My letter to Bethel about the flood

by Cornbread 85 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Alpeh please go and read some actual science books.

    There is no shame in ignorance, we all have to learn, but wilful ignorance is unforgivable.

  • Finkelstein

    The flood story was an endeavoring attempt to create power and relevance to the god the ancient Hebrews worshiped namely YHWH , it was a common practice for ancient civilizations to do so.

    Ancient mythology might be correctly defined as fictional lying with inherent intent..

  • LoveUniHateExams


    Good letter, it didn't sound confrontational to me.

    The people at Bethel will probably skim-read it for a minute or two and then throw it straight into the wastepaper bin. I doubt they'll bother to address your issues.

    As others have said, if you do get a reply, it'll be along the lines of "wait on Jehovah."

  • DarioKehl

    Setting: sometime in the next 30 days, when your phone rings.

    (brrrrrrINNNG... brrrrrINNNG...)

    Cornbread (C): "hello. This is cornbread."

    Local Elder (E): "oh! Uhhh... y-yes, cornbread... Hello. This is Haywood Jablomie from the Morningwood Congregation... how are you?"

    C: "...fine" (nerves begin rattling)

    E: "yes, very well... HEY, I'm just calling you in regard to something that was recently brought to the attention of the elder body here concerning a letter? you sent? to the society??? Would you know anything about that?"

    C: "yeah, I sent a letter to them."

    E: "oh, ok. Well... We wanted to maybe set up a time in the next day or two when we could meet with you to address some of the concerns you voiced in your letter. What evening this week would be best for you?"

  • Cornbread

    Haha, like I said I don't care who knows at this point. I've made my peace that I'm no longer a part of the organization. If they want to be petty and make it all official then so be it.

    As for Introvert 2's suggestion about the hydroplate theory, did you even read my letter? There's absolutely no trace of a global flood in the ice core record, among a myriad of other lines of evidence against the flood. Trying to prove the flood from a scientific point of view is impossible.

  • DarioKehl

    Setting: at the meeting with Haywood Jablomie and Holden McGoin after Cornbread entirely restates his dilemma in evidentiary findings that prove the flood account of Genesis impossible as described and interpreted by all religions including JWs---as were already well-presented in his ignored letter.

    E: "well, you know, Cornbread... The bible clearly warns us about satan's cunning traps--especially in these last days. The faithful and discreet slave have provided much finely prepared and timely spiritual food reminding us of this danger. The bible is not a science book (modest chuckle). And although it doesn't lay out the answers for everything observed in the natural world, these questions don't have anything to do with our salvation. We've been admonished time and time again to "put on the new personality" and to use "the sword, the shield and the breastplate or armor." Admitedly, that takes work. It's not easy (modest chuckle). But allowing Satan to creep in and work on those cracks in our shield of faith by developing a spirit of independant thinking can have bad consequences. Why--some have even allowed their runaway belief in science to cause them to (gasp) leave jeHOooovah's organization; yes, sadly, some young ones have even become... ATHEIST! While we're certainly not accusing YOU of that, you can surly see where your questions might be a concern for us. Tell us, cornbread, do YOU feel questioning such minutiae might be signs of developing and independent spirit?"

    C: (sits silently--cannot commit to answering either way. Blinks eyes. Thinks, "please get me out of this situation." Diarrhea churns)

    E2 (the other sidekick elder): "cornbread, we're here because we LOVE you and we want to see you in the new system. We're here to help. If you have issues reconciling doubts because of "apparent conflicts" found in the bible, jehovah has led the slave to commission US to help you; to help you reason your way back into the fold by cultivating faith."

    E: "we can certainly assist you with that, cornbread. Tell us: would you be agreeable to having a bible study once a week with one or two spiritually qualified men? The slave has really gone to great lengths recently to bring those who have drawn away BACK to jehovah. No one's going to judge you, pressure you or make unreasonable demands."

    E2: "you don't have to decide this instant (nervous chuckle). But think about it; give it serious, prayerful thought. In the meantime, we've pulled a few relevant articles from our new web site, JW dot org---you know we're online now, have you heard? Anyway, we selected some articles for you to consider. This one hear talks about the dangers of independant thinking, followed by a great article reminding us how "it does not belong to earthling man even to direct his step." I mean--pffff!---scientist? Who are THEY? Amiright??? (Laughs, nudges E. E joins in laughter) They're just imperfect men who can't even put one foot in the other without their Grand Creator! So would it not be foolish to put ALL your TRUST in EARTHLING MAN??? And then there's a great Awake article featuring a former biologist who learned the truth after YEARS of believing science. It's a very encouraging experience."

    C: "thanks."

    (dad looks on with hope and gives the elders a 'job well done' glance)

  • jwfacts
    Aleph that discussion is an embarrassment that shows how ignorant fundamentalists need to be to force reality into an impossible belief system. gives a brief summary to show how every single line of reasoning proves the flood of Genesis is impossible to be taken literally.

  • paladin1

    I researched this topic a few months back. The more you search the more you learn. There never was a global flood.

  • sir82

    I can virtually guarantee you won't get a reply.

    I'm pretty sure Bethel gets about 40 or 50 such letters every week, slightly varied but essentially the same, on any number of scientific topics that contradict the Bible.

    Bethel has become expert at ignoring letters they don't like.

    I'd bet your letter didn't last more than 15 seconds in anyone's hand before it hit the trash basket.

  • _Morpheus
    Oh dear Thor.... A thread that started off so well, with a sasync summary of the bibles flood lunacy, hijacked by ridiculous hydoplate theory. The clock is now running on how long until a flat earth post shows up...

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