that debases" then I get counsel ...

    But sisters snooty and righteous can watch five different clergy share in giving a wedding service in a church the size of a cathedral with "worldly hymns" ?


  • DisArmed

    It always fascinates me. The whole monarchy with its rules, protocol and traditions. With all the rationale for it not to exist in the modern world it seems to have its place. It almost seems there is a need for some to have such an institution. Why keep it? I don’t know but I hope they do.

  • sparrowdown

    Royal wedding- God I even have trouble saying it.

    RW free zone for me coz it's all a bunch of BS fed to us by lamestream media plugging the global royal brand.

  • scratchme1010
    I don’t get it. Who really cares? In the USA, it’s such a huge newsworthy event.

    I don't get it either and I'm in the USA. I'm not related to them, and I wasn't invited. Couldn't care less.

  • AverageJoe1

    Loved the wedding as a Brit plus I loved the looks on the faces of the old school folks as Bishop Michael gave a GREAT wedding talk, way better than anything JW Broadcasting can produce.

    He said Jesus was the biggest revolutionary that ever lived as he preached God’s unconditional love for everyone, totally contrary to the Pharisees’ and WT’s teachings.

    As for American’s interest in it, why not? Meghan Mariel has done more for US-UK relations than that idiot Trump could ever do.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I didn't even think about their wedding. When I woke up this morning all there was on the news was the royal wedding. All I can say is the preacher from the US sure gave a great talk on love. I learned more from his presentation on love than anything I ever heard from the Borg. Still Totally ADD

  • GLTirebiter
    Given the opportunity to watch a English royal wedding, I choose to watch A Man for All Seasons instead.
  • zeb

    I did. I watched most of it. When it comes to spectacle the Brits do it so well-lots of practice down the generations- the weather was made to order and the crowds being Brits know how to behave at such an event.

    The camera/production was superb and to see the happy couple happy was a welcome change from the all too frequent headlines from the other end of human behaviour-and we could watch in the evening just after dinner. One advantage of being in Oz.

    My wife is from the uk and she would watch royal occasions but this time she was at her desk plugged into some wt video....such is the further influence..

  • steve2

    I stopped caring after they left me off the guest list. Ar*eholes! 🤬

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