Entire Ahmed alarm clock issue a smokescreen for Shariah law sneaking in the USA???

by EndofMysteries 64 Replies latest members politics

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @little Socrates

    I think you might still be overlooking the possibility that the teacher was concerned it might be a bomb part. As we've previously agreed, this scenario falls between the immediate threat of a live bomb and a dumb prank.

  • EndofMysteries

    I think Richard Dawkins is the first big public figure to speak out and claim Ahmed did a fraud, this might start making big news now haha.

    I think if Richard learns all the other parts and Admed's admission of it's suspicious nature and silence when being questioned by school and police he might change his mind on the being arrested part too.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I have to say, EoM, from Dawkins' tweets above, that I disagree with Dawkins.

    Police should investigate people with suspicious-looking devices, and should be encouraged to continue to do so.

    Screw political correctness - it is a hindrance in these types of situations.

    Edited to add: oops, sorry, I didn't read your last paragraph.

  • EndofMysteries

    NP, also looks like he did get more info and change on that

  • Mad Irishman
    Mad Irishman
    Turn Fox News off and smoke some good crack. It'll leave you with a much better feeling, because you're nuts if you believe this craziness.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    I've never seen Fox News in my life.

    'Mad Irishman', eh? No kidding

  • sir82

    I can't imagine living my life under such a heavy burden of near hysterical paranoia, as apparently many posters on this forum, and millions of Americans, do.

    Sharia law?

    Yes, of course, Sharia law will be imposed when we're all rounded up into the FEMA camps, after they've stolen all our shootin' irons.

  • JWdaughter

    If it looks like a bomb? Do you know how big a pencil box is, people? Its about the size of a kindle, smaller than an Ipad, about 2x5x8 INCHES

    That is like saying that a woman dressed provocatively should be arrested for prostitution, and relative to the size of the pencil case, all the provocation that woman would need would need to be short sleeves and a knee length skirt!

    Ahmed said it was a clock and it was a clock. It wasn't wired to fake plastique or dynamite and it wasn't strapped to his body.

    That sharia court thing is no different than voluntary arbitration. Having seen how poorly Islamic principles are applied as "law" in some countries would steer me clear of such a thing and I AM Muslim. I would accept Islamic divorce, but it would be supported by that of the state (think Catholics and annulment). I would also feel free in a legal divorce whether spouse agreed or not-because marriage is a legal contract.

  • JWdaughter

    Every lawyer will tell you NOT to talk to the police. There is a reason for that. As a Muslim, I would let a lawyer do my talking for me to the police, and because of my ex-husband and his shenanigans, that is something that I have indeed discussed with my lawyer. I have to go out of my way to NOT aggravate my situation with him simply because of my religion if I want my rights protected. Sick, but true. I can't push a damn thing because the minute he starts going off about his concerns because of my religion, while he lives in the most conservative town in the most conservative county of the state, I can't step a inch out of line or I am risking a lot. And I don't have the money or the energy to play games about exercising my "rights".

    I hope that kid does. And if you all think folks need to be het up about a box a quarter the size of a lunch box, then I'd suggest you stay out of any building or theater or area of many people-because people have suspicious crap all over. Your average KH has probably 30 bookbags and briefcases that could hold a really small bomb or even (gasp!) an alarm clock.

  • Simon
    If it looks like a bomb? Do you know how big a pencil box is, people? Its about the size of a kindle, smaller than an Ipad, about 2x5x8 INCHES

    Which I think most people agree, it does. I'll tell you what it looks absolutely nothing like - a clock. So does your argument prove it's not a clock too?

    And size doesn't matter ... well, not when it comes to bomb potential. Again though, it doesn't have to be a bomb to look suspicious. It's not going to look like an Acme bomb ... which ironically looks far more like a clock than Ahmed's clock does.

    That is like saying that a woman dressed provocatively should be arrested for prostitution, and relative to the size of the pencil case, all the provocation that woman would need would need to be short sleeves and a knee length skirt!

    Only in the sense that it's completely and utterly unlike that at all.

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